Response to press enquiries on talent list

     In response to media enquiries on the talent list circulated on the Internet, a Government spokesman issued the following statement today (January 16):

     The list, which was circulated on the Internet and published in some of the newspapers, is not the talent list as referred to in the Policy Address as the Government has not started the study on feasibility of drawing up a talent list.

     In view of our present demographic situations and the challenges brought about by the demographic changes, the Steering Committee on Population Policy chaired by the Chief Secretary for Administration has formulated the population policy objectives. Among the measures to implement the population policy objectives, we will study the feasibility of drawing up a talent list.

     We will accord priority to nurturing local youths, and building the pool of talent through continuing education and training. At the same time, it is imperative for Hong Kong as a cosmopolitan city to recruit as many global talents as possible to join our community, especially those who are able to facilitate the development of emerging industries, with a view to broadening Hong Kong's economic base, and creating diversified job opportunities with promising prospects for the younger generation.

     The Government will study, having regard to overseas experiences, the feasibility of drawing up a talent list to attract high-quality talent from around the world in a more effective and focused manner to support Hong Kong's development into a high value-added and diversified economy. The Labour and Welfare Bureau is planning to start the work, together with other bureaux and departments, and will consult the relevant stakeholders at an appropriate time.

Ends/Friday, January 16, 2015
Issued at HKT 19:36