- Fatal traffic accident in Tsing Yi
- Eggs imported from Poland suspected to be contaminated with Salmonella
- Members of the public are reminded to stay alert to fraudulent phone calls purporting to be made by OFCA
- Man fined for illegal club operation
- Seventeen valid nominations received for HKADC Nomination Exercise
- Managers of unlicensed guesthouses fined
- Special traffic arrangements for Halloween at Lan Kwai Fong
- Consultation on measures to counter base erosion and profit shifting launched
- Hong Kong to commence automatic exchange of financial account information in tax matters with Japan and UK in 2018
- Fourteen immigration offenders arrested
- Number of overseas and Mainland companies with HK business operations continues to grow
- Labour Department holds media session on YETP micro-movie "Seize the Second" (with photos)
- Hong Kong and Macau environmental agreement signed (with photos)
- Effective Exchange Rate Index
- Surface mail services to Mexico discontinued
- Special traffic arrangements for race meeting in Happy Valley
- Land Registry releases Trading Fund Annual Report
- New District Officer for Wong Tai Sin assumes office (with photo)
- IFFO hosts first executive workshop on infrastructure financing and announces 13 new partners
- Woman holding charged with murder
- Speech by SEN at opening ceremony of 11th Eco Expo Asia (English only) (with photos)
- Red flag hoisted at Stanley Main Beach
- UK's Untied Artists to perform "The Boy Who Bit Picasso" for parents and children in December
- Missing woman in Sau Mau Ping located
- Hong Kong ranked world's fourth easiest place to do business