Crowd safety management measures and special traffic arrangements on Hong Kong Island
Police will implement crowd safety management measures and special traffic arrangements to facilitate three public order events to be held on Hong Kong Island tomorrow (July 21).
(1) Public procession to Central Government Offices
A. Road closure
The following roads will be intermittently closed from 10.30am until the crowd has dispersed and traffic resumes normal:
1. Westbound Hennessy Road;
2. Queensway;
3. Rodney Street;
4. If necessary, Harcourt Road; and
5. If necessary, northbound Tim Mei Avenue.
If necessary, southbound Rodney Street between Harcourt Road and Queensway will be closed from 11am until the crowd has dispersed and traffic resumes normal.
B. Traffic diversions
In connection with the above road closures, the following traffic diversions will be implemented:
1. Traffic from United Centre bus terminus must turn left to westbound Drake Street;
2. Traffic along northbound Justice Drive must turn left to westbound Queensway; and
3. If necessary, traffic along westbound Harcourt Road near the exit of Harcourt Garden car park will be diverted to westbound Harcourt Road flyover.
During the road closure period, vehicles may not be allowed to enter or leave car parks on the closed roads.
(2) Public procession to Western District
A. Road closure
The following roads will be intermittently closed from 11.30am until the crowd has dispersed and traffic resumes normal:
1. Tin Chiu Street;
2. Marble Road;
3. Kam Hong Street;
4. Westbound King’s Road;
5. Westbound Causeway Road;
6. Irving Street;
7. Pennington Street;
8. Westbound Yee Wo Street;
9. Jardine’s Bazaar;
10. Westbound Hennessy Road;
11. Westbound Queensway;
12. Westbound Queen’s Road Central;
13. Westbound Queen’s Road West; and
14. Chiu Kwong Street.
The following roads will be closed from about 12.30pm until the crowd has dispersed and traffic resumes normal:
1. Westbound Yee Wo Street between Pennington Street and Hennessy Road;
2. Northbound Wyndham Street between Wellington Street and Queen’s Road Central, except for vehicles heading for On Lan Street car park; and
3. Northbound Cochrane Street between Stanley Street and Queen’s Road Central.
B. Traffic diversions
The following traffic diversions will be implemented from about 12.30pm until the crowd has dispersed and traffic resumes normal:
1. Traffic along northbound Wyndham Street must turn left to westbound Wellington Street, except for vehicles heading for On Lan Street car park; and
2. Traffic along westbound Stanley Street must turn left to southbound Cochrane Street.
C. Suspension of parking spaces
Metered parking spaces No. 3040(A), 3040(B), 3041(A) and 3041(B) at Marble Road will be suspended from 10pm on July 20 to 6pm the following day.
During the road closure period, vehicles may not be allowed to enter or leave car parks on the closed roads.
(3) Public meeting at Victoria Park and public procession to Wan Chai
Crowd safety management measures
The public event consists of two parts, namely a public meeting at football pitches 1 to 6 and Central Lawn of the Victoria Park followed by a public procession heading to Wan Chai.
The public meeting at football pitches 1 to 6 and Central Lawn of the Victoria Park will commence at 3pm and the subsequent public procession will start at 3.30pm. The public procession will set off to the junction of northbound Luard Road and Johnston Road, via Gate 15 and 16 of the park, Causeway Road, Leighton Road, Irving Street, Pennington Street, Yee Wo Street and Hennessy Road.
A. Arrangements for public meeting at Victoria Park
Members of the public participating in the public meeting are encouraged to use public transport to go to the park and enter the football pitches from the west via Gate 6 and 7 (near Sugar Street and Great George Street); or from the east via Gate 14 (Hing Fat Street near Lau Sin Street).
Participants who wish to enter the park are advised to go to football pitches Nos. 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 and 1 in sequence to await the start of the procession. When the six football pitches are fully packed with participants, latecomers for the event may gather at the Central Lawn to await setting off the procession. To ensure that the participants of the public meeting enter the park and set off the subsequent procession sequentially, the organiser and their marshals will implement crowd safety management measure thereat (see diagrams 1 and 2).
Police and the organiser will adopt a principle of “First come, First go” in order to ensure the procession can set off from the park orderly and in sequence.
The procession will set off at 3.30pm or when the participants have occupied about 85 per cent of the six football pitches, whichever is earlier.
B. Arrangements for public procession
The procession will proceed along the westbound carriageway of the procession route and the eastbound and westbound tram lanes along Yee Wo Street and Hennessy Road. The eastbound carriageway will be reserved as emergency vehicles access and used by other road users. Police will make decision on the opening of traffic lanes according to the prevailing condition.
