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LCQ20: Studies and consultations on tourism development projects
     Following is a question by the Hon Holden Chow and a written reply by the Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development, Mr Edward Yau, in the Legislative Council today (October 18):


     In the first few years after its establishment in 1999, the Tourism Commission (TC) commenced studies and consultations on a number of tourism development projects.  Owing to various reasons, quite a number of such projects have now been shelved (e.g. the fisherman's wharf in Aberdeen) or have not made any progress so far (e.g. the development of spa and resort facilities).  Since 2009, TC has not published any feasibility study report, consultation document or consultancy report relating to tourism development projects.  In this connection, will the Government inform this Council:

(1) of the number of tourism development projects on which TC has conducted public consultations and commissioned consultancy studies since its establishment, and set out in a table by year the outcome of the studies/consultations on the various projects;
(2) whether TC has conducted any consultancy study on new tourism development projects since 2009; if so, of the details; if not, the reasons for that; and
(3) whether any study on the development of new tourist attractions and facilities is currently underway; if so, of the details?



     The Government all along maintains a comprehensive plan in promoting tourism development in Hong Kong.  We have formulated various short, medium and long-term goals in the development of new attractions and the enhancement of the hardware and software of tourism facilities with a view to enhancing our competitive strength as well as instilling new momentum into Hong Kong's tourism industry.  In planning new projects for tourism development, we may commission consultancy studies where appropriate to examine the feasibility of the projects, (e.g. proposed tourism development projects involving large-scale infrastructures or complicated issues) and carry out public consultation on the findings of the studies as necessary.
     A consolidated reply to the questions raised by Hon Holden Chow is as follows:
(1) and (2) The Tourism Commission (TC) has conducted public consultation and commissioned consultancy studies on a number of tourism development projects since its establishment in 1999.  The outcome of studies/consultations are detailed below:
  Year Title of the Study /  
Outcome of the Study / Consultation
   1. 1999 Consultancy Study on the Provision of Additional Convention and Exhibition Facilities in Hong Kong
The consultant recommended that an additional centre with a floor area of approximately 51 000 square metres to be developed for multi-purposes by 2005-2006, primarily for exhibitions use, and Chek Lap Kok would be the most suitable location.
The findings were presented to the Services Promotion Strategy Group chaired by the Financial Secretary.
    2. 1999
Consultancy services on the financial arrangement for the development and operation of the Hong Kong Disneyland The Government had made reference to the outcome of the study when considering the financial arrangements for the development and operation of the Hong Kong Disneyland Resort.  The financial arrangements of the development and operation of the Hong Kong Disneyland Resort were approved by the Finance Committee of the Legislative Council in November 1999.
    3. 2000 MTR Corporation's Tung Chung Cable Car Feasibility Study Report  The study concluded that the Project was feasible in both technical and financial terms and would bring about socio-economic benefits to Hong Kong.  The Ngong Ping Cable Car has been in operation since September 2006.
The Government had consulted the Legislative Council Panel on Economic Services, the Islands District Council, Country and Marine Parks Board, Advisory Council on the Environment, etc.  They generally supported the development of cable car system.
    4. 2002 Provision of Consultancy Service on a Lighting Plan for the Victoria Harbour of Hong Kong
The study recommended the launching of a permanent lighting show on Hong Kong Island and identified 21 private buildings and 12 Government buildings for further consideration of a lighting proposal.
In light of the findings, "A Symphony of Lights" has been staged since January 2004.
   5. 2002 The Wisdom Path (formerly known as the Heart Sutra Inscription) The Government set up a Project Steering Committee to conduct studies on this project. The Committee decided to erect the wood inscription at the foot of Lantau Peak near Ngong Ping of Lantau Island.  The Project was launched in May 2005.
The Government had conducted various consultation activities for the Project through press conference, exhibition, communication with Islands District Council, Town Planning Board and environmental groups, etc.  The Project was supported by the stakeholders in general.
