Musical rally helps rehabilitation of young offenders (with photo)

     During the "Musical Rally for the Community 2011" the scouts and guides of training centres under the Correctional Services Department (CSD) not only displayed their full potential but also demonstrated their determination to start afresh and reintegrate into society, said the Secretary for Security, Mr Ambrose S K Lee, at the opening ceremony of the event today (September 8).
     The musical rally, held by the CSD at Queen Elizabeth Stadium, aims to display the skills young inmates have learned at the scout and guide training centres as well as to show their determination to start afresh. The show also offers the community an insight into the inmates' determination to turn over a new leaf and, as a result, the community is more inclined to accept and support inmates' reintegration into society.

     Mr Lee said, "To facilitate the reintegration of rehabilitated persons into society, we cannot count solely on their determination to turn over a new leaf or the endeavours made by the Government. The acceptance and support from all sectors of the community are also of great importance."

     He called on all those who participated in the musical performance, especially the youngsters, to pass the message of supporting rehabilitated persons to their friends and schoolmates.

     Taking part in today's event were scouts and guides from the 221st Hong Kong Group for male inmates of Cape Collinson Correctional Institution, the 141st Island Ranger Guides Services Unit for female inmates of Lai King Correctional Institution and mentally handicapped young scouts from Hong Chi Lions Morninghill School. Students from Pentecostal Holiness Church Ling Kwong Bradbury Centre for the Blind also participated in the African drum performance. The performance showcased the abilities of the disabled persons and helped promote the message of an inclusive society.

     Other performers were from Ho Ngai College (Sponsored by Sik Sik Yuen), Pok Oi Hospital 80th Anniversary Tang Ying Hei College, Hong Kong Sea School as well as Ha Kwok Cheung Dragon and Lion Dance Team. Apart from band performances, programmes included dances, lion and dragon dances, drum performances and interactive games.

     Established on July 5, 1986, the 221st Hong Kong Group originally included inmates of the then Lai King Training Centre and Cape Collinson Correctional Institution. Its establishment marked the introduction of the scout movement into CSD's training centres. More than 3,000 inmates have joined the Group as scouts to date.

Ends/Thursday, September 8, 2011
Issued at HKT 17:45