Highlights of the Year 2022-23
Residential Care Services for the Elderly
Multi-disciplinary Outreaching Support Teams for the Elderly
The district-based professional teams (comprised of social workers, physiotherapists, occupational therapists and speech therapists) are set up to provide free outreach services for residents in private residential care homes for the elderly (RCHEs) to address their social and rehabilitation needs. Apart from serving residents in private RCHEs, MOSTE also provides speech therapy for residents of contract homes (including day care units attached to contract homes) and self-financing RCHEs/nursing homes with swallowing difficulties or speech impairments. This service was regularised in mid-February 2023.
Pilot Scheme on Residential Care Service Voucher (RCSV) for the Elderly (The Pilot Scheme)
Adopting the “money-following-the-user” principle, the Pilot Scheme provides an alternative for elderly persons in need of residential care services. To benefit more elderly persons, the number of RCSVs would be increased from 3 000 to 4 000 starting from 2022-23, and the Pilot Scheme would also be regularised with effect from April 2023.