Police National Security Department arrested two men and three women for suspected contravention of National Security Law
The National Security Department of the Hong Kong Police Force (NSD) arrested two men and three women, aged between 45 and 90, in various districts from May 10 to today (May 12), for suspected conspiracy to collude with a foreign country or with external elements to endanger national security, contravening Article 29 of the Law of the People's Republic of China on Safeguarding National Security in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (National Security Law). Investigation revealed that the abovementioned persons were trustees of the 612 Humanitarian Relief Fund.
According to Article 43 of the National Security Law and Schedule 2 of the Implementation Rules for Article 43 of the National Security Law, the magistrates issued warrants upon the NSD’s request to the arrested persons, requesting them to surrender all travel documents to Police.
Two arrested men and two arrested women have been released on bail and are required to report back to Police in early August. A 67-year-old arrested woman who is serving a sentence will remain in custody.
Police had also applied to the court to serve summons on the arrested persons and a 37-year-old man for failing to comply with the requirements under the Societies Ordinance to apply to the Societies Officer for registration or exemption from registration for the 612 Humanitarian Relief Fund.
Criminal investigation also revealed that a number of solicitors and barristers were suspected of professional misconduct when providing legal services. Police lodged a complaint to the Law Society of Hong Kong and the Hong Kong Bar Association in this regard.
Police also noticed some media organisations defamed the operation of the NSD. Police stress that Police uphold the principle of equality and take enforcement actions in accordance with the law and established procedures impartially against anyone breaching the law, regardless of his identity, background, occupation or religious belief.
Ends/Thursday, May 12, 2022
Issued at HKT 19:09