Technical Papers
ICAO/WMO Meeting Papers contributed by HKO
Weather Services
Windshear and Turbulence | World Area Forecast System Uplink / Downlink of Weather Information to / from Aircraft |
- ICAO/WMO Meeting Papers contributed by HKO
- Second Meeting of Meteorological Information and Service Development Working Group, ICAO Meteorological Panel (METP WG-MISD), ICAO Headquarters, Montreal, Canada, 11 – 13 July 2016
- Fourteenth Meeting of the Asia/Pacific Meteorological Information Exchange (MET/IE) Working Group Bangkok, Thailand, 7 - 9 March 2016
- Sixth Meeting of the Asia/Pacific Meteorological Services (MET/S) Working Group Bangkok, Thailand, 9 - 11 March 2016
- Fifth Meeting of the Asia/Pacific Meteorological Requirements (MET/R) Working Group Bangkok, Thailand, 19 - 21 April 2016
- Kick-off meeting on the pilot project on SIGMET Coordination in Southeast Asia 25-26 May 2016, Singapore
- Twentieth Meeting of the Meteorology Sub-group (MET SG/20) of Asia/Pacific Air Navigation Planning and Implementation Regional Work Group (APANPIRG) Bangkok, Thailand, 6 - 9 June 2016
- Joint Session of the Sixth Meeting of the Asia/Pacific Air Traffic Flow Management Steering Group (ATFM/SG/6) and MET SG/20 Bangkok, Thailand, 07 June 2016
- First Meeting of Meteorological Information and Service Development Working Group, ICAO Meteorological Panel (METP WG-MISD) Washington, DC, United States, 16 – 20 November 2015
- First Meeting of Meteorological Information Exchange Working Group, ICAO Meteorological Panel (METP WG-MIE) Montreal, Canada, 16 – 20 November 2015
- Nineteenth Meeting of the Meteorology Sub-Group (MET SG/19) of APANPIRG, Bangkok, Thailand, 3-6 August 2015
- ICAO/WMO Asia/Pacific Meteorology/Air Traffic Management (MET/ATM) Seminar and Fourth Meeting of the Asia/Pacific Meteorological Requirements Task Force (MET/R TF/4), Tokyo, Japan, 29 June 2015 – 3 July 2015
- Fifth Meeting of the Asia/Pacific Meteorological Hazards Task Force (MET/H TF/5), Seoul, Republic of Korea, 18 – 20 March 2015
- Eighteenth Meeting of the Meteorology Sub-Group (MET SG/18) of APANPIRG, ICAO Regional Sub-Office, Beijing, China, 18 – 21 August 2014
- Conjoint ICAO Meteorology Divisional and WMO Commission for Aeronautical Meteorology Meeting 2014
- Weather Services
- Validation of a crosswind change criterion for building induced airflow disturbances using a flight simulator: case studies at the Hong Kong International Airport(P.W. Chan & Henk Krus, Meteorological Applications, vol. 23, p.742-748, 2016)
- A test of visibility sensors at Hong Kong International Airport(P.W. Chan, Weather, vol. 71, p.241-246, 2016)
- LIDAR observation and numerical simulation of vortex/wave shedding at the Eastern Runway Corridor of the Hong Kong International Airport(Li, L. and P.W. Chan, Meteorological Applications, vol. 23, p.379–388, 2016)
- On the identification of weather avoidance routes in the terminal maneuvering area of Hong Kong International Airport(Sauer, Manuela, Thomas Hauf, Ludmila Sakiew, Pak Wai Chan, Shuk-Mei Tse and Patrick Hupe, Journal of Zhejiang University Science A, vol. 17, p.171-185, 2016)
- An algorithm for generating location-specific NWP total cloud cover forecast with potential application to sea breeze forecast at the Hong Kong International Airport(P. Cheung, Y.Y. Leung and S.Y. Tang, 29th Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Seminar on Meteorological Science and Technology, Macao, 20-22 January 2015)
- Blending of Extrapolated Radar Reflectivity with Simulated Reflectivity from NWP for a Seamless Significant Convection Forecast up to 6 Hours(P. Cheung, P.W. Li and W.K. Wong, The 17th Conference on Aviation, Range, and Aerospace Meteorology, 4-8 January 2015, Phoenix, Arizona, USA)
- Impacts of reconnaissance flight data on numerical simulation of tropical cyclones over South China Sea(W.K. Wong, S.M. Tse and P.W. Chan, Meteorological Applications Volume 21, Issue 4, pages 831–847, October 2014)
