Securities (Disclosure of Interests) Daily Summaries



                                                       SECURITIES (DISCLOSURE OF INTERESTS) DAILY SUMMARIES -                            PRINTED: 06/09/01  PAGE:   1
                                                        DIRECTORS'/CHIEF EXECUTIVES' NOTIFICATIONS REPORT - A
                                                                        (ACTUAL TRANSACTIONS)

 STOCK NAME : ABC Com. (Hold.)               (00030)

      Director/Chief Executive                Class                   Company Name            Tran. Date   Present Bal.   Previous Bal.  A/D Consideration     Note
 ------------------------------------  ---------------------  ------------------------------- ---------- --------------- --------------- --- -------------  -----------
 HO GEORGE                             ORD                    ABC COMMUNICATIONS (HOLDINGS) -  29/08/01      277,011,600     276,743,600  A         0.210              

 STOCK NAME : Chen Hsong Hold.               (00057)

      Director/Chief Executive                Class                   Company Name            Tran. Date   Present Bal.   Previous Bal.  A/D Consideration     Note
 ------------------------------------  ---------------------  ------------------------------- ---------- --------------- --------------- --- -------------  -----------
 CHIANG LAI YUEN                       ORD                    CHEN HSONG HOLDINGS LTD.           /  /                  0               0            0.000              

                                       ORD                    CHEN HSONG INV LTD                 /  /          1,216,000       1,216,000            0.000              

 STOCK NAME : Cheung Kong (Holdings)         (00001)

      Director/Chief Executive                Class                   Company Name            Tran. Date   Present Bal.   Previous Bal.  A/D Consideration     Note
 ------------------------------------  ---------------------  ------------------------------- ---------- --------------- --------------- --- -------------  -----------
 LI KA SHING                           ORD                    CHEUNG KONG (HOLDINGS) LTD.      03/09/01      834,966,504     834,866,504  A        72.500   N7         

                                       ORD                    BEAUTILAND CO LTD                  /  /         15,000,000      15,000,000            0.000              

                                       ORD                    JABRIN LTD                         /  /              2,000           2,000            0.000              

                                       ORD                    KOBERT LTD                         /  /                 75              75            0.000              

                                       ORD                    TSING-YI REALTY LTD                /  /            945,000         945,000            0.000              

                                       ORD                    BELIEVEWELL LTD                    /  /              1,000           1,000            0.000              

                                       ORD                    TOSBO LTD                          /  /                  4               4            0.000              

                                       ORD                    RASAM LTD                          /  /                  2               2            0.000              

                                       ORD                    HUTCHISON WHAMPOA LTD              /  /      2,139,272,773   2,139,272,773            0.000              
                                                       SECURITIES (DISCLOSURE OF INTERESTS) DAILY SUMMARIES -                            PRINTED: 06/09/01  PAGE:   2
                                                        DIRECTORS'/CHIEF EXECUTIVES' NOTIFICATIONS REPORT - A
                                                                        (ACTUAL TRANSACTIONS)

 STOCK NAME : Cheung Kong (Holdings)         (00001)

      Director/Chief Executive                Class                   Company Name            Tran. Date   Present Bal.   Previous Bal.  A/D Consideration     Note
 ------------------------------------  ---------------------  ------------------------------- ---------- --------------- --------------- --- -------------  -----------
 LI KA SHING                           ORD                    CHEUNG KONG INFRASTRUCTURE HOL-    /  /      1,912,109,945   1,912,109,945            0.000              
                                                              DINGS LTD                     

                                       EQUITY-LINKED-NOTE     SGA, SOCIETE GENERALE ACCEPTAN-    /  /        $10,000,000     $10,000,000            0.000              
                                       STRIKE PRICE HK$63.65  CE N.V. ON HUTCHISON WHAMPOA LTD
                                       DUE 10/2001

                                       EQUITY-LINKED-NOTE     DEUTSCHE BANK AG, LONDON BRANC-    /  /        $40,000,000     $40,000,000            0.000              
                                       STRIKE PRICE HK$63.65  H ON HUTCHISON WHAMPOA LTD
                                       DUE 10/2001

                                       EQUITY-LINKED-NOTE     LEHMAN BROTHERS TREASURY CO. O-    /  /        $50,000,000     $50,000,000            0.000              
                                       STRIKE PRICE HK$64.8375 N HUTCHISON WHAMPOA LTD
                                       DUE 10/2001

