Securities (Disclosure of Interests) Daily Summaries
                                                                             SECURITIES (DISCLOSURE OF INTERESTS) DAILY SUMMARIES                                                 PRINTED: 04/01/00  PAGE:   1
                                                                                SUBSTANTIAL SHAREHOLDERS' NOTIFICATIONS REPORT

STOCK NAME :  AV Concept Hold                (0595)         * ISC as at 03/01/00 :         170,830,012

Name of Sub. Shareholder   Date     Reason    Present Bal.     Previous Bal.             Share Jointly Held                          Corporate Interest                          Family Interest
------------------------ -------- ---------- ---------------  ---------------  -----------------------------------------  -----------------------------------------  -----------------------------------------
ANSBACHER (BVI) LIMITED  29/12/99 1,3             74,972,000       78,208,000                                             B.K.S. CO LTD                  74,972,000                            

B.K.S. COMPANY LIMITED   29/12/99 1,3             74,972,000       78,208,000                                                                                                                  

CREDIT CASH LIMITED      29/12/99 1,3             74,972,000       78,208,000                                             B.K.S. CO LTD                  74,972,000                            

SO YUK KWAN              29/12/99 1               76,472,000       79,708,000                                                                                                                  

STOCK NAME :  Allied PPT (HK)                (0056)         * ISC as at 03/01/00 :       2,900,537,773

Name of Sub. Shareholder   Date     Reason    Present Bal.     Previous Bal.             Share Jointly Held                          Corporate Interest                          Family Interest
------------------------ -------- ---------- ---------------  ---------------  -----------------------------------------  -----------------------------------------  -----------------------------------------
ALLIED GROUP LIMITED     28/12/99 1,3,4,6      1,652,488,059    1,651,738,059                                             CAPSCORE LTD                  843,745,560                            

                                                                                                                          CITIWEALTH INV LTD             21,750,000                            

                                                                                                                          SUNHILL INV LTD               300,436,800                            

SUNHILL INVESTMENTS LIM- 28/12/99 1,3,6          300,436,800      299,686,800                                                                                                                  

STOCK NAME :  Asia Financial Holdings        (0662)         * ISC as at 03/01/00 :       1,005,015,538

Name of Sub. Shareholder   Date     Reason    Present Bal.     Previous Bal.             Share Jointly Held                          Corporate Interest                          Family Interest
------------------------ -------- ---------- ---------------  ---------------  -----------------------------------------  -----------------------------------------  -----------------------------------------
CHAN YAU HING ROBIN      24/12/99                323,425,131      323,383,131                                             BANGKOK MERCANTILE (HK)-       27,999,561                            
                                                                                                                           CO LTD                                    

                                                                                                                          ASIA PANICH INV CO (HK)-       22,376,393                            

                    * ISC refers to the latest Issued Share Capital of the listed company recorded by the Exchange as at the date of this summaries.  It might not promptly reflect 
                      changes caused by share placements, rights issue, bonus issue, etc.  Readers should exercise caution when using these figures.
                                                                             SECURITIES (DISCLOSURE OF INTERESTS) DAILY SUMMARIES                                                 PRINTED: 04/01/00  PAGE:   2
                                                                                SUBSTANTIAL SHAREHOLDERS' NOTIFICATIONS REPORT

STOCK NAME :  Asia Financial Holdings        (0662)         * ISC as at 03/01/00 :       1,005,015,538

Name of Sub. Shareholder   Date     Reason    Present Bal.     Previous Bal.             Share Jointly Held                          Corporate Interest                          Family Interest
------------------------ -------- ---------- ---------------  ---------------  -----------------------------------------  -----------------------------------------  -----------------------------------------
CHAN YAU HING ROBIN      24/12/99                323,425,131      323,383,131                                             UNITED ASIA ENTERPRISES-       36,530,412                            

                                                                                                                          TREASURE INV INC               24,822,153                            

                                                                                                                          UNITED ASIA CO LTD              3,856,201                            

                                                                                                                          MAN TONG CO LTD                59,920,774                            

                                                                                                                          COSMOS INV INC                112,717,290                            

                                                                                                                          BONHAM STRAND LTD              17,814,455                            

                                                                                                                          ROBINSON ENTERPRISES LT-        5,076,253                            

STOCK NAME :  Boto Int'l Hold                (0585)         * ISC as at 03/01/00 :         546,228,400