The crossing zones outside SOGO Department Store and Paterson Street will be suspended during the procession. Past experience has shown that many procession participants jammed in the procession at these two points, causing obstructions and delay to the main procession from the park. Moreover, it will also affect the traffic at the eastbound carriageway and its function as emergency vehicles access, posing serious risks to public safety and public order. Procession participants are requested not to jam in at these two points. People who intend to cross Yee Wo Street can use the subway of MTR, Sugar Street footbridge and Percival Street footbridge.
After arriving in Wan Chai, participants should pay attention to the announcements made by the organiser and follow the instructions given by the Police or event marshals for a safe departure.
To maintain public safety and public order, Police imposed several conditions to the organiser. The conditions include directing the finishing point of the public procession, and requesting the organiser to appeal to the participants taking part in fund-raising, hawking or any other propaganda activities to ensure that their stalls or temporarily-erected structures would not cause obstructions to the public procession or endanger the safety of the public procession participants or other road users.
For the conditions regarding the finishing point of the public procession, the Appeal Board on Public Meetings and Processions confirmed those conditions today (July 20). Police wish the organiser would respect the ruling, comply with the conditions imposed on the Letter of No Objection and endeavour to assist Police to ensure that the event will be conducted in a safe manner.
Members of the public going to Wan Chai, Causeway Bay and Tin Hau are encouraged to use public transport. They should pay attention to the temporary signage displayed on site and follow the instructions given by Police officers or event marshals.
It is the policy of the Police to facilitate all lawful public order events and it will take measures to ensure public safety and public order. Police wish to co-operate closely with the organiser to facilitate a safe and orderly public event.
Police appeal to the event participants to remain calm, be considerate and co-operative, as well as to express their views in a peaceful and rational manner.
Special traffic arrangements
A. Road closure
The following roads will be closed from 2pm until the crowd has dispersed and traffic resumes normal:
1. Gloucester Road U-turn slip road between southbound and northbound Gloucester Road underneath Tai Hang Road flyover;
2. Sugar Street;
3. Southbound Gloucester Road between Victoria Park Road flyover and Causeway Road;
4. If necessary, Great George Street;
5. If necessary, Paterson Street between Gloucester Road and Great George Street;
6. If necessary, Kingston Street;
7. If necessary, Cleveland Street;
8. If necessary, Cannon Street;
9. If necessary, Lockhart Road east of Percival Street; and
10. If necessary, Jaffe Road east of Percival Street.
The following roads will be closed from 2.15pm until the crowd has dispersed and traffic resumes normal:
1. Jardine's Bazaar;
2. Tang Lung Street;
3. Yun Ping Road between Lan Fong Road and Kai Chiu Road;
4. Canal Road East between Russell Street and Hennessy Road;
5. Canal Road West between Sharp Street West and Hennessy Road;
6. Wan Chai Road between Canal Road West and Morrison Hill Road; and
7. Bowrington Road between Sharp Street West and Hennessy Road.
The following roads will be closed from 2.30pm until the crowd has dispersed and traffic resumes normal:
