Securities (Disclosure of Interests) Daily Summaries


                                                                                 SECURITIES (DISCLOSURE OF INTERESTS) DAILY SUMMARIES -                                                       PRINTED: 03/04/03  PAGE:   1
                                                                                      SUBSTANTIAL SHAREHOLDERS' NOTIFICATIONS REPORT

STOCK NAME :  Anhui Conch                                   * ISC as at   /  /   :                N.A.

Name of Sub. Shareholder   Date     Reason    Present Bal.     Previous Bal.             Share Jointly Held                          Corporate Interest                          Family Interest                  Note
------------------------ -------- ---------- ---------------  ---------------  -----------------------------------------  -----------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- -----------
ANHUI PROVINCIAL INVEST- 28/11/02 1,2,4,5        622,480,000             N.A.                                             ANHUI CONCH GROUP CO LT-      622,480,000                                            N1  N8     
MENT GROUP LIMITED                                                                                                        D                                          

STOCK NAME :  GR Inv Int'l                   (00310)        * ISC as at 24/03/03 :         899,900,000

Name of Sub. Shareholder   Date     Reason    Present Bal.     Previous Bal.             Share Jointly Held                          Corporate Interest                          Family Interest                  Note
------------------------ -------- ---------- ---------------  ---------------  -----------------------------------------  -----------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- -----------
COSMOPOLITAN INTERNATIO- 26/03/03                115,230,210             N.A.                                                                                                                                  N2         
NAL HOLDINGS LIMITED                                                                                                                                                 

GOLD CAPITAL INVESTMENT- 26/03/03                115,230,210             N.A.                                             COSMOPOLITAN INT'L HOLD-      115,230,210                                            N2         
S LIMITED                                                                                                                 INGS LTD                                   

KAO CHU CHEE EMMANUEL    26/03/03                115,230,210             N.A.                                             COSMOPOLITAN INT'L HOLD-      115,230,210                                            N2         
                                                                                                                          INGS LTD                                   

STOCK NAME :  Kingboard Chem                 (00148)        * ISC as at 24/03/03 :         541,960,347

Name of Sub. Shareholder   Date     Reason    Present Bal.     Previous Bal.             Share Jointly Held                          Corporate Interest                          Family Interest                  Note
------------------------ -------- ---------- ---------------  ---------------  -----------------------------------------  -----------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- -----------
CHEUNG KWOK WING         27/03/03 1,3,6,7        222,421,560      222,971,560                                             HALLGAIN MANAGEMENT LTD       219,970,000                                            N3         

STOCK NAME :  Manulife                       (00945)        * ISC as at 24/03/03 :         462,674,250

Name of Sub. Shareholder   Date     Reason    Present Bal.     Previous Bal.             Share Jointly Held                          Corporate Interest                          Family Interest                  Note
------------------------ -------- ---------- ---------------  ---------------  -----------------------------------------  -----------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- -----------

STOCK NAME :  NWS Holdings                   (00659)        * ISC as at 24/03/03 :       1,780,759,001

Name of Sub. Shareholder   Date     Reason    Present Bal.     Previous Bal.             Share Jointly Held                          Corporate Interest                          Family Interest                  Note
------------------------ -------- ---------- ---------------  ---------------  -----------------------------------------  -----------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- -----------
CHOW TAI FOOK ENTERPRIS- 31/03/03 1,3,4,5      1,029,843,632    1,018,902,575                                             NEW WORLD DEVELOPMENT C-      970,011,739                                                       
ES LIMITED                                                                                                                O LTD                                      

                    * ISC refers to the latest Issued Share Capital of the listed company recorded by the Exchange as at the date of this summaries.  It might not promptly reflect 
                      changes caused by share placements, rights issue, bonus issue, etc.  Readers should exercise caution when using these figures.
                                                                                 SECURITIES (DISCLOSURE OF INTERESTS) DAILY SUMMARIES -                                                       PRINTED: 03/04/03  PAGE:   2
                                                                                      SUBSTANTIAL SHAREHOLDERS' NOTIFICATIONS REPORT

STOCK NAME :  NWS Holdings                   (00659)        * ISC as at 24/03/03 :       1,780,759,001

Name of Sub. Shareholder   Date     Reason    Present Bal.     Previous Bal.             Share Jointly Held                          Corporate Interest                          Family Interest                  Note
------------------------ -------- ---------- ---------------  ---------------  -----------------------------------------  -----------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- -----------
NEW WORLD DEVELOPMENT C- 31/03/03 1,3,5          970,011,739      959,070,682                                             SEA WALKER LTD                303,453,688                                                       
OMPANY LIMITED                                                                                                                                                       

