Following is a transcript of remarks by the Chief Secretary for Administration, Mr Stephen Lam, at a media session at Central Government Offices today (October 10):
Reporter: Two thousand people came out to protest your appointment as senior official. What do you think of this figure? What will you do to alleviate people's concerns about your appointment?
Chief Secretary for Administration: Firstly I would say that Hong Kong is a pluralistic society. In Hong Kong community it is entirely up to the members of the public and various political groups concerned to express their views freely. As a member of the Government I will always listen very closely, carefully, humbly to these views.
As Chief Secretary, it is for me to serve the public and the Hong Kong community wholeheartedly. I would also say that it is important for the HKSAR Government's political team to do their very best in serving Hong Kong people and our society. We have always focused on doing practical things for Hong Kong. The Policy Address will be announced within a matter of days and thereafter there will be a full range of economic, social and livelihood issues for me to help implement and co-ordinate.
In my capacity as Chief Secretary, I also chair the Community Care Fund. A few days ago I met with the convenors of various sub-committees, and for the time being we are already doing many practical measures to help look after our grass-roots sectors.
And finally, I would say that over the years, as the HKSAR Government, we have always banked on and tried to secure with our best endeavours cross-party support within the Legislative Council on matters concerning, say, the Budget, legislative amendments and constitutional development. And this cross-party support involves both pan-democratic and pro-establishment parties.
(Please also refer to the Chinese portion of the transcript.)
Ends/Monday, October 10, 2011
Issued at HKT 15:32