1. Westbound Causeway Road;
2. Moreton Terrace;
3. Shelter Street;
4. Eastbound Yee Wo Street slip road leading to westbound Causeway Road;
5. Irving Street;
6. Pennington Street between Keswick Street and Yee Wo Street;
7. Westbound Yee Wo Street;
8. Westbound Hennessy Road;
9. Lee Garden Road between Kai Chiu Road and Hennessy Road;
10. Kai Chiu Road;
11. Eastbound Johnston Road slip road leading to westbound Hennessy Road;
12. Thomson Road between Johnston Road and Luard Road;
13. Luard Road between Johnston Road and Hennessy Road;
14. Fenwick Street between Hennessy Road and Johnston Road;
15. If necessary, eastbound Causeway Road;
16. If necessary, westbound Leighton Road slip road leading to Pennington Street;
17. If necessary, eastbound Yee Wo Street;
18. If necessary, eastbound Hennessy Road;
19. If necessary, Lockhart Road between Percival Street and Arsenal Street;
20. If necessary, Jaffe Road between Percival Street and Arsenal Street;
21. If necessary, Gloucester Road service road between Percival Street and Arsenal Street;
22. If necessary, Canal Road West between Gloucester Road and Hennessy Road;
23. If necessary, Canal Road East between Gloucester Road and Hennessy Road;
24. If necessary, Percival Street between Hennessy Road and Russell Street;
25. If necessary, Percival Street between Lockhart Road and Hennessy Road;
26. If necessary, southbound Canal Road East between Lockhart Road and Hennessy Road;
27. If necessary, Tin Lok Lane between Hennessy Road and Wan Chai Road;
28. If necessary, Marsh Road between Gloucester Road and Hennessy Road;
29. If necessary, Marsh Road flyover;
30. If necessary, Tonnochy Road between Gloucester Road and Hennessy Road;
31. If necessary, southbound Stewart Road between Lockhart Road and Hennessy Road;
32. If necessary, southbound Stewart Road between Gloucester Road and Hennessy Road;
33. If necessary, southbound Fleming Road between Lockhart Road and Hennessy Road;
34. If necessary, Fleming Road between Gloucester Road and Hennessy Road;
35. If necessary, Fleming Road flyover;
36. If necessary, northbound Fleming Road between Johnston Road and Hennessy Road;
37. If necessary, Thomson Road between O’Brien Road and Fleming Road;
38. If necessary, O’Brien Road between Lockhart Road and Gloucester Road;
39. If necessary, Luard Road between Gloucester Road and Hennessy Road;
40. If necessary, Fenwick Street between Lockhart Road and Hennessy Road;
41. If necessary, Fenwick Street between Gloucester Road and Johnston Road;
42. If necessary, westbound Johnston Road between Ship Street and Landale Street;
43. If necessary, eastbound Johnston Road between Fenwick Street and Hennessy Road;
44. If necessary, Arsenal Street between Gloucester Road and Hennessy Road; and
45. If necessary, Arsenal Street flyover.
The following roads will be closed when necessary until the crowd has dispersed and traffic resumes normal:
1. Yacht Street;
2. Ngan Mok Street;
3. Lau Li Street between King’s Road and Hing Fat Street;
4. Electric Road between Lau Li Street and Wing Hing Street;
5. Wing Hing Street west of King’s Road;
6. Hing Fat Street between Causeway Road and Lau Sin Street;
7. Northbound Tai Hang Road flyover;
8. Southbound Percival Street between Gloucester Road and Lockhart Road; and
9. Johnston Road.
B. Traffic diversions
The following traffic diversions will be implemented from 2pm until the crowd has dispersed and traffic resumes normal:
1. Traffic along southbound Gloucester Road cannot turn right to northbound Gloucester Road underneath Tai Hang Road flyover;
2. Traffic along eastbound Yee Wo Street cannot turn left to Sugar Street;
3. Traffic along southbound Victoria Park Road flyover must turn right to westbound Gloucester Road service road;
4. If necessary, traffic along northbound Tai Hang Road flyover cannot turn left to westbound Kingston Street;
5. If necessary, traffic along southbound Paterson Street must turn left to eastbound Kingston Street;
6. If necessary, traffic along southbound Cleveland Street cannot turn right to westbound Kingston Street;
7. If necessary, traffic along westbound Gloucester Road service road cannot turn left to southbound Cleveland Street and southbound Paterson Street;
8. If necessary, traffic along westbound Victoria Park Road slip road cannot enter Cleveland Street;
9. If necessary, traffic along eastbound Lockhart Road must turn left to Canal Road West;
10. If necessary, traffic along northbound Cannon Street cannot turn left to westbound Jaffe Road; and
11. If necessary, traffic along southbound Canal Road East must turn left to Jaffe Road.
The following traffic diversions will be implemented from 2.15pm until the crowd has dispersed and traffic resumes normal:
1. Traffic along Pennington Street cannot turn left to Jardine's Bazaar;
2. Traffic along westbound Hennessy Road cannot turn left to southbound Canal Road East;
3. Traffic along westbound Russell Street must turn left to southbound Canal Road East;
4. Traffic along northbound Canal Road West near Sharp Street West will be diverted to the up-ramp leading to northbound Canal Road flyover;