- Weather observations by aircraft reconnaissance inside Severe Typhoon Utor(P.W. Chan, W.K. Wong and K.K. Hon, Weather, Volume 69, Issue 8, pages 199–202, August 2014)
- Standardization of raw wind speed data under complex terrain conditions: A data-driven scheme(He, Y.C., P.W. Chan and Q.S. Li, Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, Volume 131, August 2014, Pages 12–30)
- 香港国际机场应对强对流天气影响空域及机场运作的最新发展 (in Chinese only)(李炳华、张冰、谢淑媚、周志坚, 第廿一民航气象技术交流会,四川成都,2013年10月22 - 25日)
- A case study of missed approach of aircraft due to tailwind associated with thunderstorms(S.M. Tse, P.W. Chan and W.K. Wong, Meteorological Applications, Vol. 21, pp 50–61, 2014)
- 飞机侦测资料对南海热带气旋分析与数值模式预报的影响(in Chinese only)(黄伟健, 第30届中国气象学会年会,中国南京,2013年10月23-25日)
- 香港机场进场离场航道上强对流天气信息服务(in Chinese only)(黄梓辉, 第30届中国气象学会年会,中国南京,2013年10月23-25日)
- Development of a guideline for thunderstorm reporting based on radar and lightning location data(P.W. Li and P.W. Chan, Disaster Advances, 6, 71-81, Mar 2013)
- Validation of MODIS, MISR, OMI, and CALIPSO aerosol optical thickness using ground-based sunphotometers in Hong Kong(Man Sing Wong, Muhammad I. Shahzad, Janet E. Nichol, Kwon Ho Lee and P.W. Chan, International Journal of Remote Sensing, volume 34, 897-918, 2012)
- Short-term climatology and performance of lidar-based visibility map at the Hong Kong International Airport(P.W. Chan, International Journal of Remote Sensing, volume 34, 956-967, 2012)
- Improving the wind and temperature measurements of an airborne meteorological measuring system(S. Foster and P.W. Chan, Journal of Zhejiang University – Science A, 13, 723-746, 2012)
- Application of optical-flow technique to significant convection nowcast for terminal areas in Hong Kong (P. Cheung and H.Y. Yeung, The 3rd WMO International Symposium on Nowcasting and Very Short-Range Forecasting (WSN12), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 6-10 August 2012)
- Seamless Weather Forecast from Minutes to Days to Support Air Travel (W.K. Wong, S.M. Tse and P. Cheung, HKIE ICT Conference: Technologies for a Smart City, Hong Kong, China, 11 May 2012)
- Application of Multi-platform Satellite Surface Wind Analysis in Aerodrome Wind Forecasting during the Passage of Tropical Cyclones (P. Cheung, C.C. Lam and Y.L. Chan, 15th Conference on Aviation, Range, and Aerospace Meteorology; Los Angeles, CA, 1-4 August 2011)
- Development of Satellite-based Significant Convection Nowcasting Product in Support of Air Traffic Flow Management in Hong Kong (P. Cheung, C.C. Lam and T.K.H. Ng, 15th Conference on Aviation, Range, and Aerospace Meteorology; Los Angeles, CA, 1-4 August 2011)
- The latest services for ICAO (Albersheim, S, D. Hart, C.M. Cheng and L. Burch, Meteorological Technology International, May 2011 issue, pp 62-65)
- New Meteorological Services Supporting Air Traffic Management (C.M. Shun and Sandy M.K. Song, ICAO Journal -- APAC Regional Report, December 2010)
- Objective calibrated wind speed and crosswind probabilistic forecasts for the Hong Kong International Airport (P. Cheung and C.C. Lam, Second Aviation, Range and Aerospace Meteorology Special Symposium on Weather-Air Traffic Management Integration, Seattle, WA, 23-27 January 2011)
- Development of significant convection forecast product and service for air traffic flow management in Hong Kong (P. Cheung and C.C. Lam, Second Aviation, Range and Aerospace Meteorology Special Symposium on Weather-Air Traffic Management Integration, Seattle, WA, 23-27 January 2011)
- Aviation Applications of a New Generation of Mesoscale Numerical Weather Prediction System of the Hong Kong Observatory (W.K. Wong, P.W. Chan and C.K. Ng, The 24th Conference on Weather and Forecasting/20th Conference on Numerical Weather Prediction, American Meteorological Society, Seattle, USA, 24-27 January 2011)
- Advanced Applications of Numerical Weather Prediction Models - Case Studies (P.W. Chan, Numerical Simulations - Examples and Applications in Computational Fluid Dynamics, Chapter 5, pp. 71-96)
