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Highlights of the year 2021-2022

Casework Service

  • During the fifth wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Clinical Psychological Service Branch (CPSB) continued to provide service users with the choice of teletherapy services.
  • To relieve the stress experienced by children during the pandemic, CPSB released a 40-page booklet titled What’s My Body Telling Me to help children better regulate their emotions by understanding various body sensations.
  • CPSB also released the Same-Sex Intimate Partner Violence Handbook to enhance frontline professionals’ understanding of and skills in handling same-sex partner violence.
  • CPSB collaborated with other service units in running the Couple Relationship Enrichment Group to help intimate partners strengthen their relationships during the pandemic.
  • To understand the self-acceptance level and mental status of sexual minority groups, clinical psychologists translated the “Multifactor Internalised Homophobia Inventory” and “Transgender Identity Survey” into Chinese and conducted local norming studies. The Hong Kong Chinese versions of these scales are ready for clinical application.

Central Psychological Support Service

  • Clinical psychologists (CPs) of the Central Psychological Support Service (Adult Service) flexibly maintained regular psychological support services at various rehabilitation centres.
  • When face-to-face clinical services were suspended during the fifth wave of the pandemic, CPs continued to develop clinical and innovative tools, as well as training programmes to enhance the quality of service for users and their carers. 500 sets of “Ding Ding Lok”, a board game specifically designed for individuals with mild to moderate intellectual disabilities, were produced and distributed to various rehabilitation centers in Hong Kong.
  • Qualitative and quantitative data collection for the evaluation of the new service models, including the Life Transition Support Service, projects/service tools development and carer training, was carried out as planned.
  • Amid the fifth wave of the pandemic, CPs of the Central Psychological Support Service (Pre-school Service) flexibly expanded the modality of service delivery by adding online support service to its repertoire.
  • Parent training and support groups, staff development meetings, case consultation services for parents and staff as well as in-depth psychological treatments for those in need continued throughout the year. Treatment groups with different therapeutic foci, such as Parent-child Playtime, Mindfulness-based Emotion Regulation and Circle of Security Parenting Programme were also conducted.

Early Crisis Intervention

  • During the fifth wave of the pandemic, CPSB offered urgent psychological services for those affected by the restriction-testing declaration operations via a hotline.

Public Education

  • Recognising the importance of enhancing the mental health literacy of the public during the pandemic, CPs continued to promote mental health messages through various media, such as participating regularly in an RTHK programme called Psychology of Resilience (later renamed Minding Psychology), which aired a total of 52 episodes this year. CPs also appeared in four TV programmes during the year to discuss, among others, intimate partner violence (“Hong Kong Connection”) and elderly mental health (“TVB Old Buddies”).
  • To continue to raise the public’s awareness of child maltreatment issues, CPSB produced a two-part animation this year titled The Wound Unseen Part 1 & 2 to illustrate the nature of child psychological abuse and its long-term impacts.
  • In response to the rising trend of youth suicide, CPSB produced an animation titled Stand By Me - Understanding Youth Suicide to provide tips on handling adolescents with suicidal ideation.
  • CPSB produced six animations to raise homosexual teens’ awareness of self-protection against sexual abuse and teach them how to establish healthy interpersonal relationships.
  • Amid the fifth wave of COVID-19 pandemic in early 2022, CPSB updated the webpage of “Psycho-education Information Hub for Combatting the Novel Coronavirus” and furnished it with new information including the Coping with Bereavement and Grief During the Pandemic and Mental Health Self-care Strategies leaflets, etc.

Professional Training

  • CPs conducted a total of 92 thematic training programmes for social workers, CPs, teachers and police officers in 2021-22.

