Following is a question by the Hon Claudia Mo and a written reply by the Secretary for Transport and Housing, Professor Anthony Cheung Bing-leung, in the Legislative Council today (December 19):
Earlier on, some residents in Tai Kok Tsui found numerous cracks on the piles on the lower floors and the ground level of their buildings, and they suspected that these cracks were related to the boring works of the Hong Kong Section of Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong Express Rail Link (XRL), which were being carried out in the vicinity of their buildings. Some registered building surveyors have confirmed upon site inspections that the cracks on some of the piles of the buildings were formed recently because of the impact of external forces. The MTR Corporation Limited (MTRCL) is currently investigating whether the formation of the cracks is related to XRL works, and it will prepare survey reports in this regard. These residents have indicated that the cracks on the buildings have made them nervous and panic and they worry that there are problems with the structure of the buildings, which pose potential risks to life and property. In this connection, will the Government inform this Council:
(a) whether, prior to the commencement of XRL works, the Buildings Department, the Highways Department and other relevant government departments had assessed in detail the impact of XRL works on underground facilities and buildings on the ground; if they had, of the assessment outcome; if not, the reasons for that;
(b) whether it will request MTRCL to complete expeditiously and make public the survey reports for reference of and follow-up by the public; if it will, of the arrangements; if not, the reasons for that;
(c) of the total number of complaints received so far by the authorities and MTRCL about building structure being affected by XRL works as well as the contents of the complaints; and
(d) whether the authorities have any new measures to reduce in future the chance of recurrence of incidents of infrastructure works affecting the structural safety of buildings?
In January 2010, the Government entrusted the construction of the Hong Kong section of the Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong Express Rail Link (XRL) to the MTR Corporation Limited (MTRCL). The main tunnels along the urban sections of the XRL project are built with the use of tunnel boring machines (TBMs). The two TBMs for excavating the Mei Lai Road to Hoi Ting Road tunnel commenced operation in February and April 2012 respectively, drilling in the north and south directions from the junction of Sham Mong Road and Hing Wah Street West, Sham Shui Po. Operating beneath Sham Mong Road and under Fu Cheong Estate and Nam Cheong Estate, the south-bound TBM conducted tunnelling works in the Tai Kok Tsui (TKT) area smoothly between mid-September and mid-November 2012, and is on its way towards Yau Ma Tei.
My reply to the four parts of Hon Mo's question is as follows:
(a) The Government and the MTRCL attach great importance to the impact of the XRL project on the structural safety of nearby community facilities and buildings. At the design stage, the MTRCL had appointed qualified professionals to prepare the works plans and submitted such plans to the Government for vetting after conducting geological assessments and developing monitoring plans. The Highways Department and the Civil Engineering and Development Department, together with the other relevant departments, had scrutinised these plans with regard to building, structural and geotechnical works according to the requirements under the Buildings Ordinance and relevant legislation.
In addition, the MTRCL had carried out detailed pre-construction investigation on the geology at the tunnel site and its surroundings apart from thorough inspection of the relevant plans and records. The impact during construction on underground facilities and the buildings above the railway tunnel and in the vicinity had also been evaluated, including an assessment on the existing conditions of the buildings on the ground and the impact of the tunnelling works on their structural integrity, and from which the most prudent methodology for implementation and appropriate preventive procedures had been devised. Moreover, the MTRCL had separately appointed professionals to review the assessment results to ensure that all the works were in line with the best international practices currently in use. According to the assessment results, the tunnelling works would not affect the structural integrity of the buildings.
Prior to the commencement of the works, the MTRCL will, after obtaining the consent of relevant owners, conduct condition survey for the buildings near the railway alignment to record the existing conditions of the buildings and install sufficient monitoring points around the site boundary to monitor the impact of the tunnelling works on the overall structural integrity of the buildings in the neighbouring areas, with a view to ensuring safety and compliance of the works with the design and statutory requirements.
(b) During railway construction, upon receipt of reports from owners / occupiers on issues in their flats / buildings allegedly caused by the XRL works, the MTRCL will contact the owner/occupier concerned within one working day to arrange joint site inspection by the project team, staff of its contractors and the owner/occupier. During the inspection, the related conditions will be recorded and professional assessment conducted. To safeguard the interests of both parties, the case may be referred to an independent loss adjuster if necessary. After site inspection and examination of the case, the loss adjuster will conduct an assessment and the results of which will be provided to the owner / occupier and the MTRCL in writing.
Since September this year, the loss adjuster has been following up on the complaint cases raised by TKT residents who suspected that the cracks in their buildings might be caused by the XRL works. After site inspection and examination of various information, the loss adjuster found no evidence pointing to the XRL works as the cause for the formation of the cracks in the buildings concerned, and have been sending written replies to the relevant residents since late November 2012 on the findings of the assessment.
To further address the concerns of the residents over the structural safety of buildings, the MTRCL had appointed an independent professional registered structural engineer to inspect the cracks in the buildings concerned and their structural integrity. The structural engineer confirmed the overall structural safety of the buildings concerned and in late November 2012 provided the inspection report to the incorporated owners, which would inform the relevant owners of the results.
(c) As at December 10, 2012, the Government and the MTRCL received a total of 18 complaints about impact allegedly caused by the XRL works in the TKT area, concerning cracks found in buildings, structures, flats and shops or minor ground settlement. Thus far, investigation results showed no evidence pointing to the XRL works as the cause for the formation of the cracks in or settlement of the buildings concerned.
(d) The Railway Development Office of the Highways Department, the MTRCL and its contractors have been closely watching the monitoring data since the commencement of the XRL tunnelling works. The monitoring data collected in the TKT area by the MTRCL indicate that there is no abnormal ground settlement and confirm the overall structural safety of the buildings, structures and other facilities around the works areas. Construction safety remains the prime concern of the MTRCL. It will continue to keep a close watch over the monitoring data of the works together with its contractors.
Ends/Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Issued at HKT 12:00