- Eighth meeting of Chief Executive's Council of Advisers on Innovation and Strategic Development held
- Protestors block roads in Central again
- A large group of protestors blocking the carriageways in Central
- Government upholds Hong Kong's international aviation hub status through Land Fund investment
- Police warn protestors taking part in unauthorised assemblies in Central to leave immediately
- Disbursement of subsidies to food business sector under Anti-epidemic Fund in progress
- Transcript of remarks by FS at media session (with video)
- Relief fund for farmers affected by heavy rainstorm
- Temporary closure of multi-purpose arena at Tsuen Wan West Sports Centre
- Manager of unlicensed guesthouse fined
- Operators fined for illegal club operation
- Exchange Fund Bills tender results
- Interest rate of sixth interest payment for Silver Bond Series due 2020
- Secondary Three to Five cross-boundary students to resume classes next Monday
- Police urge the public not to take part in unauthorised assemblies
- Public hospitals daily update on COVID-19 cases
- CHP announces no new local confirmed cases of COVID-19 today and follows up on cluster in Luk Chuen House
- Record of Discussion of the Meeting of the Exchange Fund Advisory Committee Currency Board Sub-Committee held on April 28
- Fitness Centre Subsidy Scheme disbursements continue
- Quarterly business receipts indices for service industries for first quarter of 2020
- Effective Exchange Rate Index
- Waste collector convicted of illegally disposing of chemical waste
- LegCo to consider Trade Marks (Amendment) Bill 2019
- Film Archive's "Archival Gems" series to feature classic movies (with photos)
- Fraudulent website related to Union Bancaire Privée, UBP SA
- Recipients of social security payments and Individual-based Work Incentive Transport Subsidy to get one-off extra allowance starting from June 12
- Hong Kong Customs combats unfair trade practices at employment agency
- Transcript of remarks by CE at media session before ExCo meeting (with video)
- Red flag hoisted at Pui O Beach
- "Career Let's Go" to help secondary school leavers plan their future