Two reference frameworks on preventive care in primary care settings published today

     The Task Force on Conceptual Model and Preventive Protocols under the Working Group on Primary Care (WGPC) today (December 28) published the core documents of two reference frameworks, namely the "Hong Kong Reference Framework for Preventive Care for Older Adults in Primary Care Settings" and the "Hong Kong Reference Framework for Preventive Care for Children in Primary Care Settings".

     The reference frameworks aim at providing a common reference to health-care professionals in Hong Kong for the provision of comprehensive and evidence-based care for older adults and children in the community, empowering patients and their carers, and raising the public's awareness on the importance of health promotion and disease prevention.

     The WGPC, chaired by the Secretary for Food and Health, advises on strategic directions for the development of primary care in Hong Kong, which include developing primary care conceptual models and reference frameworks, setting up a Primary Care Directory to promote the family doctor concept, and devising feasible service delivery models to enhance primary services in the community. The Task Force was formed under the WGPC to develop models to enhance primary care and develop protocols on management of major diseases and preventive care based on the needs of different population groups.

     The reference frameworks have been developed based on extensive deliberations within the Task Force and a series of discussions with stakeholders. Drawing on international experience and the best evidence, the reference frameworks provide general reference for practice in primary care settings to support the policy of promoting primary care in Hong Kong.

     In 2011, the Task Force developed two reference frameworks on diabetes and hypertension, covering primary prevention and lifestyle changes, assessment of high-risk groups, early detection and management of disease and ensuring the quality of care for more complicated conditions or disabilities within the community.

     The core documents of the Reference Frameworks are available on the websites of the Food and Health Bureau ( and the Primary Care Office of the Department of Health (

Ends/Friday, December 28, 2012
Issued at HKT 15:22