- Remote Sensing Observations of the Subsidence Zone within the Eye of Typhoon Nuri in Hong Kong in 2008 (C.P. Wong and P.W. Chan, Weather, Vol. 65, pp. 299-302)
- Determination of Backscatter-Extinction Coefficient Ratio for LIDAR-Retrieved Aerosol Optical Depth Based on Sunphotometer Data (P.W. Chan, Remote Sensing Vol.2(9), pp. 2127-2135)
- Climatology and Performance of LIDAR-based Visibility Map at the Hong Kong International Airport (P.W. Chan and C. M. Li, First International Conference on Sustainable Urbanization, 15 - 17 December 2010, Hong Kong)
- Retrieval of Aerosol Optical Depth from Geostationary Satellite, MTSAT-1R, over East Asia (J. Kim, M. Kim, J. Lee, J. Yoon, D. Wu, P.W. Chan, J.E. Nichol and C. Wong,17th Conference on Satellite Meteorology and Oceanography, 27 - 30 September 2010, Annapolis, MD, USA)
- Performance of Temperature and Dew Point Data Based on Collection 5 algorithm of MODIS and Their Application in Numerical Modelling of Tropical Cyclones (H.Y. Yip and P.W. Chan, 17th Conference on Satellite Meteorology and Oceanography, 27 - 30 September 2010, Annapolis, MD, USA)
- Application of Variational Analysis of Wind Field Based on Lidar Conical Scans to Air Quality Monitoring (P.W. Chan and Frank Yu, The Open Atmospheric Science Journal, Volume 4, p.64-77, May 2010)
- Improving Wind and Rain Simulations for Tropical Cyclones with the Assimilation of Doppler Radar Data (T.C. Cheung and P.W. Chan, The Open Atmospheric Science Journal, Volume 4, p.57-63, May 2010)
- Numerical Simulation of Fog Using Non-Hydrostatic NWP Model With Third-Order Turbulence Closure (W.K. Wong and S.T. Lai, Journal of Hydro-environment Research Volume 4, Issue 2, (2010), Pages 131-141)
- Atmospheric Phenomena Observed over the South China Sea by the Advanced Synthetic Aperture Radar Onboard the Envisat Satellite (W. Alpers, W. Huang, P.W. Chan, W.K. Wong, C.M. Cheng and A. Mouche, Proceedings of the Dragon 2 Programme Mid Term Results Symposium, Guilin, P.R. China, 17-21 May 2010, ESA publication SP-684)
- Wind Data Collected by a Fixed-wing Aircraft in the Vicinity of a Typhoon over the South China Coastal Waters (P.W. Chan and K.K. Hon, The 29th Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology, 10-14 May 2010, Tucson, Arizona, USA)
- Impact of Different Cumulus Parameterizations on the Numerical Simulation of Rain over Southern China (P.W. Chan, The 29th Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology, 10-14 May 2010, Tucson, Arizona, USA)
- The Use of Neural Network Retrieval for Thermodynamic Profiles of a Ground-based Microwave Radiometer (P.W. Chan, The 11th Specialist Meeting on Microwave Radiometry and Remote Sensing of the Environment, 1-4 March 2010, Washington, DC, USA)
- Application of a Ground-based Microwave Radiometer in Cloud Observations (P.W. Chan and C.M. Li, The 11th Specialist Meeting on Microwave Radiometry and Remote Sensing of the Environment, 1-4 March 2010, Washington, DC, USA)
- Performance of Instability Indices of the Troposphere as Derived from a Ground-based Microwave Radiometer (P.W. Chan and K.K. Hon, The 11th Specialist Meeting on Microwave Radiometry and Remote Sensing of the Environment, 1-4 March 2010, Washington, DC, USA)
- Local Random Errors in Drop-counting Rain Gauges (P.W. Chan, C.M. Li and G.J. Ciach, 15th Symposium on Meteorological Observation and Instrumentation, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, 17-21 Jan 2010)
- Development of an Advanced Aviation Nowcasting System by Including Rapidly Updated NWP Model in Support of Air Traffic Management (P.W. Li and W.K. Wong, 14th Conference on Aviation, Range, and Aerospace Meteorology, American Meteorological Society, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, 17-21 Jan 2010)
- Windshear and Turbulence
- Optimized use of real-time vertical-profile wind data and fast modelling for prediction of airflow over complex terrain(Stocker, Jenny, David Carruthers, Kate Johnson, Julian Hunt and P. W. Chan, Meteorological Applications, vol. 23, p.182-190, 2016)
