CE meets President of the Government of the Republic of Macedonia (with photos)

     The Chief Executive, Mr C Y Leung, met the visiting President of the Government of the Republic of Macedonia, Mr Nikola Gruevski, at Government House this afternoon (July 3) to exchange views on issues of mutual concern.

     Mr Leung said that the total amount of bilateral trade between Hong Kong and Macedonia has been growing robustly in recent years. He pointed out that the business-friendly environment and quality infrastructure of Hong Kong offers an ideal gateway for foreign enterprises to access the market of the Mainland and across Asia.

     Mr Leung encouraged more Macedonian enterprises to set up businesses in Hong Kong and leverage on the close contacts of the city with the Mainland and the preferential measures under the Mainland and Hong Kong Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement to further explore the vast business opportunities of the Mainland market.

Ends/Thursday, July 3, 2014
Issued at HKT 17:31