   6. 2003 Study Report: Development of Tourism in the Northern New Territories of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
The study identified those clusters with the highest tourism potential and outlined a series of prioritised actions for them.
A consultative document, Consultation on the Northern New Territories Green Tourism Development Programme - Analysis Report was issued in 2005.  Tung Ping Chau was considered too ecologically sensitive for any form of active development while the pilot project in providing and enhancing the basic facilities in Plover Cove and Tolo Channel area was generally supported.  The related works were completed.
   7. 2005
Consultancy Study on the Development of New Tourism Infrastructure – Spa and Resort Facilities The study concluded that market demand would be the driving force for such development.  It would be up to the private sector whether they wish to pursue the development of a five-star spa resort on Lantau.  The Government should only play a facilitating role.
A workshop on the study subject was held on April 7, 2005 by TC to gauge the public and the trade's views on the subject matter.  This was followed by the public consultation up to May 2005.  We have uploaded the final report onto the TC's website for public reference.
   8. 2005
Appointment of financial adviser for assessment of the financial aspect of the Master Redevelopment Plan of the Ocean Park Corporation The Government made reference to the results of the consultancy study when examining the Master Redevelopment Plan of the Ocean Park Corporation.
   9. 2005 Consultancy on cruise terminal facilities development for
Hong Kong (Phase 1)
The study aimed to identify and provide updates on the market demand and requirements for developing new cruise terminal facilities in Hong Kong. The Government had made reference to the consultancy report when designing the cruise terminal facilities.
   10. 2007 Lei Yue Mun Waterfront Enhancement Project
We consulted Kwun Tong District Council (KTDC) on its conceptual framework and design in 2005 and 2007 respectively. Members of the KTDC generally supported the Project.
We are working on the required statutory procedures for gazettal of the project works under the Foreshore and Seabed (Reclamations) Ordinance. 
   11. 2007 Consultancy on cruise terminal facilities development for
Hong Kong (Phase 2)
Phase 2 of the study covered different aspects relevant to the development of new cruise terminal facilities in Hong Kong, such as operation, management and maintenance issues. The Government had made reference to the study report in preparing the documents for inviting open tender for the new cruise terminal at Kai Tak.
   12. 2007
Consultancy on Development of a Conceptual Design for the Aberdeen Tourism Project The Consultant conducted the study and completed the conceptual design of the Project.
TC consulted Southern District Council on the proposed conceptual design in 2007.  Members supported the development of both sides of the Aberdeen harbour under the theme of "Fisherman's Wharf".  After making reference to the outcome of the study, TC appointed a business consultant to assess the business potential and financial viability of the conceptual plan of the Project (For details, please refer to item (15)).
   13. 2008 Public Engagement on the Proposed Development of a Piazza in Tsim Sha Tsui
The exercise aimed to collect views on the proposed development of a piazza in Tsui Sha Tsui.
In view of the considerable technical difficulties and strong public aspirations for preserving the existing level of bus services, the Government decided not to pursue the piazza project in 2012.
   14. 2009 To provide initial advice on the long-term financial arrangement for the Hong Kong Disneyland project The Government made reference to the outcome of the study when considering the financial arrangements for the three new themed areas expansion plan.  The financial arrangements of the three new themed areas expansion plan were approved by the Finance Committee of the Legislative Council in July 2009.
   15. 2009
Business Consultancy Services for Assessment of the Conceptual Design and Related Matters in Connection with the Aberdeen Tourism Project The study report revealed that the original conceptual design based on the "Fisherman's Wharf" concept was only marginally viable.  It would be unlikely to attract private sector participation.  At the same time, the proposal might not be compatible with the theme of a traditional fishermen's village.
TC briefed the Legislative Council Panel on Economic Development and the Southern District Council on the consultancy results of the Aberdeen Tourism Project in 2009.