- Calculation and application of eddy dissipation rate map based on spectrum width data of a S-band radar in Hong Kong(Chan, P. W., P. Zhang and R. Doviak Mausam, vol. 67, p.411-422, 2016)
- Observation and numerical simulation of terrain-Induced windshear at the Hong Kong International Airport in a planetary boundary layer without temperature inversions(Chan, P.W. and K.K. Hon, Advances in Meteorology, vol. 2016, Article ID 1454513, 9 pages, 2016)
- RANS simulation of neutral atmospheric boundary layer flows over complex terrain by proper imposition of boundary conditions and modification on the k-epsilon model(B.W. Yan, Q.S. Li, Y.C. He and P.W. Chan, Environmental Fluid Mechanics, February 2016, Volume 16, Issue 1, pp 1-23)
- Performance of super high resolution numerical weather prediction model in forecasting terrain-disrupted airflow at the Hong Kong International Airport: case studies(P.W. Chan and K.K. Hon, Meteorological Applications, Volume 23, Issue 1, pages 101–114, January 2016)
- Lagrangian Coherent Structure Analysis of Terminal Winds: Three-Dimensionality, Intramodel Variations, and Flight Analyses(Brent Knutson, Wenbo Tang and P.W. Chan, Advances in Meteorology, vol. 2015, 2015)
- Terrain-Induced Turbulence Intensity during Tropical Cyclone Passage as Determined from Airborne, Ground-Based, and Remote Sensing Sources(K.K. Hon and P.W. Chan, Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, Vol.31, pp.2373-2391, November 2014)
- Application of Short-Range LIDAR in Early Alerting for Low-Level Windshear and Turbulence at Hong Kong International Airport(K.K. Hon, P.W. Chan, Y.Y. Chiu and Wenbo Tang, Advances in Meteorology, Volume 2014 (2014), Article ID 162748, 8 pages)
- Observation and numerical simulation of vortex/wave shedding for terrain-disrupted airflow at Hong Kong International Airport during Typhoon Nesat in 2011(P.W. Chan, Meteorological Applications, Vol.21, Issue 3, 512–520, July 2014)
- A tail strike event of an aircraft due to terrain-induced wind shear at the Hong Kong International Airport(P.W. Chan, Meteorological Applications, Vol.21,Issue 3, 504–511, July 2014)
- Estimation of turbulence intensities under strong wind conditions via turbulent kinetic energy dissipation rates(Li, S.W., K.T. Tse, A.U. Weerasuriya and P.W. Chan, Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, Volume 131, Pages 1–11, August 2014)
- Observation and numerical simulation of terrain-disrupted wavy motion in the boundary layer with minor temperature inversion/isothermal at the Hong Kong international airport(P.W. Chan, Mausam, 65, 233-244, April 2014)
- An Analysis of a Severe Turbulence Event Encountered by an Aircraft over the South China Sea and the Application of Numerical Weather Prediction Models in the Early Alerting of the Event(P.W. Chan and W.K. Wong, Advances in Meteorology, Volume 2014, Article ID 834579, 11 pages, April 2014)
- Microwave radiometer measurements of a foehn wind around Lantau Island, Hong Kong(P.W. Chan, Weather, Volume 69, Volume 69, Issue 4, pages 93–97, April 2014)
- Numerical simulation on the wind field structure of a mountainous area beside South China Sea during the landfall of Typhoon Molave(Li, Lei, P.W. Chan, Fei Hu, Li-jie Zhang and Yan-xiang Liu, Journal of Tropical Meteorology, Volume 20, Number 1, 66-73, Jan 2014)
- Wind Field of a Nonmesocyclone Anticyclonic Tornado Crossing the Hong Kong International Airport(Karen A. Kosiba, Paul Robinson, P.W. Chan and Joshua Wurman, Advances in Meteorology, Volume 2014, Article ID 597378, 7 pages, 2014)
- 与热带气旋相关之低空湍流强度的综合分析 (in Chinese only)(韩启光、陈栢纬, 第二十八届粤港澳气象科技研讨会,香港,2014年1月13-15日)
- Modelling of wind shear downwind of mountain ridges at Hong Kong International Airport(David Carruthers, Andrew Ellis, Julian Hunt and P.W. Chan, Meteorological Applications, Vol. 21, pp 94–104, 2014)
- LIDAR-based F-factor for wind shear alerting: different smoothing algorithms and application to departing flights(Y.F. Lee and P.W. Chan, Meteorological Applications, Vol. 21, pp 86–93, 2014)
