The Police will implement special traffic arrangements in Causeway Bay, the Peak, Central and beach areas on Hong Kong Island from September 10 to 13 to facilitate the celebration of the Mid-autumn Festival.
Causeway Bay
I. Pedestrianisation
From 4pm on September 12 to 3am on September 13 and from noon to 11.59pm on September 13, pedestrianisation will be implemented on the following roads:
(a) Lockhart Road east of Cannon Street;
(b) East Point Road; and
(c) Great George Street west of Paterson Street.
II. Road Closures/Traffic Diversions
From 7pm on September 12 to 3am on September 13 and from 7pm to 11.59pm on September 13, the following roads will be closed to all vehicular traffic. They may also be closed from 7pm to 11.59pm on September 10 and 11 if necessary.
(a) Sugar Street;
(b) A section of Paterson Street between Kingston Street and Great George Street;
(c) A Section of inner Gloucester Road between the ramp leading from Causeway Bay Flyover and Causeway Road, except vehicles from Tai Hang Road Flyover heading for northbound Gloucester Road;
(d) Westbound Kingston Street between Gloucester Road and Paterson Street;
(e) Great George Street east of Paterson Street;
(f) Hing Fat Street will be closed intermittently, except franchised buses and green minibuses; and
(g) Vehicles from Causeway Bay Flyover heading for southbound Gloucester Road will be diverted to turn right onto inner westbound Gloucester Road.
The following road diversions will be implemented in connection with the above road closure.
(a) Traffic along southbound Paterson Street will be diverted to turn left onto eastbound Kingston Street;
(b) Traffic along Cleveland Street will not be allowed to turn right onto westbound Kingston Street; and
(c) Traffic along Gloucester Road and northbound Tai Hang Road Flyover will not be allowed to turn left onto westbound Kingston Street.
The following roads will be closed if situation warrants:
(a) A section of Cleveland Street between Gloucester Road and Kingston Street;
(b) A section of eastbound Kingston Street between Paterson Street and inner Gloucester Road; and
(c) A section of Paterson Street between Kingston Street and inner Gloucester Road.
III. Suspension of carparks and on-street metered parking spaces
(a) The Hing Fat Street public carpark, except disabled and motorcycle parking spaces, will be suspended from 5pm on September 12 to 3am on September 13; and
(b) Vehicle access to public carparks at Great George Street will be prohibited from 7pm on September 12 to 3am on September 13 and from 7pm to 11.59pm on September 13. The access may also be closed from 7pm to 11.59pm on September 10 and 11 if necessary.
IV. Suspension of taxi stands and public light bus stands
The following taxi stands will be suspended from 7pm on September 12 to 3am on September 13 and from 7pm to 11.59pm on September 13. The taxi stands may also be suspended from 7pm to 11.59pm on September 10 and 11 if situation warrants:
(a) The taxi stand at Paterson Street near Kingston Street; and
(b) The taxi stand at Electric Road near Park Tower.
The public light bus stands at Sugar Street and Paterson Street will be suspended from 7pm on September 12 to 3am on September 13 and from 7pm to 11.59pm on September 13. The public light bus stands may also be suspended from 7pm to 11.59pm on September 10 and 11 if situation warrants.
V. Other restrictions
Learner drivers will not be permitted to access the following roads from 7pm on September 12 to 3am on September 13 and from 7pm to 11.59pm on September 13. They may also not be permitted to access the roads from 7pm to 11.59pm on September 10 and 11 if situation warrants:
(a) Eastbound Leighton Road;
(b) Tin Lok Lane;
(c) Tung Lo Wan Road;
(d) Hing Fat Street;
(e) Electric Road between Wing Hing Street and Yacht Street;
(f) Northbound Morrison Hill Road;
(g) Hennessy Road east of Marsh Road;
(h) Tin Hau Temple Road between Fortress Hill Road and Causeway Road; and
(i) Causeway Road.