                                       EQUITY-LINKED-NOTE     SALOMON BROTHERS INT'L LTD ON -    /  /        $20,011,275     $20,011,275            0.000              
                                       STRIKE PRICE HK$66.2625 CHEUNG KONG (HOLDINGS) LTD
                                       DUE 10/2001

                                       EQUITY-LINKED-NOTE     BNP PARIBAS HONG KONG ON CHEUN-    /  /        $50,000,000     $50,000,000            0.000              
                                       STRIKE PRICE HK$66.025 G KONG (HOLDINGS) LTD
                                       DUE 10/2001

                                       EQUITY-LINKED-NOTE     LEHMAN BROTHERS TREASURY CO. O-    /  /        $10,000,000     $10,000,000            0.000              
                                       STRIKE PRICE HK$66.2625 N CHEUNG KONG (HOLDINGS) LTD
                                       DUE 10/2001

                                       EQUITY-LINKED-NOTE     BNP PARIBAS HONG KONG ON CHEUN-    /  /        $30,000,000     $30,000,000            0.000              
                                       STRIKE PRICE HK$66.2625 G KONG (HOLDINGS) LTD
                                       DUE 10/2001

 STOCK NAME : FE PHARMA TECH                 (00399)

      Director/Chief Executive                Class                   Company Name            Tran. Date   Present Bal.   Previous Bal.  A/D Consideration     Note
 ------------------------------------  ---------------------  ------------------------------- ---------- --------------- --------------- --- -------------  -----------
 CHEN CHING KEN                        ORD                    FAR EAST PHARMACEUTICAL TECHNO-  29/08/01      248,100,000     249,800,000  D         0.000   N2         
                                                              LOGY COMPANY LIMITED          

                                       ORD                    FAR EAST PHARMACEUTICAL TECHNO-  29/08/01      249,800,000     248,100,000  A         0.000   N2         
                                                              LOGY COMPANY LIMITED          
                                                       SECURITIES (DISCLOSURE OF INTERESTS) DAILY SUMMARIES -                            PRINTED: 06/09/01  PAGE:   3
                                                        DIRECTORS'/CHIEF EXECUTIVES' NOTIFICATIONS REPORT - A
                                                                        (ACTUAL TRANSACTIONS)

 STOCK NAME : FE PHARMA TECH                 (00399)

      Director/Chief Executive                Class                   Company Name            Tran. Date   Present Bal.   Previous Bal.  A/D Consideration     Note
 ------------------------------------  ---------------------  ------------------------------- ---------- --------------- --------------- --- -------------  -----------
 CHEN CHING KEN                        ORD                    FAR EAST PHARMACEUTICAL TECHNO-  03/09/01      249,800,000     249,800,000            0.000   N3         
                                                              LOGY COMPANY LIMITED          

 STOCK NAME :                   (00755)

      Director/Chief Executive                Class                   Company Name            Tran. Date   Present Bal.   Previous Bal.  A/D Consideration     Note
 ------------------------------------  ---------------------  ------------------------------- ---------- --------------- --------------- --- -------------  -----------
 HE XUECHU                             ORD                    FOURSEAS.COM LIMITED             03/09/01    3,500,000,000            N.A.  A         0.020   N4         

 STOCK NAME : Global Chi Tech                (01105)

      Director/Chief Executive                Class                   Company Name            Tran. Date   Present Bal.   Previous Bal.  A/D Consideration     Note
 ------------------------------------  ---------------------  ------------------------------- ---------- --------------- --------------- --- -------------  -----------
 WONG WAI MING                         ORD                    GLOBAL CHINA TECHNOLOGY GROUP -    /  /            186,000         186,000            0.000              

 SY WONG CHOR FONG                     ORD                    GLOBAL CHINA TECHNOLOGY GROUP -    /  /        163,919,000     163,919,000            0.000              

 INN JUDY                              ORD                    GLOBAL CHINA TECHNOLOGY GROUP -    /  /            100,000         100,000            0.000              

 STOCK NAME : Hanny Holdings                 (00275)

      Director/Chief Executive                Class                   Company Name            Tran. Date   Present Bal.   Previous Bal.  A/D Consideration     Note
 ------------------------------------  ---------------------  ------------------------------- ---------- --------------- --------------- --- -------------  -----------
 CHAN KWOK HUNG                        ORD                    HANNY HOLDINGS LIMITED             /  /                  0               0            0.000              

 CHEUNG KWOK WAH KEN                   ORD                    HANNY HOLDINGS LIMITED             /  /                  0               0            0.000              

 LUI SIU TSUEN RICHARD                 ORD                    HANNY HOLDINGS LIMITED             /  /             28,999          28,999            0.000              