Name of Sub. Shareholder   Date     Reason    Present Bal.     Previous Bal.             Share Jointly Held                          Corporate Interest                          Family Interest
------------------------ -------- ---------- ---------------  ---------------  -----------------------------------------  -----------------------------------------  -----------------------------------------
KAO CHEUNG CHONG         28/12/99 1              344,064,800      340,064,800                                             KESSUDA CONSULTANTS LTD         5,680,620                            

                                                                                                                          HAPPY NATION LTD                7,392,720                            

                                                                                                                          SUNNI INT'L LTD               326,991,460                            

                    * ISC refers to the latest Issued Share Capital of the listed company recorded by the Exchange as at the date of this summaries.  It might not promptly reflect 
                      changes caused by share placements, rights issue, bonus issue, etc.  Readers should exercise caution when using these figures.
                                                                             SECURITIES (DISCLOSURE OF INTERESTS) DAILY SUMMARIES                                                 PRINTED: 04/01/00  PAGE:   3
                                                                                SUBSTANTIAL SHAREHOLDERS' NOTIFICATIONS REPORT

STOCK NAME :  Chaifa Holdings                (0139)         * ISC as at 03/01/00 :       1,381,266,826

Name of Sub. Shareholder   Date     Reason    Present Bal.     Previous Bal.             Share Jointly Held                          Corporate Interest                          Family Interest
------------------------ -------- ---------- ---------------  ---------------  -----------------------------------------  -----------------------------------------  -----------------------------------------
CHAN C.T. INVESTMENTS I- 29/12/99 1,3,7           10,716,306      240,716,306                                                                                                                  
NTERNATIONAL LIMITED                                                                                                                                                 

CHAN CHUN TUNG JOHN      29/12/99 1,3,5,7         50,775,228      280,775,228                                             CHAN C.T. INV INT'L LTD        10,716,306                            

STOCK NAME :  Chevalier iTech                (0508)         * ISC as at 03/01/00 :         836,597,558

Name of Sub. Shareholder   Date     Reason    Present Bal.     Previous Bal.             Share Jointly Held                          Corporate Interest                          Family Interest
------------------------ -------- ---------- ---------------  ---------------  -----------------------------------------  -----------------------------------------  -----------------------------------------
CHEVALIER INTERNATIONAL- 29/12/99 6              507,418,666      506,002,666  CHINA EVERBRIGHT TECHNO-      167,564,000  FIRSTLAND CO LTD               75,324,000                            
 HOLDINGS LIMITED                                                              LOGY LTD                                                                              

                                                                                                                          COKIN LTD                     167,564,000                            

CHOW YEI CHING           22/12/99 1,3,7          539,418,666      538,002,666                                             FIRSTLAND CO LTD                9,664,000                            

                                                                                                                          COKIN LTD                     167,564,000                            

                                                                                                                          SHANGHAI COMMERCIAL BAN-       80,000,000                            
                                                                                                                          K (NOMS) LTD                               

                                                                                                                          LIU CHONG HING (NOMS) L-      250,190,666                            

COKIN LIMITED            28/12/99 1,6            167,564,000      165,868,000                                                                                                                  

                    * ISC refers to the latest Issued Share Capital of the listed company recorded by the Exchange as at the date of this summaries.  It might not promptly reflect 
                      changes caused by share placements, rights issue, bonus issue, etc.  Readers should exercise caution when using these figures.
                                                                             SECURITIES (DISCLOSURE OF INTERESTS) DAILY SUMMARIES                                                 PRINTED: 04/01/00  PAGE:   4
                                                                                SUBSTANTIAL SHAREHOLDERS' NOTIFICATIONS REPORT

STOCK NAME :  Chuang's China                 (0298)         * ISC as at 03/01/00 :         738,300,690

Name of Sub. Shareholder   Date     Reason    Present Bal.     Previous Bal.             Share Jointly Held                          Corporate Interest                          Family Interest
------------------------ -------- ---------- ---------------  ---------------  -----------------------------------------  -----------------------------------------  -----------------------------------------
CHUANG'S CONSORTIUM INT- 28/12/99 1,3            525,020,645      509,425,645                                             ROURKE INV LTD                458,979,645                            
ERNATIONAL LIMITED                                                                                                                                                   