- Performance and aviation applications of minisodars at Hong Kong International Airport(P.W. Chan, Meteorological Applications, Vol. 21, pp 62–73, 2014)
- Lagrangian detection of wind shear for landing aircraft(Hossein Amini Kafiabad, P.W. Chan and George Haller, Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, Vol. 30, pp 2808-2819, 2013)
- Numerical simulation of terrain-induced vortex/wave shedding at the Hong Kong International Airport(Li Lei, P.W. Chan, Li-Jie Zhang and Mao Hui, Meteorologische Zeitschrift, Vol. 22, pp 317 – 327, 2013)
- Study on numerical simulation of wind field around buildings over complex terrain(Li Lei, P.W. Chan, Lin Yang and Lijie Zhang, Disaster Advances, Vol. 6, pp 77-81, 2013)
- Wind characteristics over different terrains(Y.C. He, P.W. Chan and Q.S. Li, Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 120, 51-69, Sep 2013)
- Application of brightness temperature data from a ground-based microwave radiometer to issue low-level windshear alert over Hong Kong International Airport(P.W. Chan and Y.F. Lee, Mausam, 64, 457-466, Jul 2013)
- Performance of LIDAR- and radar-based turbulence intensity measurement in comparison with anemometer-based turbulence intensity estimation based on aircraft data for a typical case of terrain-induced turbulence in association with a typhoon(P.W. Chan and Y.F. Lee, Journal of Zhejiang University Science A, 14, 469-481, 2013)
- Aviation Model: A Fine-Scale Numerical Weather Prediction System for Aviation Applications at the Hong Kong International Airport(W.K. Wong, C.S. Lau and P.W. Chan, Advances in Meteorology Volume 2013 (2013), Article ID 532475, 11 pages, June 2013)
- Data Assimilation of Weather Radar and LIDAR for Convection Forecasting and Windshear Alerting in Aviation Applications(W.K. Wong and P.W. Chan, Data Assimilation for Atmospheric, Oceanic and Hydrologic Applications (Vol. II), Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013, pp 527-554, June 2013)
- Aviation Model (AVM) – A Fine-scale Numerical Weather Prediction System for Aviation Applications at the Hong Kong International Airport (Abstract only)(W.K. Wong, C.S. Lau and P.W. Chan, 27th Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Seminar on Meteorological Science and Technology, Shaoguan, Guangdong, 9-10 January 2013)
- An artificial neural network with chaotic oscillator for wind shear alerting(K.M. Kwong, Max H. Y. Wong, James N. K. Liu and P. W. Chan, Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 29, 1518-1531, 2012)
- Observations of turbulence intensity distribution in the complex terrain around the Hong Kong International Airport using Doppler Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR) systems(P. W. Chan, Disaster Advances, 5, 304-311, 2012)
- Observation and numerical simulation of an event of vortex/wave shedding from a mountain near the Hong Kong International Airport(P. W. Chan, Meteorological Applications, volume 19, 371-384, 2012)
- An event of tail strike of an aircraft due to terrain-induced wind shear at the Hong Kong International Airport(P. W. Chan, Meteorological Applications, volume 19, 325-333, 2012)
- Effect of terrain and building structures on the airflow in an airport(D.Y.C. Leung, W.Y. Lo, W.Y. Chow and P.W. Chan, Journal of Zhejiang University – Science A, 13, 461-468, 2012)
- Remote-sensing observations of a gust front at Hong Kong International Airport (P.W. Chan, Weather, 67, 176–181)
- Application of LIDAR-based F-factor in windshear alerting (P.W. Chan, Meteorologische Zeitschrift, 21, 193–204)
- Numerical simulation study of the effect of buildings and complex terrain on the low-level winds at an airport in typhoon situation (L. Li and P.W. Chan, Meteorologische Zeitschrift, 21, 183–192)
- Automated Processing of Doppler Radar Data for Severe Weather Warnings (P. Joe, S. Dance, V. Lakshmanan, D. Heizenreder, P. James, P. Lang, T. Hengstebeck, Y. Feng, P.W. Li, H.Y. Yeung, O. Suzuki, K. Doi and J. Dai, Doppler Radar Observations - Weather Radar, Wind Profiler, Ionospheric Radar, and Other Advanced Applications, InTech, 470 pages)
