各部门/职系首长按其辖下的公务员职系的工作需要,在有关职系的入职条件中订明适当的中英文语文能力要求。此安排符合平等机会委员会根据《种族歧视条例》发出的指引。政府的政策,是确保各公务员职系的中英文语文能力要求不高于工作所需, 使非华裔人士与其他申请人一样在申请政府职位时享有平等机会。
a. 学位/专业职系:申请人一般须在综合招聘考试的两份语文试卷(即中文运用及英文运用)取得二级或一级成绩,或具备同等资格 [注1] ;
b. 学历要求为香港中学会考或以上程度的非学位职系:申请人一般须在香港中学会考中国语文科及英国语文科取得第2级或以上成绩,或具备同等资格 [注2];
c. 学历要求低于香港中学会考程度的非学位职系:申请人一般须具备语文能力至少应与有关职系订明的最低学历要求达同一水平;及
d. 没有指定学历要求的非学位职系:申请人亦须具备与有关职系工作要求相称的语文能力。
语文能力要求 | 获接纳为等同综合招聘考试英文运用试卷或中文运用试卷成绩的例子 |
综合招聘考试英文运用试卷的二级成绩 |
综合招聘考试中文运用试卷的二级成绩 |
综合招聘考试英文运用试卷的一级成绩 |
综合招聘考试中文运用试卷的一级成绩 |
政府在聘任公务员时,2007年前的香港中学会考中国语文科和英国语文科(课程乙)C级和E级成绩,在行政上会分别被视为等同2007年或之后香港中学会考中国语文科和英国语文科第3级和第2级成绩。 International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) /General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE)/General Certificate of Education (Ordinary Level) (GCE O Level) 中国语文科及英国语文科C级和D级成绩,在政府聘任公务员时,会分别被视为等同香港中学文凭考试/香港中学会考中国语文科及英国语文科第3级和第2级成绩。应用学习中文(非华语学生适用)科目的「达标」和「达标并表现优异」成绩会分别获接受为香港中学文凭考试中国语文科第2级和第3级成绩。
此清单仅供参考,并只设英文版本。有关最新公务员职位空缺的全面资料,请参阅公务员事务局网页(https://www.csb.gov.hk/)上的政府职位空缺查询系统,并按招聘广告内列出的申请手续提交申请。你亦可于Google Play、 Apple App Store及HUAWEI AppGallery免费下载「政府职位空缺」流动应用程式查阅职位空缺的资料。
Assistant Officer II
Correctional Services Department Job No. 48761
Entry point HK$24,070-HK$26,575 per month
Application Deadline
Applications are accepted all year round until further notice.
Academic Requirement
Certificate; or
HKDSEE or HKCEE results; or
Secondary 5
Chinese Language Proficiency Requirement
Level 2 or above in Chinese Language in HKDSEE or HKCEE, or have a pass result in the Assistant Officer II Language Test, and able to speak fluent Cantonese.
Dental Officer
Department of Health Job No. 45772
HK$71,010 per month
Application Deadline
Applications are accepted all year round until further notice.
Academic Requirement
Professional qualification
Chinese Language Proficiency Requirement
'Level 1' result in the Use of Chinese paper in the Common Recruitment Examination (CRE) and able to speak fluent Cantonese. (Note: Applicants without the requisite CRE results, or equivalent, but have met the other entry requirements may also apply. Candidates who do not have Level 1 in the Use of Chinese paper of the CRE by the time of appointment may also be appointed. However, only a limited number of applicants who do not possess the requisite Chinese language proficiency but are able to speak fluent Cantonese may be appointed subject to the operational needs of the Department.)
Medical and Health Officer
Department of Health Job No. 48702
HK$77,855 per month
Application Deadline
Applications are accepted all year round until further notice.
Academic Requirement
Professional qualification
Chinese Language Proficiency Requirement
'Level 1' result in the Use of Chinese paper in the Common Recruitment Examination and able to speak fluent Cantonese. (Note: Applicants without the requisite CRE results, or equivalent, but have met the other entry requirements may also apply. Candidates who do not have Level 1 in the Use of Chinese paper of the CRE by the time of appointment may also be appointed. However, only a limited number of applicants who do not possess the requisite Chinese language proficiency but are able to speak fluent Cantonese may be appointed subject to the operational needs of the Department.)
Chief Inspector of Police (Specialist) [Assistant Force Training Officer, Navigation and Seamanship, Marine Police Training School]
Hong Kong Police Force Job No. 48764
HK$103,205 per month
Application Deadline
02-02-2025 23:59:00
Academic Requirement
Chinese Language Proficiency Requirement
Level 2 or above in Chinese Language in HKDSEE or HKCEE, or have a pass in the Chinese Language Proficiency Test for Police Inspector recruitment exercise; and able to speak fluent Cantonese.
Police Constable
Hong Kong Police Force Job No. 47141
HK$28,940 per month
Application Deadline
Applications are accepted all year round until further notice.
Academic Requirement
HKDSEE results; or
HKCEE results
(Note: Students who will attain the requisite academic qualification within the current academic year may also apply. Final year undergraduate students graduating in the academic year of 2025 and penultimate year undergraduate students graduating in the academic year of 2026 may also apply.)
Chinese Language Proficiency Requirement
Level 2 or above in Chinese Language in HKDSEE or HKCEE, or have a pass result in the Chinese language test for Police Constable recruitment exercise; and
able to read and write Chinese and speak fluent Cantonese.
Police Inspector
Hong Kong Police Force Job No. 47142
Entry point HK$52,015-HK$55,465 per month
Application Deadline
Applications are accepted all year round until further notice.
Academic Requirement
(a)(i) Degree; or
(a)(ii) Degree, or
Higher Deploma, or
Associate Degree, or
Diploma; or
(a)(iii) HKALE results plus HKCEE results, or HKDSEE results
(Note: Final year undergraduate students graduating in the academic year of 2025 and penultimate year undergraduate students graduating in the academic year of 2026 may also apply.)
Chinese Language Proficiency Requirement
(a)(i) "Level 1" result in the Use of Chinese paper in CRE; or
(a)(ii)&(iii) Level 2 or above in Chinese Language in HKDSEE or HKCEE, or have a pass result in the Chinese language test for Police Inspector recruitment exercise; and
(b) able to read and write Chinese and speak fluent Cantonese.
Clerical Assistant
Various Government Bureaux and Departments Job No. 48611
HK$15,180 per month
Application Deadline
Applications are accepted all year round until further notice.
Academic Requirement
Secondary 4
Chinese Language Proficiency Requirement
Secondary 4 standard
a) For civil service appointment purpose, Grade C and Grade E in Chinese Language in the Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination (HKCEE) before 2007 are accepted administratively as comparable to Level 3 and Level 2 respectively in Chinese Language in the 2007 HKCEE and henceforth.
b) Grade C and Grade D in Chinese Language in International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) / General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) / General Certificate of Education (Ordinary Level)(GCE O Level) are accepted as comparable to Level 3 and Level 2 in Chinese Language respectively in the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination (HKDSEE) / HKCEE for civil service appointments.
c) "Attained" and "Attained with Distinction" results in the Applied Learning Chinese (for non-Chinese speaking students) subject is accepted respectively as meeting the Chinese language proficiency requirements of Level 2 and Level 3 in Chinese Language in HKDSEE.