                                                                                                                          CHUANG'S FINANCE LTD           66,041,000                            

STOCK NAME :  Golden Power                   (0603)         * ISC as at 03/01/00 :         241,330,220

Name of Sub. Shareholder   Date     Reason    Present Bal.     Previous Bal.             Share Jointly Held                          Corporate Interest                          Family Interest
------------------------ -------- ---------- ---------------  ---------------  -----------------------------------------  -----------------------------------------  -----------------------------------------
HIKARI POWER INC.        28/12/99 2       N1     595,100,000                0                                                                                                                  

HIKARI TSUSHIN INC.      28/12/99 2       N1     595,100,000                0                                                                                                                  

YASUMITSU SHIGETA        28/12/99 2       N1     595,100,000                0                                             HIKARI POWER INC.             595,100,000                            

STOCK NAME :  Hanny Holdings                 (0275)         * ISC as at 03/01/00 :         636,780,408

Name of Sub. Shareholder   Date     Reason    Present Bal.     Previous Bal.             Share Jointly Held                          Corporate Interest                          Family Interest
------------------------ -------- ---------- ---------------  ---------------  -----------------------------------------  -----------------------------------------  -----------------------------------------
FAMEX INVESTMENT LIMITE- 24/12/99 3,5,6          163,708,584      163,700,350                                                                                                                  

ITC CORPORATION LIMITED  24/12/99 3,5,6          163,708,584      163,700,350                                             FAMEX INVESTMENT LTD          163,708,584                            

MANKAR ASSETS LIMITED    24/12/99 3,5,6          163,708,584      163,700,350                                             FAMEX INVESTMENT LTD          163,708,584                            

                    * ISC refers to the latest Issued Share Capital of the listed company recorded by the Exchange as at the date of this summaries.  It might not promptly reflect 
                      changes caused by share placements, rights issue, bonus issue, etc.  Readers should exercise caution when using these figures.
                                                                             SECURITIES (DISCLOSURE OF INTERESTS) DAILY SUMMARIES                                                 PRINTED: 04/01/00  PAGE:   5
                                                                                SUBSTANTIAL SHAREHOLDERS' NOTIFICATIONS REPORT

STOCK NAME :  Hung Fung Group                (1141)         * ISC as at 03/01/00 :         225,110,800

Name of Sub. Shareholder   Date     Reason    Present Bal.     Previous Bal.             Share Jointly Held                          Corporate Interest                          Family Interest
------------------------ -------- ---------- ---------------  ---------------  -----------------------------------------  -----------------------------------------  -----------------------------------------
BAXTER RESOURCES S.A.    23/12/99 1,3,4          153,482,000      153,082,000                                                                                                                  

STOCK NAME :  Jiangsu Expressway - H shares  (0177)         * ISC as at 03/01/00 :       1,222,000,000

Name of Sub. Shareholder   Date     Reason    Present Bal.     Previous Bal.             Share Jointly Held                          Corporate Interest                          Family Interest
------------------------ -------- ---------- ---------------  ---------------  -----------------------------------------  -----------------------------------------  -----------------------------------------
THE CAPITAL GROUP COMPA- 14/12/99 1,2,5          128,514,000             N.A.                                             CAPITAL INT'L LTD                 454,000                            
NIES INC.                                                                                                                                                            

                                                                                                                          CAPITAL INT'L INC.            128,060,000                            

STOCK NAME :  Mansion Holdings               (0547)         * ISC as at 03/01/00 :       2,702,539,986

Name of Sub. Shareholder   Date     Reason    Present Bal.     Previous Bal.             Share Jointly Held                          Corporate Interest                          Family Interest
------------------------ -------- ---------- ---------------  ---------------  -----------------------------------------  -----------------------------------------  -----------------------------------------
PURPLE GOLD INTERNATION- 30/12/99 1,3,5,6        888,587,177      975,847,177                                                                                                                  
AL LIMITED                                                                                                                                                           

