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New Recruits of Hong Kong Voluntary Observing Ship (up to Aug 2024)

During the past 12 months, a total of 19 vessels (including 18 container ships and 1 fishing vessel) joined the Hong Kong Voluntary Observation Ship (HKVOS) fleet and started contributing to marine weather observations.  The new recruits are listed below:


Ship Name

Ship Company

Maersk Charleston

Maersk Cincinnati

Maersk Cleveland

One Fantastic

One Focus

One Freedom

One Friendship

One Frontier

One Fruition

One Future

One Readiness

One Reliability

ZIM Amber

ZIM Coral

ZIM Sapphire

Seaspan Ship Management Limited – Hong Kong (Seaspan)

OOCL Abu Dhabi

OOCL Italy

OOCL Zeebrugge

Orient Overseas Container Line Limited (OOCL)



We warmly welcome the above new ships and thank Seaspan, OOCL and 广州京兴航天技术应用有限公司 for their support of the HKVOS Scheme.

Figure 1. Newly recruited HKVOS "One Frontier".



Figure 2. Newly recruited HKVOS “OOCL Zeebrugge” (Photo courtesy of Orient Overseas Container Line Limited).

Cheung Wing Kai, Chow Chi Kin