Process Review Panel for SFC publishes annual report

     The Process Review Panel (PRP) for the Securities and Futures Commission (SFC) today (September 16) published its annual report covering the work of the PRP in 2010-11.

     The PRP Chairman, Mr Anthony Chow, said, "In 2010-11, the PRP reviewed 57 completed or discontinued cases of the SFC covering various areas of its work. The PRP found that the SFC has, in general, adhered to established internal procedures in its decisions and actions.

     "The PRP also made observations and recommendations to the SFC, which we believe would be conducive to the SFC's enhancement of procedures or guidelines in related areas. We are thankful to the SFC for its co-operation and support in facilitating the work of the PRP."

     The PRP welcomes views from market participants and the public on the work of the PRP. Members of the public are encouraged to send their views to the PRP by e-mail at

     The annual report and its executive summary have been uploaded onto the website of the Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau (

Ends/Friday, September 16, 2011
Issued at HKT 17:17