SECURITIES (DISCLOSURE OF INTERESTS) DAILY SUMMARIES - GEM PRINTED: 01/08/00 PAGE: 1 SUBSTANTIAL SHAREHOLDERS' NOTIFICATIONS REPORT STOCK NAME : Beida Jade Bird (8095) * ISC as at 31/07/00 : 94,000,000 Name of Sub. Shareholder Date Reason Present Bal. Previous Bal. Share Jointly Held Corporate Interest Family Interest ------------------------ -------- ---------- --------------- --------------- ----------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------- BEIJING BEIDA JADE BIRD- 27/07/00 2 13,634,535 N.A. BEIJING BEIDA JADE BIRD- 1,840,000 SOFTWARE SYSTEM COMPAN- LTD Y BEIJING TIANQIAO BEIDA - 794,535 JADE BIRED SCI-TECH CO - LTD DYNAMIC WIN ASSETS LIMI- 27/07/00 2 22,000,000 N.A. TED HENG HUAT INVESTMENTS L- 27/07/00 2 20,541,400 N.A. IMITED PEKING UNIVERSITY 27/07/00 2 22,134,535 N.A. BEIJING BEIDA YU HUAN M- 8,500,000 ICROELETRONICS SYS ENGI- NEERING CO BEIJING BAIDA JADE BIRD- 11,000,000 SOFTWARE SYSTEM CO BEIJING BEIDA JADE BIRD- 1,840,000 LTD BEIJING TIANQIAO BEIDA - 794,535 JADE BIRD SCI-TECH CO L- TD * ISC refers to the latest Issued Share Capital of the listed company recorded by the Exchange as at the date of this summaries. It might not promptly reflect changes caused by share placements, rights issue, bonus issue, etc. Readers should exercise caution when using these figures. SECURITIES (DISCLOSURE OF INTERESTS) DAILY SUMMARIES - GEM PRINTED: 01/08/00 PAGE: 2 SUBSTANTIAL SHAREHOLDERS' NOTIFICATIONS REPORT STOCK NAME : FlexSystem (8050) * ISC as at 31/07/00 : 600,000,000 Name of Sub. Shareholder Date Reason Present Bal. Previous Bal. Share Jointly Held Corporate Interest Family Interest ------------------------ -------- ---------- --------------- --------------- ----------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------- LOK WAI MAN 24/07/00 2 475,500,000 N.A. SOMAFLEX HOLDINGS INC. 475,500,000 SOMAFLEX HOLDINGS INC. 24/07/00 2 475,500,000 N.A. * ISC refers to the latest Issued Share Capital of the listed company recorded by the Exchange as at the date of this summaries. It might not promptly reflect changes caused by share placements, rights issue, bonus issue, etc. Readers should exercise caution when using these figures. ***** END OF REPORT ***** Note: N1 The consideration is the transfer of the beneficial interest of 120,000 shares in FlexSystem Limited from Lok Wai Man to SomaFlex International Inc. a subsidiary of the Company. |