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Annual Highlights

Highlights of the Year 2022-23

Strive and Rise Programme
The Strive and Rise Programme (the Programme) was implemented in October 2022 by an inter-departmental Task Force led by the Chief Secretary for Administration.  It focuses on lifting Secondary One to Secondary Three students from underprivileged families, particularly those living in subdivided units, out of intergenerational poverty through tripartite collaboration of the Government, the business sector and the community.  The Programme aims to help student participants broaden their horizons, reinforce their self-confidence, develop a positive outlook on life, set goals for their future and strive for upward mobility.  The one-year Programme consists of three closely linked elements: mentorship, personal development plans and financial support.  The first cohort of the Programme admitted a total of 2 800 student participants, 40% more than the enrolment target.  The Programme has also received overwhelming support from about 120 enterprises and organisations in terms of cash donation, mentor nominations and provision of diverse group activities for the student participants. 

Child Development Fund (CDF)
The CDF draws on the resources of families, the private sector, the community and the Government to promote the long-term development of disadvantaged children aged between 10 and 16, or studying Primary Four to Secondary Four.  It funds projects operated by NGOs and schools across the territory in batches.  As at March 2023, 200 projects in 9 batches operated by NGOs, and 112 school-based projects in 8 batches operated by schools have been rolled out, benefitting more than 26 000 children.

