- CE continues visit to Beijing (with photos)
- Princess Margaret Hospital announces passing away of COVID-19 patient
- CHP appeals for vigilance against upper respiratory tract infection
- Missing man in Wong Tai Sin located
- LegCo Finance Committee meeting
- Public hospitals daily update on COVID-19 cases
- Fraudulent website related to The Bank of East Asia, Limited
- Victoria Park Swimming Pool reopened
- CHP investigates seven additional confirmed cases of COVID-19
- Speech by SJ at Sports Dispute Resolution Conference under Hong Kong Legal Week 2020 (English only) (with photo/video)
- Live webcast of OEP Award Presentation Ceremony promotes intergenerational harmony (with photos)
- Import of poultry meat and products from Kagawa Prefecture in Japan suspended
- Effective Exchange Rate Index
- Government announces appointments to Hong Kong Genome Institute
- 127 Mainland higher education institutions to admit Hong Kong students
- Temporary closure of Victoria Park Swimming Pool
- Speech by FS at 2020 Hong Kong Green Finance Association Annual Forum "Financing a Green and Inclusive Recovery" (English only) (with photos)
- Property owner fined over $4,000 for not complying with mandatory window inspection statutory notice
- Man convicted of operating money service without licence
- Return of requisition forms urged
- Official launch of National Security Department Reporting Hotline
- Red flags hoisted at some beaches