- HKSAR Government thanks President for making important instructions on issues raised by HK academicians of Chinese Academy of Sciences and Chinese Academy of Engineering
- CE visits Thailand (with photos/video)
- Fatal traffic accident in Kwai Chung
- Woman convicted for practice of Chinese medicine without registration and possession of unregistered proprietary Chinese medicine
- Call for public to stop consuming porcini mushrooms suspected to contain mixture of species including inedible or poisonous mushrooms
- LegCo to debate motion under Rule 49B(1A) of the Rules of Procedure
- CHP investigates case of food poisoning
- Hong Kong team achieves outstanding results at Asian Physics Olympiad (with photo)
- Seminar promotes water sport safety (with photos)
- Speech by CE at opening of Ministerial Segment of 74th Session of United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific in Bangkok (English only) (with video)
- Fresh beef sample found to contain sulphur dioxide
- SCMA to visit Guangzhou
- SED commends Qualifications Framework partners (with photos)
- Statistics Advisory Board discusses developments of official statistics work
- Analytical Accounts of the Exchange Fund
- Hong Kong Commissioner to US commends HK Volvo Ocean Race team at warm welcome in Newport, US (with photos)
- Effective Exchange Rate Index
- Update on cases of Legionnaires' disease
- Five illegal workers jailed
- Chinese Opera Festival to stage Xinchang Diaoqiang and Ninghai Pingdiao operas
- CCF to hold public consultation session on Saturday
- Fraudulent website and phishing e-mail related to DBS Bank (Hong Kong) Limited
- Fraudulent website and phishing e-mail related to Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited
- Property owner fined over $180,000 for persistently not complying with removal orders
- The 2018 Rural Representative Election voter registration campaign starts
- Local pianist Wong Wai-yin to give recital in June
- Speech by Acting CE at 71st Chartered Financial Analyst Institute Annual Conference (English only)
- Hongkong Post announces sale of Mainland, Macao and overseas philatelic products (with photos)
- Three men and one woman holding charged with conspiracy to murder