5. Traffic along eastbound Sharp Street West will be diverted to the up-ramp leading to northbound Canal Road flyover;
6. Traffic along eastbound Sharp Street West cannot turn left to northbound Bowrington Road;
7. Traffic along northbound Bowrington Road must turn right to eastbound Sharp Street West; and
8. Traffic along eastbound Wan Chai Road must turn right to southbound Morrison Hill Road.
The following traffic diversions will be implemented from 2.30pm until the crowd has dispersed and traffic resumes normal:
1. Traffic from westbound King's Road must turn left to southbound Tung Lo Wan Road or turn right to northbound Hing Fat Street;
2. Traffic along westbound Tung Lo Wan Road cannot enter Moreton Terrace;
3. Eastbound Tung Lo Wan Road between St Paul’s Hospital and Moreton Terrace will be re-routed westbound;
4. Traffic along southbound Tung Lo Wan Road cannot turn left to the re-routed westbound Tung Lo Wan Road between St Paul’s Hospital and Moreton Terrace;
5. Traffic along eastbound Yee Wo Street cannot turn right to southbound Tung Lo Wan Road or westbound Leighton Road;
6. Traffic along northbound Tung Lo Wan Road cannot enter Irving Street and must turn left to westbound Leighton Road;
7. Traffic along Pennington Street must turn right to Keswick Street;
8. Traffic along northbound Yun Ping Road must turn left to westbound Lan Fong Road;
9. Traffic along westbound Leighton Road must turn left to Wong Nai Chung Road, except for franchised buses;
10. Traffic along southbound Percival Street will be diverted to Lockhart Road or eastbound Hennessy Road;
11. Traffic along northbound Tin Lok Lane must turn left to westbound Wan Chai Road;
12. Traffic along northbound Tin Lok Lane cannot turn left to westbound Hennessy Road;
13. Traffic along Stewart Road cannot turn right to westbound Hennessy Road;
14. Traffic along eastbound Johnston Road cannot turn left to westbound Hennessy Road;
15. Traffic along northbound Fleming Road cannot turn left to westbound Hennessy Road;
16. Traffic along eastbound Hennessy Road cannot turn right to southbound Fenwick Street;
17. Traffic along Tai Wong Street East must turn right to eastbound Johnston Road;
18. Traffic along Johnston Road cannot enter Thomson Road;
19. Traffic along Johnston Road cannot enter northbound Luard Road;
20. If necessary, traffic along westbound Leighton Road cannot turn right to northbound Pennington Street;
21. If necessary, traffic along westbound Gloucester Road cannot turn left to southbound Canal Road East;
22. If necessary, traffic along westbound Lockhart Road cannot turn right to Percival Street;
23. If necessary, traffic along westbound Gloucester Road cannot turn left to southbound Marsh Road;
24. If necessary, traffic along Steward Road will be diverted to Lockhart Road;
25. If necessary, traffic along southbound Fleming Road will be diverted to Lockhart Road;
26. If necessary, traffic along westbound Harbour Road cannot turn left to southbound Fleming Road flyover;
27. If necessary, traffic along westbound Gloucester Road cannot turn left to southbound Fleming Road;
28. If necessary, traffic along Wan Chai Road cannot turn right to northbound Fleming Road;
29. If necessary, traffic along westbound Gloucester Road cannot turn left to southbound O’Brien Road;
30. If necessary, traffic along eastbound Johnston Road cannot turn left to Thomson Road;
31. If necessary, traffic along eastbound Johnston Road cannot turn left to Fleming Road;
32. If necessary, traffic along eastbound Johnston Road must turn right to Burrows Street;
33. If necessary, traffic along westbound Gloucester Road cannot turn left to southbound Luard Road;
34. If necessary, traffic along southbound Fenwick Street will be diverted to Lockhart Road;
35. If necessary, traffic along westbound Gloucester Road cannot turn left to southbound Fenwick Street;
36. If necessary, traffic along westbound Gloucester Road cannot turn left to southbound Arsenal Street;
37. If necessary, traffic along westbound Johnston Road must turn left to Ship Street;
38. If necessary, traffic along Lun Fat Street must turn right to eastbound Johnston Road;
39. If necessary, traffic along westbound Johnston Road from Landale Street must turn left to Anton Street; and
40. If necessary, traffic along westbound Hennessy Road cannot turn left to Johnston Road.
The following traffic diversions will be implemented when necessary until the crowd has dispersed and traffic resumes normal:
1. Traffic along northbound Tai Hang Road flyover must go straight to northbound Victoria Park Road flyover leading to westbound Gloucester Road;
2. Traffic along westbound Gloucester Road service road cannot turn left to southbound Percival Street;
3. Traffic along eastbound Causeway Road cannot turn left to northbound Hing Fat Street;
4. Traffic along westbound King’s Road will be diverted to Tsing Fung Street flyover;
5. Traffic along southbound Wing Hing Street must turn left to eastbound King’s Road;
6. Traffic along westbound King's Road cannot turn right to northbound Hing Fat Street; and
7. Traffic along Queen’s Road East cannot turn to Landale Street, Lun Fat Street, Tai Wong Street East and Spring Garden Lane.
C. Suspension of parking spaces
All parking spaces at Hing Fat Street public car park will be suspended from about 10.30am to 8pm.
Disabled parking spaces on northbound Gloucester Road near Sugar Street, and all on-street parking spaces on Tung Lo Wan Road will be suspended from 10.30am to 8pm.
During the above road closure period, vehicles will not be allowed to enter or leave car parks on the closed roads.
Any vehicles found illegally parked within the precincts of the special traffic arrangements will be towed away without prior notice, and subject to multiple ticketing.
Actual implementation of the crowd safety management measures and traffic arrangements will be made depending on traffic and crowd conditions in the areas. Members of the public are advised to exercise tolerance and patience and take heed of instructions of the Police on site.
Ends/Saturday, July 20, 2019
Issued at HKT 21:32