A semi-submersible work barge stranded off Heng Fa Chuen poses no immediate threat. Plans are now in place for the safe and timely removal of the vessel.
This was the message conveyed to representatives of the owners' corporation and property management company of Hang Fa Chuen at a meeting held at the Marine Department this morning (October 6) and a subsequent site visit this afternoon.
On both occasions, the representatives were briefed on the measures to secure the barge and to ensure the vessel did not pose any immediate threat to activities ashore.
The measures include the following: (1) the owner of the vessel has lowered the concrete conveying pipe of the vessel and then secured it with cables and an anchor; (2) the owner has laid additional anchors to stabilise the vessel and avoid any further damage; and (3) the moving parts of a crane have been dismantled.
The representatives were also told that it is the responsibility of the owner to remove the stranded barge. To this end, a meeting with the owner of the vessel was held on October 4 so as to formulate the removal plan.
The owner of the vessel reported that all six ballast tanks are bilged and damage to the vessel was substantial. In order that the salvage operation is undertaken in a safe and timely manner, the following salvage plan was agreed between the owner and the Marine Department: (1) the crane and the concrete conveying pipe of the vessel will be removed in the coming few days; (2) the salvage of the stranded work barge will be carried out in two phases, namely, the first phase to remove the concrete mixing vessel from the stranded barge during the high water in mid-October; and (3) the second phase to refloat and tow away the barge during the high water at the end of October.
A Marine Department spokesman said that, weather permitting, the whole operation would take about four weeks to complete.
To ensure safety, the Marine Department would continue monitoring the situation and the salvage operation to be conducted by the owner, added the spokesman.
Ends/Thursday, October 6, 2011
Issued at HKT 17:51