SEARCH ASIA PACIFIC (BV- 30/12/99 1,3,4,5,6      920,165,257    1,048,315,257                                             SEARCH ASIA PACIFIC LTD             1,200                            
I) LIMITED                                                                                                                                                           

                                                                                                                          MERCANTILE DIAMOND CORP        31,576,880                            

                                                                                                                          PURPLE GOLD INT'L LTD         888,587,177                            

SEARCH ASIA PACIFIC LIM- 30/12/99 1,3,4,5,6      888,588,377      976,728,377                                             SEARCH ASIA PACIFIC LTD             1,200                            

                                                                                                                          PURPLE GOLD INT'L LTD         888,587,177                            

                    * ISC refers to the latest Issued Share Capital of the listed company recorded by the Exchange as at the date of this summaries.  It might not promptly reflect 
                      changes caused by share placements, rights issue, bonus issue, etc.  Readers should exercise caution when using these figures.
                                                                             SECURITIES (DISCLOSURE OF INTERESTS) DAILY SUMMARIES                                                 PRINTED: 04/01/00  PAGE:   6
                                                                                SUBSTANTIAL SHAREHOLDERS' NOTIFICATIONS REPORT

STOCK NAME :  Mansion Holdings               (0547)         * ISC as at 03/01/00 :       2,702,539,986

Name of Sub. Shareholder   Date     Reason    Present Bal.     Previous Bal.             Share Jointly Held                          Corporate Interest                          Family Interest
------------------------ -------- ---------- ---------------  ---------------  -----------------------------------------  -----------------------------------------  -----------------------------------------
SEARCH INVESTMENT OFFIC- 30/12/99 1,3,4,5,6      920,165,257    1,048,315,257                                             SEARCH MEZZANINE INV LT-      920,165,257                            
E LIMITED                                                                                                                 D                                          

SEARCH MEZZANINE INVEST- 30/12/99 1,3,4,5,6      920,165,257    1,048,315,257                                             SEARCH PACIFIC LTD            920,165,257                            
MENT LIMITED                                                                                                                                                         

SEARCH PACIFIC LIMITED   30/12/99 1,3,4,5,6      920,165,257    1,048,315,257                                             SEARCH ASIA PACIFIC LTD             1,200                            

                                                                                                                          MERCANTILE DIAMOND CORP        31,576,880                            

                                                                                                                          PURPLE GOLD INT'L LTD         888,587,177                            

STOCK NAME :  Manulife                       (0945)         * ISC as at 03/01/00 :         499,425,125

Name of Sub. Shareholder   Date     Reason    Present Bal.     Previous Bal.             Share Jointly Held                          Corporate Interest                          Family Interest
------------------------ -------- ---------- ---------------  ---------------  -----------------------------------------  -----------------------------------------  -----------------------------------------

STOCK NAME :  Melco Int'l Dev.               (0200)         * ISC as at 03/01/00 :         121,087,134

Name of Sub. Shareholder   Date     Reason    Present Bal.     Previous Bal.             Share Jointly Held                          Corporate Interest                          Family Interest
------------------------ -------- ---------- ---------------  ---------------  -----------------------------------------  -----------------------------------------  -----------------------------------------
KUNG LIN YUEN LEROY      17/12/99 8       N2               0      192,900,000                                                                                                                  

STOCK NAME :  Nam Hing                       (0986)         * ISC as at 03/01/00 :         369,542,800

Name of Sub. Shareholder   Date     Reason    Present Bal.     Previous Bal.             Share Jointly Held                          Corporate Interest                          Family Interest
------------------------ -------- ---------- ---------------  ---------------  -----------------------------------------  -----------------------------------------  -----------------------------------------
LAU CHUNG YIM            24/12/99 1,3             51,256,400       50,740,400                                             DRAGON POWER INC.              42,078,400                            

                    * ISC refers to the latest Issued Share Capital of the listed company recorded by the Exchange as at the date of this summaries.  It might not promptly reflect 
                      changes caused by share placements, rights issue, bonus issue, etc.  Readers should exercise caution when using these figures.
                                                                             SECURITIES (DISCLOSURE OF INTERESTS) DAILY SUMMARIES                                                 PRINTED: 04/01/00  PAGE:   7
                                                                                SUBSTANTIAL SHAREHOLDERS' NOTIFICATIONS REPORT