                                       WAR                    HANNY HOLDINGS LIMITED             /  /          $1,623.72       $1,623.72            0.000              
                                                       SECURITIES (DISCLOSURE OF INTERESTS) DAILY SUMMARIES -                            PRINTED: 06/09/01  PAGE:   4
                                                        DIRECTORS'/CHIEF EXECUTIVES' NOTIFICATIONS REPORT - A
                                                                        (ACTUAL TRANSACTIONS)

 STOCK NAME : Hanny Holdings                 (00275)

      Director/Chief Executive                Class                   Company Name            Tran. Date   Present Bal.   Previous Bal.  A/D Consideration     Note
 ------------------------------------  ---------------------  ------------------------------- ---------- --------------- --------------- --- -------------  -----------
 YAP ALLAN                             ORD                    HANNY HOLDINGS LIMITED             /  /                  0               0            0.000              

 STOCK NAME : Kingboard Chem                 (00148)

      Director/Chief Executive                Class                   Company Name            Tran. Date   Present Bal.   Previous Bal.  A/D Consideration     Note
 ------------------------------------  ---------------------  ------------------------------- ---------- --------------- --------------- --- -------------  -----------
 CHEUNG KWOK WING                      ORD                    KINGBOARD CHEMICAL HOLDINGS LI-    /  /        216,847,000     216,847,000            0.000              

                                       OPT                    KINGBOARD CHEMICAL HOLDINGS LI-    /  /            873,760         873,760            0.000              

                                       NON-VOTING DEFERRED -  KINGBOARD LAMINATES LTD            /  /          1,904,400       1,904,400            0.000              

                                       2003 WAR               KINGBOARD CHEMICAL HOLDINGS LI-  30/08/01        1,173,700               0            0.000   N6         

 CHAN WING KWAN                        ORD                    KINGBOARD CHEMICAL HOLDINGS LT-    /  /        211,608,000     211,608,000            0.000              

                                       OPT                    KINGBOARD CHEMICAL HOLDINGS LT-    /  /            609,600         609,600            0.000              

                                       NON-VOTING DEFERRED -  KINGBOARD LAMINATES LTD            /  /          1,481,200       1,481,200            0.000              

                                       2003 WAR               KINGBOARD CHEMICAL HOLDINGS LT-  30/08/01          617,200               0            0.000   N6         

 LAM KA PO                             ORD                    KINGBOARD CHEMICAL HOLDINGS LI-    /  /        207,431,500     207,431,500            0.000              
                                                       SECURITIES (DISCLOSURE OF INTERESTS) DAILY SUMMARIES -                            PRINTED: 06/09/01  PAGE:   5
                                                        DIRECTORS'/CHIEF EXECUTIVES' NOTIFICATIONS REPORT - A
                                                                        (ACTUAL TRANSACTIONS)

 STOCK NAME : Kingboard Chem                 (00148)

      Director/Chief Executive                Class                   Company Name            Tran. Date   Present Bal.   Previous Bal.  A/D Consideration     Note
 ------------------------------------  ---------------------  ------------------------------- ---------- --------------- --------------- --- -------------  -----------
 LAM KA PO                             OPT                    KINGBOARD CHEMICAL HOLDINGS LI-    /  /            223,520         223,520            0.000              

                                       NON-VOTING DEFERRED -  KINGBOARD LAMINATES LTD            /  /            581,900         581,900            0.000              

                                       2003 WAR               KINGBOARD CHEMICAL HOLDINGS LI-  30/08/01          114,150               0            0.000   N6         

 LUM GUM WUN                           ORD                    KINGBOARD CHEMICAL HOLDINGS LI-    /  /        208,446,000     208,446,000            0.000              

                                       OPT                    KINGBOARD CHEMICAL HOLDINGS LI-    /  /            406,400         406,400            0.000              

                                       NON-VOTING DEFERRED -  KINGBOARD LAMINATES LTD            /  /          1,058,000       1,058,000            0.000              

                                       2003 WAR               KINGBOARD CHEMICAL HOLDINGS LI-  30/08/01          166,200               0            0.000   N6         

 CHEUNG KWONG KWAN                     ORD                    KINGBOARD CHEMICAL HOLDINGS LI-    /  /        207,395,000     207,395,000            0.000              

