Colorectal Cancer Awareness Day at New Territories West Hospital cluster (with photos)

The following is issued on behalf of the Hospital Authority:

     Colorectal Cancer (CRC) is now the second most common cancer in Hong Kong. A recent research conducted by the Hospital Authority New Territories West Cluster (NTWC) revealed that public awareness for the prevention of CRC is still rather poor. The NTWC today (March 3) organised a health carnival, "Colorectal Cancer Awareness Day at New Territories West", at the piazza of Kingswood Ginza Plaza, Tin Shui Wai, to educate the public about prevention of CRC.

     The event was help by NTWC, sponsored by the Hong Kong Cancer Fund and co-organised by the Chinese University of Hong Kong Jockey Club Bowel Cancer Education Centre. A big colon model was displayed at the venue allowing visitors to have a three dimensional view of the colon. Through a variety of games booths, healthcare exhibitions and painting competition, members of the public from all walks of life learned more about the importance of early screening of CRC and other health tips about (1) high fibre diet (2) physical exercises for the prevention of obesity; (3) less red meat, pickled, smoked and spicy food to reduce fat assimilation; (4) avoid over consumption of alcohol and no smoke; (5) early CRC test and operation to remove colon polyps.

Ends/Saturday, March 3, 2012
Issued at HKT 18:58