- London ETO continues to organise events in Nordic and Baltic countries to mark HKSAR 20th anniversary (with photos)
- Speech by SFST at gala dinner organised by Singapore ETO in celebration of 20th Anniversary of the establishment of HKSAR (English only) (with photo)
- SFST visits Singapore to foster closer ties (with photos)
- CHP investigates case of probable botulism
- Speech by SCED at Trade and Investment Session of OECD MCM in Paris (English only)
- Appeal for information on missing man in Ngau Tau Kok (with photo)
- Hong Kong supports free trade and multilateral trading system (with photos)
- Hong Kong signs agreement with Ireland on automatic exchange of financial account information in tax matters
- Hong Kong signs air services amendment agreement with Israel (with photos)
- Seventeen immigration offenders arrested
- Cluster of Rhinovirus cases in Siu Lam Hospital
- HAD to open temporary night heat shelters
- SALTO Systems opens Hong Kong office (with photo)
- Treat Customers Fairly Charter for Private Wealth Management Industry adopted
- Ping Shan Tin Shui Wai Swimming Pool temporarily closed
- Effective Exchange Rate Index
- LegCo Public Accounts Committee to hold public hearing tomorrow
- Goods vehicles safety enforcement operation starts
- Hong Kong bans import of poultry meat and products from Indre Department of France
- Ombudsman probes Government's regulation of proprietary Chinese medicine (with photo)
- CHP reminds public on precautions against heat stroke during very hot weather
- Assess the risk of heat stroke to employees
- Very Hot Weather Warning issued