                                                                                                                          MOMBASA LTD                   303,453,688                            

                                                                                                                          NEW WORLD INFRASTRUCTUR-          232,096                            
                                                                                                                          E LTD                                      

                                                                                                                          BEAMES HOLDINGS LTD            13,493,674                            

                                                                                                                          NWD (HOTELS INVESTMENTS-       13,493,674                            
                                                                                                                          ) LTD                                      

                                                                                                                          NEW WORLD HOTELS CORPOR-       13,493,674                            
                                                                                                                          ATION LTD                                  

                                                                                                                          COSMOSTAR HOLDINGS LTD          2,816,060                            

                                                                                                                          HONG KONG ISLAND DEVELO-        2,816,060                            
                                                                                                                          PMENT LTD                                  

                                                                                                                          BALLINA ENTERPRISES LTD       125,227,928                            

                                                                                                                          HING LOONG LTD                 13,103,474                            

                                                                                                                          FINE REPUTATION INCORPO-       13,103,474                            

                                                                                                                          NWS HOLDINGS LTD                1,970,911                            

                                                                                                                          NWS SERVICE MANAGEMENT -        1,970,911                            

                    * ISC refers to the latest Issued Share Capital of the listed company recorded by the Exchange as at the date of this summaries.  It might not promptly reflect 
                      changes caused by share placements, rights issue, bonus issue, etc.  Readers should exercise caution when using these figures.
                                                                                 SECURITIES (DISCLOSURE OF INTERESTS) DAILY SUMMARIES -                                                       PRINTED: 03/04/03  PAGE:   3
                                                                                      SUBSTANTIAL SHAREHOLDERS' NOTIFICATIONS REPORT

STOCK NAME :  NWS Holdings                   (00659)        * ISC as at 24/03/03 :       1,780,759,001

Name of Sub. Shareholder   Date     Reason    Present Bal.     Previous Bal.             Share Jointly Held                          Corporate Interest                          Family Interest                  Note
------------------------ -------- ---------- ---------------  ---------------  -----------------------------------------  -----------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- -----------
NEW WORLD DEVELOPMENT C- 31/03/03 1,3,5          970,011,739      959,070,682                                             NWS SERVICE MANAGEMENT -        1,970,911                                                       
OMPANY LIMITED                                                                                                            LTD                                        

                                                                                                                          NWS FINANCIAL SERVICES -        1,970,911                            
                                                                                                                          MANAGEMENT LTD                             

                                                                                                                          FINANCIAL CONCEPTS INVE-        1,970,911                            
                                                                                                                          STMENT LTD                                 

STOCK NAME :  Sino Infotech                  (00205)        * ISC as at 24/03/03 :       1,386,974,614

Name of Sub. Shareholder   Date     Reason    Present Bal.     Previous Bal.             Share Jointly Held                          Corporate Interest                          Family Interest                  Note
------------------------ -------- ---------- ---------------  ---------------  -----------------------------------------  -----------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- -----------
UNITED HOME LIMITED      31/03/03 6              677,843,824      298,096,988                                             GARLET INVESTMENTS LTD        172,644,210                                            N4         

STOCK NAME :  Starlight Int'l                (00485)        * ISC as at 24/03/03 :       2,680,315,402

Name of Sub. Shareholder   Date     Reason    Present Bal.     Previous Bal.             Share Jointly Held                          Corporate Interest                          Family Interest                  Note
------------------------ -------- ---------- ---------------  ---------------  -----------------------------------------  -----------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- -----------
LAU SAK HONG PHILIP      25/03/03                921,806,510      921,706,510                                             K.K. NOMINEES LTD              12,072,360                                                       

                                                                                                                          WINCARD MANAGEMENT SERV-       40,401,660                            
                                                                                                                          ICES LTD                                   

                                                                                                                          PHILIP LAU HOLDING CORP-      670,646,202                            

                    * ISC refers to the latest Issued Share Capital of the listed company recorded by the Exchange as at the date of this summaries.  It might not promptly reflect 
                      changes caused by share placements, rights issue, bonus issue, etc.  Readers should exercise caution when using these figures.

                                                                                               *****  END OF REPORT  *****


N1     These shares are registered in the name of Anhui Conch Group Company
       Limited, 89% equity interest of which is beneficially owned by Anhui
       Provincial Investment Group Limited ("APIG"), a State-owned company
       under the auspices of the Anhui Provincial Government of the People's
       Republic of China ("Provincial Government").  Such 89% equity interest
       was vested in APIG by way of allocation from the Provincial Government
       on 28 November 2002.

