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LegCo Members visit elderly person living alone and conduct site visit to district elderly community centre (with photos)
The following is issued on behalf of the Legislative Council Secretariat:

     Legislative Council (LegCo) Members visited an elderly person living alone in Tai Wo Hau Estate and conducted a site visit to a district elderly community centre today (October 5) to learn about the support services for elderly singletons.
     Accompanied by representatives of the Administration, Members first visited an elderly person who lives alone in Fu Kwai House, Tai Wo Hau Estate, and talked with her to gain a deeper understanding of her daily life and the support services required.
     Members then conducted a site visit to the SAGE Chan Tseng Hsi Kwai Chung District Elderly Community Centre to observe its facilities, and received a briefing by representatives of the operator on the services offered to the elderly. These include counselling, social and recreational activities, as well as support services for elderly singletons. Members also exchanged views with the representatives and discussed with them on how to effectively improve the support services for elderly people living alone, e.g. early identification of elderly singletons and establishment of a register of high-risk elderly singletons with a view to facilitating the arrangements of appropriate support services for elderly in need.
     Members who participated in the visit were Mr Tang Ka-piu (convenor), Mr Robert Lee, Mr Kingsley Wong and Ms Joephy Chan.
Ends/Thursday, October 5, 2023
Issued at HKT 18:30
Today's Press Releases  


Legislative Council (LegCo) Members visit an elderly person living alone in Tai Wo Hau Estate and conduct a site visit to a district elderly community centre today (October 5) to learn about the support services for elderly singletons. Photo shows LegCo Members Mr Robert Lee (first left), Mr Tang Ka-piu (second left), Ms Joephy Chan (third left) and Mr Kingsley Wong (first right) posing for a group photo with the elderly person.
Legislative Council (LegCo) Members visit an elderly person living alone in Tai Wo Hau Estate and conduct a site visit to a district elderly community centre today (October 5) to learn about the support services for elderly singletons. Photo shows LegCo Members receiving a briefing on elderly services at the SAGE Chan Tseng Hsi Kwai Chung District Elderly Community Centre.
Legislative Council (LegCo) Members visit an elderly person living alone in Tai Wo Hau Estate and conduct a site visit to a district elderly community centre today (October 5) to learn about the support services for elderly singletons. Photo shows LegCo Members conducting a site visit to the SAGE Chan Tseng Hsi Kwai Chung District Elderly Community Centre.