- EPD responds to media enquiries on glass bottle recycling
- HKSAR Government responds to UK report
- LC Urgent Q3: Immediate measures to prevent measles epidemic from spreading
- LC Urgent Q2: Immediately providing measles vaccination for persons with weaker immunity
- Mastermind and member of smuggling syndicate jailed for conspiracy to smuggle
- Traveller jailed for smuggling dried seahorses (with photos)
- Cluster of Influenza A cases in Kwai Chung Hospital
- Hong Kong Children's Hospital commences inpatient services (with photos)
- LC Urgent Q1: Tackling the outbreak of measles epidemic
- Update on measles cases
- Missing man in Western District located
- LCQ3: Proposed amendments to Fugitive Offenders Ordinance and Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters Ordinance
- Operators and manager of unlicensed guesthouses fined
- Tseung Kwan O Swimming Pool temporarily closed
- Details of second cycle of Territory-wide Identity Card Replacement Exercise
- LCQ6: Regulating franchising-related business practices
- Tender awarded for site in Kai Tak
- Granting of virtual banking licences
- HKETONY promotes Hong Kong films in Chicago (with photos)
- LCQ1: Defaults on payments owed to the Government and public organisations
- LCQ19: Preventing wild animals from causing injuries and nuisances to residents
- "Music and Humanities in Bach's Passion" appreciation talks to be held in May
- Effective Exchange Rate Index
- LCQ14: Regulating the sale of first-hand private residential properties
- LCQ9: Construction records of public works projects
- LCQ5: Representativeness and operation of Rural Committees
- LCQ4: Mental health services
- Study Subsidy Scheme for Designated Professions/Sectors expanded to sub-degree programmes from 2019/20 cohort
- LCQ2: Under Secretaries and Political Assistants
- LCQ17: Importation of labour
- LCQ7: Handling of complaints by Medical Council of Hong Kong
- LCQ22: Car parks owned or sold by Link Real Estate Investment Trust
- SEN to visit Macao tomorrow
- LCQ11: Medical and nursing manpower
- LCQ16: Records and materials on housing policy
- LCQ15: Development plans for three squatter areas in Kowloon East
- LCQ10: Future plan for the General Post Office Building in Central
- Hong Kong Customs seizes suspected cannabis buds (with photo)
- LCQ13: Trading of animal fur products
- LCQ8: New delivery arrangement for mail items
- LCQ20: Measures to cope with the demand for public hospital services
- LCQ18: Regulation of the use of animals to solicit business
- LCQ21: Non-liability for payment, remission and refund of stamp duty
- Offer of spectrum assignments in 26 GHz and 28 GHz bands for provision of 5G services
- LCQ12: Soccer pitches under the Leisure and Cultural Services Department
- Illegal worker jailed
- Local pianist Jacqueline Leung to give recital in August
- Young guzheng artist Chan Tin-chi to perform in July
- Canzone Trio to perform in May
- Gazettal of subsidiary legislation on Insurance Authority's collection of new user fees
- Key statistics on service demand of A&E Departments and occupancy rates in public hospitals
- Agenda of today's LegCo meeting revised
- Special traffic arrangements for race meeting in Happy Valley
- Red flags hoisted at some beaches