The Peak
I. Road Closures / Traffic Diversions / Suspension of Metered Parking Spaces
The following road closures, traffic diversions and suspension of metered parking spaces will be implemented from 4.30pm to 11pm on September 11; from 6pm on September 12 to 2.30am on September 13 and from 4.30pm to 11pm on September 13:
(a) All uphill traffic along Peak Road towards Harlech Road, Lugard Road and Mount Austin Road, except for local residents or with permits, will be diverted to downhill via the slip road beside the carpark entrance at the Peak Galleria;
(b) Only vehicles with permits will be allowed to enter Lugard Road and Harlech Road;
(c) Mount Austin Road will be accessible by residents only; and
(d) The metered and motorcycle parking spaces at Victoria Peak Garden and Mount Austin Road will be suspended.
I. Road Closures
The unnamed road from Garden Road leading to World Wild Fund for Nature will be closed except for taxis and franchised buses from 4.30pm to 11pm on September 11 and 13; and from 6pm on September 12 to 2.30am on September 13.
II. Suspension of on-street metered parking spaces
On-street metered parking spaces on the unnamed road from Garden Road leading to World Wild Fund for Nature will be suspended from 3pm to 11.30pm on September 11 and 13; and from 4pm on September 12 to 2.30am on September 13.
III. Relocation of taxi stand
The taxi stand on the unnamed road from Garden Road leading to World Wild Fund for Nature will be relocated to the lay-by of Garden Road from 4.30pm to 11pm on September 11 and 13; and from 6pm on September 12 to 2.30am on September 13.
IV. Set up of temporary taxi drop off point
A temporary taxi drop off point will be set up at the suspended on-street metered parking spaces on the unnamed road from Garden Road leading to World Wild Fund for Nature from 4.30pm to 11pm on September 11 and 13; and from 6pm on September 12 to 2.30am on September 13.
V. Relocation of bus stop
The bus stop at the northbound of unnamed road from Garden Road leading to World Wild Fund for Nature will be relocated to southbound of the unnamed road from 4.30pm to 11pm on September 11 and 13; and from 6pm on September 12 to 2.30am on September 13.
Beach areas
Depending on crowd and traffic situation, the following road closures/diversions may be implemented from September 10 to 13:
I. Road Closures
(a) Public light buses will be prohibited from entering Beach Road from Repulse Bay Road;
(b) South Bay Road south of South Bay Close will be closed if its carparks are full, except for residents and public transport;
(c) Stanley Beach Road will be closed if its carparks are full, except for residents and public transport;
(d) Wong Ma Kok Path will be closed when the public parking spaces there are full, except for residents;
(e) Big Wave Bay Road will be restricted for vehicles with closed road permit issued by Transport Department; and
(f) The road leading to Shek O Headland will be closed except for residents.
II. Road Diversions
(a) Vehicles on eastbound Repulse Bay Road will not be permitted to make a "U" turn at its junction with South Bay Road;
(b) Vehicles on Repulse Bay Road will be banned from entering The Repulse Bay carpark if it is full; and
(c) When the carparks on South Bay Road are full, vehicles at Beach Road except for residents on South Bay Road, will be diverted to northbound South Bay Road and leave the area.
III. Suspension of parking spaces and taxi stands
(a) Fifteen parking spaces of Shek O Beach public carpark will be suspended from 6am on September 11 to 6pm on September 13;
(b) The taxi stand on Repulse Bay Road opposite The Repulse Bay will be suspended from 4pm on September 12 to 6am on September 13 and from 4pm to 11.59pm on September 13;
(c) From 4pm on September 12 to 6am on September 13 and from 4pm to 11.59pm on September 13, all metered and motorcycle parking spaces on Island Road except disabled parking spaces will be suspended; and
(d) From 4pm on September 12 to 6am on September 13 and from 4pm to 11.59pm on September 13, all metered and motorcycle parking spaces on Beach Road will be suspended.
Police appeal to members of the public to exercise patience and to follow Police instructions at scene.
Police Report No. 4
Issued by PPRB
Ends/Thursday, September 8, 2011
Issued at HKT 12:20