                                       OPT                    KINGBOARD CHEMICAL HOLDINGS LI-    /  /            325,120         325,120            0.000              

                                       NON-VOTING DEFERRED -  KINGBOARD LAMINATES LTD            /  /            846,400         846,400            0.000              

                                       2003 WAR               KINGBOARD CHEMICAL HOLDINGS LI-  30/08/01          132,900               0            0.000   N6         
                                                       SECURITIES (DISCLOSURE OF INTERESTS) DAILY SUMMARIES -                            PRINTED: 06/09/01  PAGE:   6
                                                        DIRECTORS'/CHIEF EXECUTIVES' NOTIFICATIONS REPORT - A
                                                                        (ACTUAL TRANSACTIONS)

 STOCK NAME : Kingboard Chem                 (00148)

      Director/Chief Executive                Class                   Company Name            Tran. Date   Present Bal.   Previous Bal.  A/D Consideration     Note
 ------------------------------------  ---------------------  ------------------------------- ---------- --------------- --------------- --- -------------  -----------
 CHEUNG KWOK PING                      ORD                    KINGBOARD CHEMICAL HOLDINGS LI-    /  /        209,420,000     209,420,000            0.000              

                                       OPT                    KINGBOARD CHEMICAL HOLDINGS LI-    /  /            365,760         365,760            0.000              

                                       NON-VOTING DEFERRED -  KINGBOARD LAMINATES LTD            /  /            952,200         952,200            0.000              

                                       2003 WAR               KINGBOARD CHEMICAL HOLDINGS LI-  30/08/01          308,400               0            0.000   N6         

 CHEUNG KWOK WA                        ORD                    KINGBOARD CHEMICAL HOLDINGS LI-    /  /        212,762,000     212,762,000            0.000              

                                       OPT                    KINGBOARD CHEMICAL HOLDINGS LI-    /  /            406,400         406,400            0.000              

                                       NON-VOTING DEFERRED -  KINGBOARD LAMINATES LTD            /  /          1,058,000       1,058,000            0.000              

                                       2003 WAR               KINGBOARD CHEMICAL HOLDINGS LI-  30/08/01          687,600               0            0.000   N6         

 CHEUNG KWOK KEUNG                     ORD                    KINGBOARD CHEMICAL HOLDINGS LI-    /  /        207,313,000     207,313,000            0.000              

                                       OPT                    KINGBOARD CHEMICAL HOLDINGS LI-    /  /            203,200         203,200            0.000              

                                       NON-VOTING DEFERRED -  KINGBOARD LAMINATES LTD            /  /            529,000         529,000            0.000              
                                                       SECURITIES (DISCLOSURE OF INTERESTS) DAILY SUMMARIES -                            PRINTED: 06/09/01  PAGE:   7
                                                        DIRECTORS'/CHIEF EXECUTIVES' NOTIFICATIONS REPORT - A
                                                                        (ACTUAL TRANSACTIONS)

 STOCK NAME : Kingboard Chem                 (00148)

      Director/Chief Executive                Class                   Company Name            Tran. Date   Present Bal.   Previous Bal.  A/D Consideration     Note
 ------------------------------------  ---------------------  ------------------------------- ---------- --------------- --------------- --- -------------  -----------
 CHEUNG KWOK KEUNG                     2003 WAR               KINGBOARD CHEMICAL HOLDINGS LI-  30/08/01          133,700               0            0.000   N6         

 CHANG WING YIU                        ORD                    KINGBOARD CHEMICAL HOLDINGS LI-    /  /        207,089,000     207,089,000            0.000              

                                       OPT                    KINGBOARD CHEMICAL HOLDINGS LI-    /  /            203,200         203,200            0.000              

                                       NON-VOTING DEFERRED -  KINGBOARD LAMINATES LTD            /  /            423,200         423,200            0.000              

                                       2003 WAR               KINGBOARD CHEMICAL HOLDINGS LI-  30/08/01           75,300               0            0.000   N6         

 LAU TAI CHIM                          ORD                    KINGBOARD CHEMICAL HOLDINGS LI-    /  /            150,000         150,000            0.000              

                                       2003 WAR               KINGBOARD CHEMICAL HOLDINGS LI-  30/08/01           15,000               0            0.000   N6         

 STOCK NAME : Lamex Holdings                 (00312)

      Director/Chief Executive                Class                   Company Name            Tran. Date   Present Bal.   Previous Bal.  A/D Consideration     Note
 ------------------------------------  ---------------------  ------------------------------- ---------- --------------- --------------- --- -------------  -----------
 LAM BING SUM                          ORD                    LAMEX HOLDINGS LTD.                /  /                  0               0            0.000              