- Aviation Applications of Doppler Radars in the Alerting of Windshear And Turbulence (P.W. Chan and P. Zhang, Doppler Radar Observations - Weather Radar, Wind Profiler, Ionospheric Radar, and Other Advanced Applications, InTech, 470 pages)
- A significant wind shear event leading to aircraft diversion at the Hong Kong international airport (P.W. Chan, Met. Apps, 19: 10–16. doi: 10.1002/met.242)
- Application of Short-Range Lidar in Wind Shear Alerting (P.W. Chan and Y.F. Lee, J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol., 29, 207–220)
- Application of a method for the automatic detection and Ground-Based Velocity Track Display (GBVTD) analysis of a tornado crossing the Hong Kong International Airport (P.W. Chan, J. Wurman, C.M. Shun, P. Robinson and K. Kosib, Atmospheric Research, 106, 18–29)
- Combined use of headwind ramps and gradients based on LIDAR data in the alerting of low-level windshear/turbulence (P.W. Chan, K.K. Hon and D.K. Shin, Meteorologische Zeitschrift, 20, 661-670, 2011)
- Lagrangian Coherent Structure Analysis of Terminal Winds Detected by Lidar. Part II: Structure Evolution and Comparison with Flight Data (Wenbo Tang, P. W. Chan and George Haller, J. Appl. Meteor. Climatol., 50, 2167–2183, 2011)
- Implementation and applications of chaotic oscillatory based neural network for wind prediction problems (K.M. Kwong, F.W. Tee, J.N.K. Liu and P.W. Chan, Atmósfera, Volume 24, 397-416, 2011)
- Large-eddy simulation of the wind flow across a terminal building on the airfield (J.O.P. Cheung, P.W. Chan and D.Y.C. Leung, International Journal of Earth Sciences and Engineering, Volume 04, 486-489, 2011)
- Application of ground-based, multi-channel microwave radiometer in the nowcasting of intense convective weather through instability indices of the atmosphere (P.W. Chan and K.K. Hon, Meteorologische Zeitschrift, Volume 20, 431-440, 2011)
- Application of a ground-based, multi-channel microwave radiometer to the alerting of low-level windshear at an airport (P.W. Chan and Y.F. Lee, Meteorologische Zeitschrift, Volume 20, 423-429, 2011)
- Wind data collected by a fixed-wing aircraft in the vicinity of a tropical cyclone over the south China coastal waters (P.W. Chan, K.K. Hon and S. Foster, Meteorologische Zeitschrift, Volume 20, Number 3, June 2011, pp. 313-321)
- Lagrangian Coherent Structure Analysis of Terminal Winds Detected by Lidar. Part I: Turbulence Structures (Wenbo Tang, P.W. Chan and George Haller, Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 50, 325–338, February 2011)
- Generation of an Eddy Dissipation Rate Map at the Hong Kong International Airport Based on Doppler Lidar Data (P.W. Chan, Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 28, 37–49, January 2011 )
- Verification of NWP Turbulence Intensity Guidance Using Eddy Dissipation Rate from Aircraft Data (W.K. Wong, P.W. Chan and C.M. Li, The 24th Conference on Weather and Forecasting/20th Conference on Numerical Weather Prediction, American Meteorological Society, Seattle, USA, 24-27 January 2011)
- LIDAR-Based Turbulence Intensity Calculation Using Glide-Path Scans of the Doppler LIght Detection And Ranging (LIDAR) systems at the Hong Kong International Airport and Comparison with Flight Data and a Turbulence Alerting System (P.W. Chan, Meteorologische Zeitschrift, Vol.19, No. 6, pp. 549-563, December 2010)
- Validating the Turbulence Parameterization Schemes of a Numerical Model Using Eddy Dissipation Rate and Turbulent Kinetic Energy Measurements in Terrain-Disrupted Airflow (P.W. Chan, Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, Vol. 108, Nos. 3-4, pp. 95-112)
- LIDAR Windshear Alerting System at the Hong Kong International Airport - An Application of Information and Communication Technologies (P.W. Chan, ICT Conference: The Way to Digital City - Sustainable Public Services and Solutions, 1- 2 November 2010, Hong Kong)
