Eighty-two inmates of Stanley Prison were presented with certificates at a ceremony today (January 9) in recognition of their efforts made in their continuous academic pursuit.
In 2012, a total of 97 inmates at Stanley Prison obtained 126 certificates in various academic courses and public examinations organised by the Open University of Hong Kong, the City and Guilds of London Institute and the London Chamber of Commerce and Industry International Qualifications.
Examinations passed covered a variety of subjects such as languages, English for business, business finance, business statistics, business calculations, bookkeeping and accounts.
Of the 82 inmates who received certificates today, two inmates who had attained Primary 6 and Secondary 5 education respectively before they were imprisoned were each awarded a Bachelor's Degree of Business Administration by the Open University of Hong Kong. To achieve their academic goals, they studied hard for some years to attain good results.
The 82 inmates awarded certificates today had passed 106 papers, and achieved 61 distinctions and credits and a total of 255 university credit points.
The Chairman of the Board of Directors of Yan Chai Hospital, Mr Edwin Cheng, said at the ceremony that he was deeply impressed the Correctional Services Department (CSD)'s commitment in its quality custodial and comprehensive rehabilitation work for the community. In collaboration with the department, Yan Chai Hospital established the Yan Chai MY Rehabilitation Foundation in 2011. The objective of the foundation is to help with the schooling of children aged below 18 of newly admitted inmates in terms of cash. More than 170 families have been assisted so far.
The CSD has long been providing a conducive environment to encourage inmates to participate in learning. To get rehabilitated offenders prepared for re-integrating into society, Stanley Prison provides courses for them to obtain work-related training and recognition. The department also helps inmates obtain work-related knowledge, skills and experience accreditation by applying through the Recognition of Prior Learning mechanism.
As part of its continuous efforts to rehabilitate offenders, the department encourages adult inmates to pursue studies after their work. Those who have financial difficulties may apply for subsidies.
Also taking part in the ceremony were inmates' families, representatives of community organisations and celebrities as well as the Commissioner of Correctional Services, Mr Sin Yat-kin.
Stanley Prison, established in 1937, is a maximum security institution. It accommodates 1,511 male adult prisoners.
Ends/Wednesday, January 9, 2013
Issued at HKT 19:32