 KOK KIN HOK                           ORD                    LAMEX HOLDINGS LTD.                /  /      1,249,092,000   1,249,092,000            0.000              
                                                       SECURITIES (DISCLOSURE OF INTERESTS) DAILY SUMMARIES -                            PRINTED: 06/09/01  PAGE:   8
                                                        DIRECTORS'/CHIEF EXECUTIVES' NOTIFICATIONS REPORT - A
                                                                        (ACTUAL TRANSACTIONS)

 STOCK NAME : Manulife                       (00945)

      Director/Chief Executive                Class                   Company Name            Tran. Date   Present Bal.   Previous Bal.  A/D Consideration     Note
 ------------------------------------  ---------------------  ------------------------------- ---------- --------------- --------------- --- -------------  -----------

 STOCK NAME : Sing Tao Hold                  (00233)

      Director/Chief Executive                Class                   Company Name            Tran. Date   Present Bal.   Previous Bal.  A/D Consideration     Note
 ------------------------------------  ---------------------  ------------------------------- ---------- --------------- --------------- --- -------------  -----------
 WONG WAI MING                         ORD                    SING TAO HOLDINGS LTD.             /  /                  0               0            0.000              

                                       ORD                    GLOBAL CHINA TECHNOLOGY GROUP -    /  /            186,000         186,000            0.000              

 INN JUDY                              ORD                    SING TAO HOLDINGS LTD.             /  /                  0               0            0.000              

                                       ORD                    GLOBAL CHINA TECHNOLOGY GROUP -    /  /            100,000         100,000            0.000              

 YIM LUI FAI GERRY                     ORD                    SING TAO HOLDINGS LTD.             /  /                  0               0            0.000              

 LO WING HUNG                          ORD                    SING TAO HOLDINGS LTD.             /  /                  0               0            0.000              

 NIGEL IAN OAKINS                      ORD                    SING TAO HOLDINGS LTD.             /  /                  0               0            0.000              

 STOCK NAME : Wo Kee Hong                    (00720)

      Director/Chief Executive                Class                   Company Name            Tran. Date   Present Bal.   Previous Bal.  A/D Consideration     Note
 ------------------------------------  ---------------------  ------------------------------- ---------- --------------- --------------- --- -------------  -----------
 LEE MAN FAI                           ORD                    WO KEE HONG (HOLDINGS) LTD         /  /         21,660,000      21,660,000            0.000              

                                       ORD                    MEGA WAREHOUSE (B.V.I.) LTD        /  /                 45              45            0.000              

                                       ORD                    MEGA WAREHOUSE (HONG KONG) LTD     /  /                  2               2            0.000              

                                       ORD                    MEGA WAREHOUSE I & E LTD           /  /                  1               1            0.000              
                                                       SECURITIES (DISCLOSURE OF INTERESTS) DAILY SUMMARIES -                            PRINTED: 06/09/01  PAGE:   9
                                                        DIRECTORS'/CHIEF EXECUTIVES' NOTIFICATIONS REPORT - A
                                                                        (ACTUAL TRANSACTIONS)

 STOCK NAME : Wo Kee Hong                    (00720)

      Director/Chief Executive                Class                   Company Name            Tran. Date   Present Bal.   Previous Bal.  A/D Consideration     Note
 ------------------------------------  ---------------------  ------------------------------- ---------- --------------- --------------- --- -------------  -----------
 LEE MAN FAI                           ORD           LTD                  /  /                 25              25            0.000              

                                       ORD           (H.K.) LTD           /  /                  2               2            0.000              

                                       ORD                    WK INFORMATION NETWORK LTD         /  /                 70              70            0.000              

                                                                     *****  END OF REPORT  *****


N1     Date of transaction : 29/08/01 & 03/09/01

N2     1,700,000 shares (the "Transferred Shares") of Far East Pharmaceutical
       Technology Company Limited ("FEPT") were transferred from Great Wall
       Investment Group Limited ("Great Wall") to Credit Suisse First Boston
       (Hong Kong) Limited ("CSFB"), free of payment, on 29 August 2001
       pursuant to the Stock Borrowing Agreement ("the Stock Borrowing
       Agreement") entered into between Great Wall and CSFB on 29 August 2001.
       Pursuant to the Stock Borrowing Agreement, CSFB shall transfer back to
       Great Wall the Transferred Shares, free of payment, one month prior to
       the maturity date of the 2.5 per cent convertible bonds due 2004 (the
       "Bonds") issued by FEPT.