- Lagrangian Characterization of Terrain Induced Turbulence Based on LIDAR Observations: Flow Characteristics and Airplane Approaches at Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA) (W. Tang, G. Haller and P.W. Chan,14th Conference on Mountain Meteorology, American Meteorological Society, 30 August - September 2010, Olympic Valley, CA, USA)
- Combined Use of Headwind Ramps and Gradients Based on LIDAR Data in the Alerting of low-level Windshear/Turbulence (P.W. Chan, K.K. Hon and D.K. Shin,14th Conference on Mountain Meteorology, American Meteorological Society, 30 August - September 2010, Olympic Valley, CA, USA)
- Study of Wind Fields Associated with Subtropical Squall Lines using ENVISAT Synthetic Aperture Radar Images and Ground-based Weather Radar Data (P.W.Chan, C.M. Cheng and W. Alpers, International Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol. 31, Nos. 17-18, pp 4897-4914, September 2010)
- Investigation of Trapped Atmospheric Gravity Waves over the South China Sea using Envisat Synthetic Aperture Radar Images (C.M. Cheng and W. Alpers, International Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol. 31, Nos. 17-18, pp 4725-4743, September 2010)
- Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulation of the Wind Flow over an Airport Terminal Building (C.H. Liu, Dennis Y.C. Leung, Alex C.S. Man and P.W. Chan, Zhejiang University Science A, Volumn 11, No. 6, p.389 - 401, June 2010)
- Lagrangian Coherent Structures in Finite Domains(W. Tang, P.W. Chan and G. Haller, The 16th US National Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, June 27-July 2, 2010, State College, Pennsylvania, USA)
- LIDAR and Chaotic Oscillatory-based Neural Network for Wind Shear Forecasting (K.M. Kwong, James N.K. Liu and P.W. Chan, The 2010 World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering and Applied Computing 12-15 July 2010, Las Vegas, NV, USA)
- Determination of Backscatter-Extinction Coefficient Ratio for LIDAR-retrieved Aerosol Optical Depth Based on Sunphotometer Data (P.W. Chan and M.L. Kuo, The 25th International Laser Radar Conference 5-9 July 2010, St. Petersburg, Russia)
- Forecasting Headwind Profiles and Low Level Windshear Using LIDAR Velocity Data and a Chaotic Oscillatory-based Neural Network (P.W. Chan and K.M. Kwong, The 25th International Laser Radar Conference 5-9 July 2010, St. Petersburg, Russia)
- Applications of a Short-Range LIDAR at the Hong Kong International Airport (P.W. Chan, The 25th International Laser Radar Conference 5-9 July 2010, St. Petersburg, Russia)
- LIDAR Data Analysis for a Tornado on 6 September 2004 at the Hong Kong International Airport (P.W. Chan and Frank Yu, International Symposium for the Advancement of Boundary Layer Remote Sensing 2010, 28 - 30 June 2010, Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, France)
- Gust Measurements by a Monostatic Minisodar (P.W. Chan and K.K. Hon, International Symposium for the Advancement of Boundary Layer Remote Sensing 2010, 28 - 30 June 2010, Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, France)
- Low Level Wind Effects of the Hangars at the Hong Kong International Airport (P.W. Chan, W.Y. Lo and D.Y.C. Leung, The 5th International Symposium on Computational Wind Engineering, 23 - 27 May 2010, Chapel Hill, NC, USA)
- Accurate extraction of Lagrangian coherent structures over finite domains with application to flight data analysis over Hong Kong International Airport (W.Tang, P.W. Chan and G. Haller, Chaos, volume 20, 017502 (2010))
- Alerting of Terrain-induced Windshear Using Wind Data Measured over the Mountains (G. Kuhlmann, T. Hauf and P.W. Chan, 14th Conference on Aviation, Range, and Aerospace Meteorology, American Meteorological Society, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, 17-21 Jan 2010)
- Latest Developments of Windshear Alerting Services at the Hong Kong International Airport (P.W. Chan, C.M. Shun and M.L. Kuo, 14th Conference on Aviation, Range, and Aerospace Meteorology, American Meteorological Society, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, 17-21 Jan 2010)