   16. 2009 Manpower Survey for the Meetings, Incentive Travels, Conventions and Exhibitions (MICE) and Cruise Tourism Sectors
The findings of the survey suggested that there would not be any significant surplus or shortfall in the manpower supply of the MICE tourism sector in the following five years. The consultant suggested that hospitality training, venue management, event marketing and internship programmes, etc. on which we might focus to make training courses better meet the needs of the sector.  For the cruise sector, the findings of the study indicated demand for people with knowledge and skills on cruise tourism.
TC had reported the findings to the Steering Committee on MICE and the Advisory Committee on Cruise Industry.
   17. 2010 Consultancy study for developing user requirements and related matters on operation and ancillary facilities in the New Cruise Terminal at Kai Tak for project implementation under the Government Design, Build and Lease Approach To study and develop technical requirements and related matters in respect of the operation and ancillary facilities for the new cruise terminal.  The Government had made reference to the study report in arranging the related matters.
   18. 2011 Public consultation on "Review of the Operation and Regulatory Framework of the Tourism Sector in Hong Kong"
Having carefully considered the comments received, the Government announced in December 2011 that a statutory body called the Travel Industry Authority would be set up to regulate travel agents, tourist guides and tour escorts in a holistic manner.
   19. 2013 Consultancy study on developing the area adjacent to the Aberdeen Wholesale Fish Market into dining and tourist related facilities
According to the results of the analysis by the consultant, this project lacked certain elements that could make it a successful tourist attraction.  Since the scale of the project was relatively small, from the tourism perspective, the variety of options that could be offered was limited.
TC reported the findings of the consultancy study to the Community Affairs and Tourism Development Committee under the Southern District Council in January 2013 and the relevant document was provided to the Legislative Council Panel on Economic Development for Members' reference in September 2013.
   20. 2014
Appointment of financial consultant for assessment of proposals and related matters in connection with the Tai Shue Wan redevelopment at Ocean Park The Government made reference to the results of the consultancy study when examining the Tai Shue Wan redevelopment.
   21. 2014 Consultancy services on the financial arrangement for the third hotel development at the Hong Kong Disneyland The Government had made reference to the outcome of the study when considering the financial arrangements for the third hotel development of the Hong Kong Disneyland Resort.  The financial arrangements of the third hotel development were approved by the Finance Committee of the Legislative Council in July 2014.
   22. 2014 Consultancy study to identify suitable international mega events to be introduced into Hong Kong under the Mega Events Fund's Tier-1 system The Government and the Mega Events Fund (MEF) Assessment Committee had made reference to the recommendations made by the consultant when taking forward the MEF Tier-1 scheme.
   23. 2016
Appointment of financial consultant to assess the revised funding proposals in connection with the Tai Shue Wan Development Project of the Ocean Park Corporation The Government made reference to the results of the consultancy study when examining the revised funding proposals in connection with the Tai Shue Wan Development Project of the Ocean Park Corporation.
   24. 2016 Appointment of Consultant for Review of "A Symphony of Lights" The study indicated that the stakeholders inclined to have an updated show and they also provided some recommendations in this regard.
The revamped "A Symphony of Lights" would be launched in December 2017.
   25. Commenced in 2015 (under final compilation) Financial Consultancy on the Phase 2 development of the Hong Kong Disneyland Resort The Government had made reference to the outcome of the study when considering the overall development of the Hong Kong Disneyland Resort (including the expansion and development plan announced in 2016).  The financial arrangements of the expansion and development plan were approved by the Finance Committee of the Legislative Council in May 2017.
(3) As stated in the "Chief Executive's 2017 Policy Address", the current-term Government has formulated a Tourism Development Blueprint setting out a clear vision and mission for the tourism industry with four development strategies, 13 implementation goals and 72 initiatives.  TC will nurture and develop tourism products and initiatives with local and international characteristics, including cultural tourism, heritage tourism, green tourism and creative tourism; and consolidate and enhance Hong Kong's status as a travel destination for MICE tourism, regional cruise hub, and Event Capital of Asia, etc.  TC is now actively implementing the above-mentioned initiatives.
Ends/Wednesday, October 18, 2017
Issued at HKT 14:35
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