The Secretary for Home Affairs, Mr Tsang Tak-sing, will visit Moscow and St Petersburg from today (September 25) to September 29. During his visit, Mr Tsang will meet with Russian government officials to discuss areas of co-operation on culture and sports.
While in Moscow, Mr Tsang will meet with officials from various departments including the Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of Sports, Tourism and Youth Policy.
During his stay in St Petersburg, he will have a meeting with senior officials of the City Government and the Committee for Culture of the City Government.
In addition, upon the invitation of the St Petersburg University of Humanities and Social Sciences, Mr Tsang will give a guest lecture.
Mr Tsang will also visit major museums in the two cities and will conclude his visit to Russia on September 29.
Ends/Sunday, September 25, 2011
Issued at HKT 10:01