The Census and Statistics Department (C&SD) releases today (September 8) a publication, entitled Hong Kong as a Knowledge-based Economy - A Statistical Perspective (2011 Edition). Through graphical presentations and succinct commentaries, the publication aims at portraying the development of Hong Kong towards a knowledge-based economy (KBE) from different perspectives.
An analytical framework encompassing a suite of statistical indicators grouped into the following four dimensions relating to KBE is adopted in this publication:
(a) Information and Communication Technology (ICT) - indicators to reflect the efficiency and effectiveness of knowledge and information distribution/application in the economy;
(b) Human Resources Development - indicators to reflect the quantity and quality of individuals equipped for access to and use of knowledge and information for further production/creation/distribution of knowledge and information in the economy;
(c) Innovation System - indicators to reflect the quantity, quality and rate of knowledge and information production/creation/application in the economy; and
(d) Business Environment - indicators to reflect how conducive the business environment is to the production/creation/distribution/application of knowledge and information in the economy.
Generally, Hong Kong positions well and has very good achievements on many of the general characteristics of a KBE. We have excellent ICT infrastructure and there has been a steady growing trend in adoption of information technology in the community. Our people are increasingly equipped in terms of knowledge and skills. Also, our favourable business environment provides business establishments with confidence; and innovation activities have been gaining momentum in recent years.
The C&SD has recently conducted a review on the printing arrangement of statistical publications and has decided that the print version of Hong Kong as a Knowledge based Economy - A Statistical Perspective will no longer be produced starting from this edition. Nevertheless, the publication is still available for downloading free of charge from the website of the C&SD (www.censtatd.gov.hk/products_and_services/products/publications/statistical_report/commerce_and_industry/index_cd_B1110009_dt_latest.jsp).
Enquiries about this publication can be directed to the Science and Technology Statistics Section of C&SD (Tel.: 2887 5138 or e-mail: stb1@censtatd.gov.hk).
Ends/Thursday, September 8, 2011
Issued at HKT 16:32