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Day Respite Service for the Elderly


Day respite service for the elderly provides short-term day care for the elderly persons living in the community to relieve the pressure of the carers so that they may take short-term breaks or attend to other matters when required.  It aims at encouraging and helping elderly persons to continue living in the community as long as possible.

Day respite service for the elderly are provided by the following service units:

  1. Subsidised day care centres / units for the elderly (DEs / DCUs) (Some of the centres / units have designated day respite place. Furthermore, subsidised DEs / DCUs also provide day respite service by making use of the casual vacant day care places.);
  2. Private residential care homes for the elderly under Enhanced Bought Place Scheme providing day / residential respite service; and
  3. Some of Recognised Service Providers participating in the Community Care Service Voucher Scheme providing day respite service for the elderly.

Users of day respite services do not need to be assessed under the Standardised Care Need Assessment Mechanism for Elderly Services.  There are no restrictions on their living district.  

Eligibility Criteria

Elderly persons who require short-term day care and meet the following conditions can be accepted for day respite service:

  1. aged 60 or above living in the community and not receiving residential care services;
  2. in need of general personal care and / or limited nursing care service;
  3. physically and mentally suitable for communal living; and
  4. the health condition and self-care ability meet the level of personal and nursing care rendered by the centres / units / residential homes that provide day respite service.


  1. Subsidised DEs / DCUs and private residential care homes for the elderly under Enhanced Bought Place Scheme providing day / residential respite service for the elderly

    $41.5 per day
  2. Recognised Service Providers participating in the Community Care Service Voucher Scheme providing day respite service for the elderly

    $21 per session  

The rate of fee may be adjusted annually.  Additional care items and /or consumables items for special personal / nursing care needs of the service users are charged separately.

Service hours       

  1. Subsidised DEs / DCUs
    8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Mondays to Saturdays (excluding public holidays)
    (Some of the centres / units provide extended hours service.)
  2. Private residential care homes for the elderly under Enhanced Bought Place Scheme providing day / residential respite service for the elderly
    8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Mondays to Sundays (including public holidays).
  3. Recognised Service Providers participating in the Community Care Service Voucher Scheme providing day respite service for the elderly
    8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Mondays to Saturdays (excluding public holidays).
    (Some of the centres / units provide extended hours service.)

Application Procedure

Needy elderly persons and their carers may:

  1. apply directly via the concerned residential care homes/centres/units; 
  2. through referrals from Integrated Family Service Centres / Integrated Services Centres, Medical Social Services Units or elderly service units (e.g. District Elderly Community Centres and Neighbourhood Elderly Centres); or
  3. call the Designated Hotline for Carer Support 182 183 where social workers will assist in arranging and matching respite services.

Information of Service Units

Item / NameDownload File / Link
Day Respite Service for the Elderly - Service BriefPDF
List of DEs/DCUsLink / Map
List of DEs/DCUs Providing Designated Day Respite PlacesLink
List of Private residential care homes for the elderly under Enhanced Bought Place Scheme providing day / residential respite service for the elderlyPDF
List of Recognised Service Providers participating in the Community Care Service Voucher Scheme providing day respite service for the elderlyPDF
Vacancy Position of Designated Day Respite PlacesLink
