
Historical Fragment

The following is an introduction to some of the instruments that have been decommissioned but are still being kept. They once played an important role in upper air observation or the operations of the King's Park Meteorological Station and have high historical value.
Theodolite with tripod
Theodolite with tripod
Balloon fillers
Balloon fillers
Radiosonde ground check set
Radiosonde ground check set
Sling psychrometer
Sling psychrometer
Humidity slide rule
Humidity slide rule
Manual Upper-Air Sounding System
Manual Upper Air Sounding System
Mercury Kew Barometer
Mercury Kew Barometer
Bimetallic actinograph
Bimetallic actinograph
Campbell-Stokes Sunshine Recorder
Campbell-Stokes Sunshine Recorder
Ångström Compensation Pyheliometer
Ångström Compensation Pyheliometer