Enrolled Nurse Training Programme for the Welfare Sector
SWD has organized the Enrolled Nurse (General) Training Programme for the Welfare Sector (Training Programme) since 2006. To alleviate the shortage of nurses in the welfare sector, SWD has commissioned the Hong Kong Metropolitan University to provide fully-subsidised Enrolled Nurse (General) training places each year from 2017-18, and commissioned two more institutes, i.e. the Saint Francis University (formerly Caritas Institute of Higher Education) and the Tung Wah College from 2023-24 to provide more subsidized training places.
Trainees are required to sign an undertaking to work as Enrolled Nurse (General) in non-governmental or private organisations providing elderly, rehabilitation, family and child care, or correctional services recognized by the SWD for a continuous period of no less than three years after completion of the training.
Training Programme Information
For information of the two-year Enrolled Nurse (General) Training Programme, please contact the below training institutes: