The following is issued on behalf of the Hospital Authority:
In response to the recent influenza situation in Hong Kong, the Hospital Authority (HA), in close collaboration with the Centre for Health Protection, has activated the enhanced monitoring system for severe influenza patients staying in the intensive care units of public hospitals. The HA spokesman today (February 10) announced that there were two newly confirmed Human Swine Influenza (HSI) cases requiring admission to intensive care, a 61-year-old female patient at Prince of Wales Hospital and a 18-year-old male patient at Queen Mary Hospital. They are now in critical and stable condition respectively. Both of them are under Tamiflu treatment while the 61-year-old female patient is also on ventilation support. The hospitals will continue to closely monitor their condition.
As at 2pm today, a total of 39 influenza patients were staying in the intensive care unit of public hospitals, including the above two newly confirmed HSI cases.
Ends/Thursday, February 10, 2011
Issued at HKT 19:13