- Doppler Effect - The Glide Path Scan That Alerts for Low-level Windshear (P.W. Chan, Meteorological Technology International, 2010)
- World Area Forecast System
- Visualization of WAFS Trial Gridded Forecasts (C.M. Shun, Thirteenth Meeting of the Communications/Navigation/Surveillance and Meteorology Sub-group of APANPIRG (CNS/MET SG13), Bangkok, Thailand, 20-24 July 2009)
- Further Observations on WAFS Trial Gridded Forecasts (C.M. Shun, Thirteenth Meeting of the Communications/Navigation/Surveillance and Meteorology Sub-group of APANPIRG (CNS/MET SG13), Bangkok, Thailand, 20-24 July 2009)
- Regional Progress in WAFS Implementation (C.M. Shun, Thirteenth Meeting of the Communications/Navigation/Surveillance and Meteorology Sub-group of APANPIRG (CNS/MET SG13), Bangkok, Thailand, 20-24 July 2009)
- Regional Progress in WAFS Implementation (C.M. Shun, Twelfth Meeting of the Communications/Navigation/Surveillance and Meteorology Sub-group of APANPIRG (CNS/MET SG12), Bangkok, Thailand, 21-25 July 2008)
- Observations on WAFS Trial Gridded Forecasts (M.K. Song and C.Y. Hong, Twelfth Meeting of the Communications/Navigation/Surveillance and Meteorology Sub-group of APANPIRG (CNS/MET SG12), Bangkok, Thailand, 21-25 July 2008)
- Improving Visualization of WAFS Forecasts (C.M. Shun, 4th Meeting of ICAO World Area Forecast System Operations Group (WAFSOPSG), Cairo, Egypt 26-28 February 2008 )
- Performance of WAFS Gridded Products ( C.M. Shun, The Eleventh Meeting of the Communications/Navigation/Surveillance and Meteorology Sub-group of APANPIRG (CNS/MET SG/11) Bangkok, Thailand, 11-20 July 2007 )
- Problems and Opportunities Arising from the Migration of OPMET Data to BUFR (C.M. Shun and Ken Macdonald, Commission For Aeronautical Meteorology Thirteenth Session, Geneva, Switzerland,23 November to 1 December 2006)
- Regional Progress in WAFS Implementation(C.M. Shun, Ninth Meeting of the Communications/Navigation/Surveillance and Meteorology Sub-Group (CNS/MET/SG/9) of APANPIRG, Bangkok, Thailand, 11–15 July 2005)
- BURF Migration Operational Trial and Airlines' Feedback (World Area Forecast System Operations Group (WAFSOPSG) Second Meeting, Bangkok, Thailand, 8-11 March 2005)
- Uplink / Downlink of Weather Information to / from Aircraft
- Uplink and Downlink of Weather Information – Recent Development in Hong Kong, China (C.M. Shun, The Eleventh Meeting of the Communications/Navigation/Surveillance and Meteorology Sub-group of APANPIRG (CNS/MET SG/11) Bangkok, Thailand, 11-20 July 2007)
- Recent Developments in AMDAR and trends in Meteorological Data Downlink (C.M. Shun, Commission For Aeronautical Meteorology Thirteenth Session, Geneva, Switzerland, 23 November-1 December 2006)
- Recent Developments on Meteorological Information Datalink at the Hong Kong International Airport (M.K. Song, International Symposium on Electronics in Air Transport Industry (SEATI) 2006, Hong Kong, China, 8-9 March 2006 )
- Current Status of D-ATIS and D-VOLMET Implementation(M.K. Song, Ninth Meeting of the Communications/Navigation/Surveillance and Meteorology Sub-Group (CNS/MET/SG/9) of APANPIRG, Bangkok, Thailand, 11–15 July 2005)
- Identification of a Data Link for Uplinking Graphical Meteorological Information(C.M. Shun, Ninth Meeting of the Communications/Navigation/Surveillance and Meteorology Sub-Group (CNS/MET/SG/9) of APANPIRG, Bangkok, Thailand, 11–15 July 2005)
- Provision of Automated Aircraft Observations(C.M. Shun, Ninth Meeting of the Communications/Navigation/Surveillance and Meteorology Sub-Group (CNS/MET/SG/9) of APANPIRG, Bangkok, Thailand, 11–15 July 2005)
- Specification of Graphical Tropical Cyclone SIGMET for Uplink to Aircraft(H.G. Wai, Meteorological Information Data Link Study Group (METLINKSG), Eighth Meeting, Montreal, 1-4 February 2005)
- Uplink of Windshear and Turbulence Information to Aircraft(H.G. Wai, Meteorological Information Data Link Study Group (METLINKSG), Eighth Meeting, Montreal, 1-4 February 2005)