STOCK NAME :  Ngai Lik Ind                   (0332)         * ISC as at 03/01/00 :         792,244,120

Name of Sub. Shareholder   Date     Reason    Present Bal.     Previous Bal.             Share Jointly Held                          Corporate Interest                          Family Interest
------------------------ -------- ---------- ---------------  ---------------  -----------------------------------------  -----------------------------------------  -----------------------------------------
GOODCHAMP HOLDINGS LIMI- 29/12/99 4              437,372,000      435,872,000                                                                                                                  

LAM MAN CHAN             29/12/99 5              437,372,000      435,872,000                                             GOODCHAMP HOLDINGS LTD        437,372,000  TING LAI LING                 437,372,000

TING LAI LING            29/12/99 5              437,372,000      435,872,000                                             GOODCHAMP HOLDINGS LTD        437,372,000  LAM MAN CHAN                  437,372,000

STOCK NAME :  Peaktop Int'l                  (0925)         * ISC as at 03/01/00 :         248,000,000

Name of Sub. Shareholder   Date     Reason    Present Bal.     Previous Bal.             Share Jointly Held                          Corporate Interest                          Family Interest
------------------------ -------- ---------- ---------------  ---------------  -----------------------------------------  -----------------------------------------  -----------------------------------------
DENK GUNTER              28/12/99 1,2,4,6         32,736,000                0     N3                                                                                 DENK CORINNA                    2,976,000

STOCK NAME :  South China Bro                (0619)         * ISC as at 03/01/00 :       4,862,194,240

Name of Sub. Shareholder   Date     Reason    Present Bal.     Previous Bal.             Share Jointly Held                          Corporate Interest                          Family Interest
------------------------ -------- ---------- ---------------  ---------------  -----------------------------------------  -----------------------------------------  -----------------------------------------
EARNTRADE INVESTMENTS L- 21/12/99 1,3          3,616,952,500    3,615,252,500                                             BANNOCK INV LTD             3,616,952,500                            

EAST HILL DEVELOPMENT L- 21/12/99 1,5          3,616,952,500    3,615,252,500                                                                                                                  

SOUTH CHINA (BVI) LIMIT- 21/12/99 1,5          3,616,952,500    3,615,252,500                                             EAST HILL DEV LTD           1,800,000,000                            

SOUTH CHINA HOLDINGS LI- 21/12/99 1,5          3,616,952,500    3,615,252,500                                             SOUTH CHINA (BVI) LTD       3,616,952,500                            

                    * ISC refers to the latest Issued Share Capital of the listed company recorded by the Exchange as at the date of this summaries.  It might not promptly reflect 
                      changes caused by share placements, rights issue, bonus issue, etc.  Readers should exercise caution when using these figures.
                                                                             SECURITIES (DISCLOSURE OF INTERESTS) DAILY SUMMARIES                                                 PRINTED: 04/01/00  PAGE:   8
                                                                                SUBSTANTIAL SHAREHOLDERS' NOTIFICATIONS REPORT

STOCK NAME :  South China Bro                (0619)         * ISC as at 03/01/00 :       4,862,194,240

Name of Sub. Shareholder   Date     Reason    Present Bal.     Previous Bal.             Share Jointly Held                          Corporate Interest                          Family Interest
------------------------ -------- ---------- ---------------  ---------------  -----------------------------------------  -----------------------------------------  -----------------------------------------
TEK LEE FINANCE AND INV- 21/12/99 1,5          3,616,952,500    3,615,252,500                                             EAST HILL DEV LTD           1,800,000,000                            
ESTMENT CORPORATION LIM-                                                                                                                                             

STOCK NAME :  Suwa Int'l Hold                (0567)         * ISC as at 03/01/00 :         466,013,785

Name of Sub. Shareholder   Date     Reason    Present Bal.     Previous Bal.             Share Jointly Held                          Corporate Interest                          Family Interest
------------------------ -------- ---------- ---------------  ---------------  -----------------------------------------  -----------------------------------------  -----------------------------------------
CHAN SIK MING HARRY      30/12/99 1,3,6           65,234,417       53,234,417                                             EARNWELL LTD                   48,754,417                            

STOCK NAME :  Tai Cheung Hold                (0088)         * ISC as at 03/01/00 :         617,531,425

