Fortune Grand Asia Limited and its director were sentenced to a fine of $69,000 and 100 hours' community service order respectively at the Tsuen Wan Magistrates' Courts today (February 4) under the Employment Ordinance. The company was also ordered to clear the outstanding amount of about $450,000 to two employees via the court. The prosecution was taken out by the Labour Department.
The company failed to pay wages and wages in lieu of notice within seven days after the expiry of wage periods and termination of employment as well as the end of year payments within seven days after the date specified in the employment contract and termination of employment to two employees as required by the Ordinance. Furthermore, the company also failed to pay the awarded sum to the two employees within 14 days of the date of Labour Tribunal awards. The total amount involved was about $450,000.
The director was convicted for his consent, connivance or neglect in the wage offences and defaulting on payment of Labour Tribunal award offences.
Ends/Tuesday, February 4, 2014
Issued at HKT 18:08