LCQ13: Information on redevelopment projects of public housing
Regarding the public rental housing (PRH) and the subsidised sale housing under the Hong Kong Housing Authority (HA) and the Hong Kong Housing Society (HKHS), will the Government inform this Council (set out in different tables the information relating to HA and HKHS respectively in respect of (1) to (6)):
(1) of the following details of each of the PRH redevelopment projects that were completed in the past 10 financial years:
(i) the name of the housing estate and the number of phases by which the redevelopment project was carried out,
(ii) the financial year in which the project commenced,
(iii) the financial year in which the project was completed,
(iv) the number of PRH units before redevelopment,
(v) the gross floor area (GFA) for community facility use before redevelopment,
(vi) the numbers of car parking spaces for various classes of vehicles before redevelopment,
(vii) the GFA for commercial use before redevelopment,
(viii) the number of PRH units after redevelopment,
(ix) the GFA for community facility use after redevelopment,
(x) the number of car parking spaces for various classes of vehicles after redevelopment,
(xi) the GFA for commercial use after redevelopment,
(xii) whether in-situ rehousing was provided for affected PRH tenants, and
(xiii) the main reception estate(s) for affected PRH tenants;
(2) of the following details of each of the PRH redevelopment projects that will commence in the coming five financial years:
(i) the name of the housing estate and the number of phases by which the redevelopment project will be carried out,
(ii) the financial year in which the project is expected to commence,
(iii) the financial year in which the project is expected to be completed,
(iv) the number of PRH units before redevelopment,
(v) the GFA for community facility use before redevelopment,
(vi) the number of car parking spaces for various classes of vehicles before redevelopment,
(vii) the GFA for commercial use before redevelopment,
(viii) the projected number of PRH units after redevelopment,
(ix) the projected GFA for community facility use after redevelopment,
(x) the projected number of car parking spaces for various classes of vehicles after redevelopment,
(xi) the projected GFA for commercial use after redevelopment,
(xii) whether in-situ rehousing will be provided for affected PRH tenants, and
(xiii) the expected main reception estate(s) for affected PRH tenants;
(3) of (i) the respective numbers of PRH units built and cleared as well as (ii) the net increases in the number of PRH units, in each of the past 10 financial years;
(4) of (i) the respective numbers of PRH units expected to be built and cleared as well as (ii) the projected net increases in the number of PRH units, in each of the coming five financial years;
(5) given that HA's PRH tenants affected by redevelopment projects are eligible for participating in the sale exercises for subsidised sale housing under HA (including the Home Ownership Scheme (HOS) and the Green Form Subsidised Home Ownership Scheme (GSH)) using green forms with priority in flat selection, of the following details of such tenants participating in the aforesaid sale exercises in the past 10 financial years:
(i) the names of the housing estates redeveloped/to be redeveloped and the numbers of phases by which the redevelopment projects were/would be carried out,
(ii) the respective numbers of tenants who applied for the purchase of HOS and GSH flats,
(iii) the respective numbers of tenants who succeeded in purchasing HOS and GSH flats, and
(iv) the numbers and percentages of HOS and GSH flats sold to such tenants in the respective total numbers of flats offered for sale in the relevant sale exercises;
(6) regarding HKHS's PRH tenants affected by redevelopment projects, of the following details of those tenants participating in the sale exercises of subsidised sale housing under HKHS in the past 10 financial years:
(i) the names of the housing estates redeveloped/to be redeveloped and the numbers of phases by which the redevelopment projects were/would be carried out,
(ii) the number of tenants who applied for the purchase of subsidised sale housing flats,
(iii) the number of tenants who succeeded in purchasing subsidised sale housing flats, and
(iv) the numbers and percentages of subsidised sale housing flats sold to such tenants in the respective total numbers of flats offered for sale in the relevant sale exercises; and
(7) whether HA and HKHS will consider publishing on their websites the figures referred to in (3) and (4); if not, of the reasons for that?
The President,
My reply to the question raised by the Hon KWONG Chun-yu is as follows:
(1) and (2) Information on Public Rental Housing (PRH) redevelopment projects completed by the Hong Kong Housing Authority (HA) in the past 10 years (i.e. from 2010-11 to 2019-20) is set out in Annex I. There was no rental estate redevelopment project completed by the Hong Kong Housing Society (HKHS) in the past 10 years.
Information on PRH/ rental estate redevelopment projects expected to be undertaken by HA and HKHS in the coming five years (i.e. from 2020-21 to 2024-25) is set out in Annex II and Annex III respectively.
HA does not keep complete figures of the gross floor area (GFA) of the community and commercial facilities as well as the car parking spaces before commencement of these redevelopment projects. Since the number of development phases, site area and the use of these sites before and after redevelopment may be different, it is not suitable to directly compare the GFA and the number of car parking spaces before and after redevelopment.
(3) HA's PRH production in the past 10 years is set out in Annex IV. The number of PRH units cleared in the same period was about 28 000. The reason of clearing these units was for redevelopment.
HA compiles the number of PRH units on a regular basis to enable the public understand the overall PRH supply situation. The number of PRH units in the past 10 years is set out in Annex V.
For HKHS, the number of rental units built and cleared in the past 10 years and the number of net increase is set out in Annex VI.
(4) The number of PRH units expected to be built by HA in the coming four years (i.e. from 2020-21 to 2023-24) is set out in Annex VII. These projects involve clearance of about 950 PRH units. The number of rental units expected to be built and cleared by HKHS in the coming four years and the expected net increase in rental units under HKHS is set out in Annex VIII. Most public housing projects with completion dates in 2024-25 or beyond are still at preliminary planning and design stages and are subject to change due to various factors. It is therefore difficult to provide detailed information and timetable of these projects at this stage.
(5) In the past 10 years, tenants of public housing estates under redevelopment were accorded green form priority in buying Home Ownership Scheme (HOS) flats and Green Form Subsidised Home Ownership Scheme (GSH) flats. The public housing estates concerned included So Uk Estate Phase 2, Tung Tau Estate Phase 8, Pak Tin Estate Phases 7 and 8, Mei Tung Estate (Mei Tung House and Mei Po House) and Pak Tin Estate Phases 12 and 13. Information of the sale exercises of HOS and GSH participated by these tenants in the past 10 years is set out in Annex IX.
(6) Information on rental estate redevelopment project under HKHS in the past 10 years is set out in Annex X.
(7) HA's PRH production in the past 10 years is available on the following website:
The number of HA's PRH flats is also published on the following websites:
(i) Appendix 4 of HA's Annual Report
(; and
(ii) Report on Population and Households in HA's Public Rental Housing
Regarding the publication of information on PRH units (including redevelopment projects) planned to be built, we will upload the updated five-year public housing production forecast onto the websites of the Transport and Housing Bureau (THB) and relevant organisations (including the HA and HKHS) on a quarterly basis for public perusal. THB also reports the five-year public housing construction programme to the Panel on Housing of the Legislative Council (LegCo) on an annual basis. The relevant documents are available on LegCo's website.
Ends/Wednesday, July 15, 2020
Issued at HKT 16:40
Issued at HKT 16:40