Name of Sub. Shareholder   Date     Reason    Present Bal.     Previous Bal.             Share Jointly Held                          Corporate Interest                          Family Interest
------------------------ -------- ---------- ---------------  ---------------  -----------------------------------------  -----------------------------------------  -----------------------------------------
CHAN PUN DAVID           28/12/99 1              143,550,045      143,478,045                                             SAURUS LTD                     61,335,074                            

STOCK NAME :  Wai Kee Hold                   (0610)         * ISC as at 03/01/00 :         675,560,034

Name of Sub. Shareholder   Date     Reason    Present Bal.     Previous Bal.             Share Jointly Held                          Corporate Interest                          Family Interest
------------------------ -------- ---------- ---------------  ---------------  -----------------------------------------  -----------------------------------------  -----------------------------------------
ZEN WEI PEU DEREK        29/12/99 1,7            156,105,078      156,095,078                                                                                                                  

                    * ISC refers to the latest Issued Share Capital of the listed company recorded by the Exchange as at the date of this summaries.  It might not promptly reflect 
                      changes caused by share placements, rights issue, bonus issue, etc.  Readers should exercise caution when using these figures.

                                                                                         *****  END OF REPORT  *****


N1     Hikari Tsushin, Inc. (a company in which Hikari Power Inc. controls
       the exercise of more than one-third of its voting power) entered into
       a conditional subscription agreement with, inter alia, Golden Power
       International Holdings Limited (the "Company") on 28th December 1999
       pursuant to which it agreed, subject to satisfaction of certain
       conditions, to subscribe for 595,100,000 shares and a convertible
       note in the initial principal amount of HK$93,420,000 giving it the
       right to convert into shares of the Company at HK$0.90 per share subject
       to normal adjustments.

N2     Pursuant to a preliminary agreement ("Preliminary Agreement") dated
       24th November 1999 between Kung, Lin Yuen Leroy ("Mr. Kung") and
       Melco International Development Limited ("Melco"), in consideration
       of Mr. Kung agreeing to transfer certain assets to Melco, Melco agreed
       to issue following to Mr. Kung or his nominee:-
       (i)    60,000,000 3 year options in respect of new shares in Melco
              ("new Melco Shares") at a strike price of HK$2.85 per new
              Melco Share exercisable within a period of 3 years from the
              completion of the formal sale and purchase agreement to be
              entered into pursuant to the Preliminary Agreement; and
       (ii)   42,000,000 new Melco Shares at HK$2.85 per share ("Consideration
              Shares") and 2% $259,065,000 convertible bonds ("Bond") due
              2005 convertible into new Melco Shares at a conversion price of
              HK$2.85 per Melco share ("Bond Shares"), subject to normal
       Completion of the Preliminary Agreement was subject to the satisfaction
       of various conditions.
       The Preliminary Agreement lapsed on 17th December 1999 as one of the
       conditions had not been satisfied.

N3     The consideration for the 32,736,000 shares in the Listed Company is
       990,000 registered shares of Euro 1 each in the registered share
       capital of Heissner AG, a German corporation registered with the
       Commercial Register of the County Court of Lauterbach under the file
       no. HR B 616 whose principal place of business is at Schlitzer Str. 24,
       D-36341 Lauterbach, Germany.

N4     Acquisitions were made from 24/12/99 to 28/12/99 at prices ranging from
       $1.31 to $1.35 per share.

N5     Acquisitions were made from 22/12/99 to 30/12/99 at prices ranging from
       $24.10 to $24.30 per share.

M6     Scrip Dividend

N7     Acquisitions were made from 22/12/99 to 29/12/99 at prices ranging from
       $0.63 to $0.66 per share.

N8     Revised

N9     Consideration per unit : $0.200 - $0.237

N10    Please note that total number of shares deemed to be held by Mr. Li
       Ka-shing include 1,936,547,978 Hutchison Whampoa Ltd ("HWL") shares
       (representing 49.97% as of 30th December 1999) held by Cheung Kong
       (Holdings) Ltd ("CKHL") and 8,000,000 HWL shares held by his family
       trust structure.