N3     Change in percentage level of notifiable interests of Great Wall in
       FEPT due to the allotment of 2,048,000 shares of FEPT to CSFB on
       3 September 2001 pursuant to CSFB's exercise of the conversion rights
       attached to the Bonds in accordance with the Subscription Agreement
       dated 14 August 2001 entered into between FEPT and CSFB.

N4     Please refer to the Company's announcement of 28/06/2001.

N5     Converted 8,000,000 Preference Shares into 61,538,461 New Ordinary
       Shares which were issued and alloted on 29 August 2001.

N6     Bonus warrants

N7     Consideration per unit : $72.25 - $72.75


       Stock Name: Manulife Financial Corporation (stock code: 945)
       *ISC as at 03/09/01 : 482,194,863

       The Securities and Futures Commission has granted Manulife Financial
       Corporation ("MFC") a partial exemption from compliance with the
       Securities (Disclosure of Interests) Ordinance pursuant to guidelines
       published under section 2A of the Ordinance.  Under the partial
       exemption, MFC is not required to prepare registers, maintain records
       or file, and MFC's corporate insiders are not required to file, with
       Hong Kong regulatory authorities disclosure of interest reports
       pursuant to the Ordinance on the condition that MFC will file with
       the SEHK disclosures of interests made in Canada and the U.S. where
       it maintains primary listings.

       1.  Under Canadian law, 10% shareholders of MFC have to file reports
           to the Ontario Securities Commission ("OSC").  Reports made by 10%
           shareholders, if any, can be found in OSC website
           MFC has agreed to monitor the OSC Weekly Bulletin and Insider
           Early Warning Report Press Releases every two weeks and if any
           reports by or concerning 10% shareholders and filed, MFC will
           provide a hard copy to the SEHK for inspection by the Hong Kong
           public.  So far, the SEHK has not received any such reports from
       2.  Under U.S. law, 5% shareholders of MFC have to file reports to
           the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC") pursuant to
           Schedule 13G/13D of the Securities and Exchange Act 1934 of the
           United States.  Up-to-date reports made by 5% shareholders, if
           any, can be found in SEC website at  MFC has agreed
           to monitor the SEC website every two weeks and if any reports on
           5% shareholders are filed, MFC will provide a hard copy to the
           SEHK for inspection by the Hong Kong public.  So far, the SEHK
           has not received any such reports from MFC.

       3.  Hard copies of filings or reports provided by MFC under paragraphs
           1 and 2 above (if any) are available for inspection at the SEHK's
           office at 11/F., One International Finance Centre, 1 Harbour View
           Street, Central, Hong Kong, and upon request in writing to MFC at
           MFC's office at Manulife Plaza, The Lee Gardens, 48th Floor, 33
           Hysan Avenue, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong.  For enquiries or arrange-
           ments regarding inspection at the SEHK please contact the SEHK
           SDI Unit (Mr. Chan (2840-3707) or Miss Tsui (2840-3769)).
       * ISC refers to the latest Issued Share Capital of the listed company
         recorded by the Exchange as at the date of this summaries.  It might
         not promptly reflect changes caused by share placements, rights
         issue, bonus issue, etc.  Readers should exercise caution when using
         these figures.

       Stock Name: Manulife Financial Corporation (stock code: 945)
       *ISC as at 03/09/01 : 482,194,863

       The Securities and Futures Commission has granted Manulife Financial
       Corporation ("MFC") a partial exemption from compliance with the
       Securities (Disclosure of Interests) Ordinance pursuant to guidelines
       published under section 2A of the Ordinance.  Under the partial
       exemption, MFC is not required to prepare registers, maintain records
       or file, and MFC's corporate insiders are not required to file, with
       Hong Kong regulatory authorities disclosure of interest reports
       pursuant to the Ordinance on the condition that MFC will file with
       the SEHK disclosures of interests made in Canada and the U.S. where
       it maintains primary listings.

       1.  Under Canadian law, "insiders" including directors of MFC have
           to file reports to the Ontario Securities Commission ("OSC")
           in Form 55 pursuant to the Ontario Securities Act.  No Form 55
           filings have been made by MFC today.
       2.  MFC is presently a "foreign private issuer" under U.S. law.  As
           such, no directors of MFC are required to make any disclosure of
           interests filings under the Securities Exchange Act 1934 of the
           United States.  
       *  ISC refers to the latest Issued Share Capital of the listed company
          recorded by the Exchange as at the date of this summaries.  It
          might not promptly reflect changes caused by share placements,
          rights issue, bonus issue, etc.  Readers should exercise caution
          when using these figures.