Member of Legislative Council reviews Fire Services passing-out parade (with photos)

     Member of the Legislative Council Mr Kenneth Lau, today (September 19) reviewed the 187th Fire Services passing-out parade for 15 station officers, 76 firemen and 47 ambulancemen at the Fire and Ambulance Services Academy.
     Speaking at the parade, Mr Lau commended the fire and ambulance personnel of the Fire Services Department (FSD) for their outstanding performance in terms of operational efficiency and professional skills and teamwork, especially when handling major incidents.
     Mr Lau mentioned a No.3 alarm fire incident on an oil tanker on January 8, when the FSD had mobilised 140 fire and ambulance personnel. As the vessel was burning from powerful flames and was listing on its side, the difficulties of firefighting and rescue operations were significantly magnified. Meanwhile, the ambulance personnel had to handle the injuries of crew members as soon as they were rescued, diverting them to various hospitals for immediate treatment without delay. Assisted by the High Angle Rescue Team, the Diving Unit began searching for the missing persons in the listing vessel and underwater immediately after the fire was put out. The operation had once again demonstrated the tireless efforts, distinguished professionalism and team spirit of the frontline personnel, who never give in to hardship in their all-out fight against fires.
     In the face of a number of recent government development plans, such as that in the North East New Territories Development Areas, together with other various major transportation and infrastructure projects, the fire and ambulance services and ancillary facilities will be in higher demand. The complicated design, construction and composition of new buildings and infrastructure will also bring new challenges to firefighting and emergency ambulance services in the future, added Mr Lau.
     The parade was followed by a demonstration of firefighting and rescue techniques by the graduates. The 138 graduates will be posted to various fire stations and ambulance depots.

Ends/Thursday, September 19, 2019
Issued at HKT 14:40