N11    Consideration per unit : $0.290 - $0.325

N12    Acquisitions were made from 28/12/99 and 29/12/99 at prices ranging
       from $1.78 to $1.85 per share.

N13    Bonus Issue


       Stock Name: Manulife Financial Corporation (stock code: 945)
       *ISC as at 03/01/00 : 499,425,125

       The Securities and Futures Commission has granted Manulife Financial
       Corporation ("MFC") a partial exemption from compliance with the
       Securities (Disclosure of Interests) Ordinance pursuant to guidelines
       published under section 2A of the Ordinance.  Under the partial
       exemption, MFC is not required to prepare registers, maintain records
       or file, and MFC's corporate insiders are not required to file, with
       Hong Kong regulatory authorities disclosure of interest reports
       pursuant to the Ordinance on the condition that MFC will file with
       the SEHK disclosures of interests made in Canada and the U.S. where
       it maintains primary listings.

       1.  Under Canadian law, 10% shareholders of MFC have to file reports to
           the Ontario Securities Commission ("OSC").  Reports made by 10%
           shareholders, if any, can be found in OSC website
           MFC has agreed to monitor the OSC Weekly Bulletin and Insider Early
           Warning Report Press Releases every two weeks and if any reports by
           or concerning 10% shareholders and filed, MFC will provide a hard
           copy to the SEHK for inspection by the Hong Kong public.  So far,
           the SEHK has not received any such reports from MFC.
       2.  Under U.S. law, 5% shareholders of MFC have to file reports to the
           U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC") pursuant to Schedule
           13G/13D of the Securities and Exchange Act 1934 of the United States.
           Up-to-date reports made by 5% shareholders, if any, can be found in
           SEC website at  MFC has agreed to monitor the SEC
           website every two weeks and if any reports on 5% shareholders are
           filed, MFC will provide a hard copy to the SEHK for inspection by
           the Hong Kong public.  So far, the SEHK has not received any such
           reports from MFC.

       3.  Hard copies of filings or reports provided by MFC under paragraphs 1
           and 2 above (if any) are available for inspection at the SEHK's
           office at UG/F, V-Heun Building, 128-140 Queen's Road Central,
           Hong Kong, and upon request in writing to MFC at MFC's office at
           Manulife Plaza, The Lee Gardens, 48th Floor, 33 Hysan Avenue,
           Causeway Bay, Hong Kong.  For enquiries or arrangements regarding
           inspection at the SEHK please contact the SEHK SDI Unit (Miss Chin
           (2840-3707) or Miss Tsui (2840-3769)).

       * ISC refers to the latest Issued Share Capital of the listed company
         recorded by the Exchange as at the date of this summaries.  It might
         not promptly reflect changes caused by share placements, rights issue,
         bonus issue, etc.  Readers should exercise caution when using these


       Stock Name: Manulife Financial Corporation (stock code: 945)
       *ISC as at 03/01/00 : 499,425,125

       The Securities and Futures Commission has granted Manulife Financial
       Corporation ("MFC") a partial exemption from compliance with the
       Securities (Disclosure of Interests) Ordinance pursuant to guidelines
       published under section 2A of the Ordinance.  Under the partial
       exemption, MFC is not required to prepare registers, maintain records
       or file, and MFC's corporate insiders are not required to file, with
       Hong Kong regulatory authorities disclosure of interest reports
       pursuant to the Ordinance on the condition that MFC will file with
       the SEHK disclosures of interests made in Canada and the U.S. where
       it maintains primary listings.

       1.  Under Canadian law, "insiders" including directors of MFC have
           to file reports to the Ontario Securities Commission ("OSC")
           in Form 55 pursuant to the Ontario Securities Act.  MFC has agreed
           to provide Forms 55 filed by MFC in Canada to the SEHK at the same
           time as they are filed in Canada.  No Form 55 filings have been
           made by MFC today.
       2.  MFC is presently a "foreign private issuer" under U.S. law.  As
           such, no directors of MFC are required to make any disclosure of
           interests filings under the Securities Exchange Act 1934 of the
           United States.  
       *  ISC refers to the latest Issued Share Capital of the listed company
          recorded by the Exchange as at the date of this summaries.  It might
          not promptly reflect changes caused by share placements, rights issue,
          bonus issue, etc.  Readers should exercise caution when using these