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Highlights of the Year 2020-21

Casework Service

  • In order to maintain psychotherapy service amid the COVID-19 epidemic, the Clinical Psychological Service Branch (CPSB) provided service users with the choice of tele-therapy.
  • In view of the stress experienced by children during the pandemic, CPSB produced psychotherapy booklets and audio stories including “Trauma-Informed Parenting Toolkit”, “Caterpillar Booklet” and “Home-stay for 100 days fighting COVID-19: A child’s perspective” which are specially designed to support children with varying needs through the crisis.
  • CPSB produced a story book with audio track titled “出发了,新的家是怎样的” to prepare prospective parents and children ahead for the challenges of adoption
  • CPSB partnered with the Central Foster Care Unit to develop a “Training Package for Foster Parents” in order to strengthen their knowledge and capacity in meeting children’s needs.
  • CPSB also collaborated with other service units in running treatment groups for various clientele, such as the Parent Support Group for parents who have tense relationship with their adolescent children and the Couple Relationship Enrichment Group with an aim to improve marital relationships.

Central Psychological Support Service

  • As face-to-face psychological service was suspended during the COVID-19 pandemic, the Central Psychological Support Service (Pre-school Service) [CPSS(PS)] team responded to the change with flexibility by adopting online modality to continue with the support services. Staff training, parent talks, support group and case consultation were shifted to online mode.
  • Training programmes that can be conducted on the online platform, e.g., parent-child play group and Zentangle class, were also designed for pre-schoolers receiving rehabilitation service and their parents. There were also trial classes on training of attention and emotional regulation for pre- schoolers.
  • While less centre visits were arranged, team members allocated more of their time to cases with the need for in-depth psychotherapy.
  • In 2020-21, the clinical psychologists (CPs) of the Central Psychological Support Service (Adult Service) [CPSS(AS)] produced a new book titled “旅行者与伙伴: 以敍事实践回应发展障碍” and related therapeutic tools to facilitate staff training and service centres’ daily operations. Also, CPs formulated a plan and expected time frame for evaluation of the new service model, including the Life Transition Support Service (LTSS), projects/service tools development and caregivers training, and will collect qualitative and quantitative data in 2021-22.

Crisis Intervention

  • In November 2020, CPSS provided emergency psychological support to 75 victims who were affected by the fire in Yau Ma Tei and offered individual emergency psychological therapy for those in need.

Public Education

  • In order to enhance the public’s resilience during adversity, CPs of CPSB took part in the production of a regular section in an RTHK programme “Psychology of Resilience”. A total of 52 episodes were broadcast in the year.
  • CPs participated in a total of 9 TV and radio programmes during the year in order to disseminate the message of the importance of mental health to the public.
  • In order to alert the public to child maltreatment issues, CPSB produced 2 animation videos this year. The first one is a 7-minute video titled “Love Shapes the Brain”, which is about the damage of child abuse on children’s brain development. The other, “I Still Belong to Myself”, is a 9- minute video that illustrates the pain and the healing journey of child sexual abuse survivors.
  • To help children relieve from stress during the pandemic, CPSB also produced 7 short demonstrative videos for children to understand their embodied stress and to coach them on how to regulate their body and mental stress through physical exercises.
  • CPSB also published a booklet titled “Am I a Homosexual? Self-protection Manual” which aims at strengthening adolescents’ awareness of sexual exploitation, especially those who have doubts about their sexual orientation.

Professional Training

  • CPs of CPSB conducted a total of 124 training programmes of different themes for social workers, CPs, teachers and police officers in 2020-21.