N2     Please refer to the Company's announcement of 28 March 2003.

N3     Date of transaction : 27/3/2003 - 31/3/2003

N4     Please refer to the Company's announcement of 17 March 2003.

N5     Total consideration : US$243,000

N6     Consideration per unit : $1.03 - $1.04

N7     Amendment.  4 times the "Latest Earnings Per Share" as defined in the
       Option Scheme of Apple Daily Publication Development Limited ("ADPDL")
       provided that in any event the amount shall not be less than the
       nominal value of a share of ADPDL.

N8     The substantial shareholder initially diclosed its Domestic Shares
       holding of Anhui Conch Cement Company Limited.

       Stock Name: Manulife Financial Corporation (stock code: 945)
       *ISC as at 24/03/03 : 462,674,250

       The Securities and Futures Commission has granted Manulife Financial
       Corporation ("MFC") a partial exemption from compliance with the
       Securities (Disclosure of Interests) Ordinance pursuant to guidelines
       published under section 2A of the Ordinance.  Under the partial
       exemption, MFC is not required to prepare registers, maintain records
       or file, and MFC's corporate insiders are not required to file, with
       Hong Kong regulatory authorities disclosure of interest reports
       pursuant to the Ordinance on the condition that MFC will file with
       the SEHK disclosures of interests made in Canada and the U.S. where
       it maintains primary listings.

       1.  Under Canadian law, 10% shareholders of MFC have to file reports
           to the Ontario Securities Commission ("OSC").  Reports made by 10%
           shareholders, if any, can be found in OSC website
           MFC has agreed to monitor the OSC Weekly Bulletin and Insider
           Early Warning Report Press Releases every two weeks and if any
           reports by or concerning 10% shareholders and filed, MFC will
           provide a hard copy to the SEHK for inspection by the Hong Kong
           public.  So far, the SEHK has not received any such reports from
       2.  Under U.S. law, 5% shareholders of MFC have to file reports to
           the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC") pursuant to
           Schedule 13G/13D of the Securities and Exchange Act 1934 of the
           United States.  Up-to-date reports made by 5% shareholders, if
           any, can be found in SEC website at  MFC has agreed
           to monitor the SEC website every two weeks and if any reports on
           5% shareholders are filed, MFC will provide a hard copy to the
           SEHK for inspection by the Hong Kong public.  So far, the SEHK
           has not received any such reports from MFC.

       3.  Hard copies of filings or reports provided by MFC under paragraphs
           1 and 2 above (if any) are available for inspection at the SEHK's
           office at 11/F., One International Finance Centre, 1 Harbour View
           Street, Central, Hong Kong, and upon request in writing to MFC at
           MFC's office at Manulife Plaza, The Lee Gardens, 48th Floor, 33
           Hysan Avenue, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong.  For enquiries or arrange-
           ments regarding inspection at the SEHK please contact the SEHK
           SDI Unit (Mr. Chan (2840-3707) or Miss Tsui (2840-3769)).
       * ISC refers to the latest Issued Share Capital of the listed company
         recorded by the Exchange as at the date of this summaries.  It might
         not promptly reflect changes caused by share placements, rights
         issue, bonus issue, etc.  Readers should exercise caution when using
         these figures.

       Stock Name: Manulife Financial Corporation (stock code: 945)
       *ISC as at 24/03/03 : 462,674,250

       The Securities and Futures Commission has granted Manulife Financial
       Corporation ("MFC") a partial exemption from compliance with the
       Securities (Disclosure of Interests) Ordinance pursuant to guidelines
       published under section 2A of the Ordinance.  Under the partial
       exemption, MFC is not required to prepare registers, maintain records
       or file, and MFC's corporate insiders are not required to file, with
       Hong Kong regulatory authorities disclosure of interest reports
       pursuant to the Ordinance on the condition that MFC will file with
       the SEHK disclosures of interests made in Canada and the U.S. where
       it maintains primary listings.

       1.  Under Canadian law, "insiders" including directors of MFC have
           to file reports to the Ontario Securities Commission ("OSC")
           in Form 55 pursuant to the Ontario Securities Act.  No Form 55
           filings have been made by MFC today.
       2.  MFC is presently a "foreign private issuer" under U.S. law.  As
           such, no directors of MFC are required to make any disclosure of
           interests filings under the Securities Exchange Act 1934 of the
           United States.  
       *  ISC refers to the latest Issued Share Capital of the listed company
          recorded by the Exchange as at the date of this summaries.  It
          might not promptly reflect changes caused by share placements,
          rights issue, bonus issue, etc.  Readers should exercise caution
          when using these figures.