Chief Justice |
Chief Secretary for Administration |
Financial Secretary |
Justice, Secretary for |
(In alphabetical order) |
Administration, Director of |
Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation, Director of |
Census and Statistics, Commissioner for |
Civil Service, Secretary for the |
Commerce and Industry, Secretary for |
Companies, Registrar of |
Constitutional Affairs, Secretary for |
Customs and Excise, Commissioner of |
Economic Services, Secretary for |
Education and Manpower, Secretary for |
Environment and Food, Secretary for the |
Financial Services, Secretary for |
Food and Environmental Hygiene, Director of |
Government Supplies, Director of |
Health and Welfare, Secretary for |
Home Affairs, Secretary for |
Housing, Secretary for |
Information Technology and Broadcasting, Secretary for |
Information Technology Services, Director of |
Intellectual Property, Director of |
Planning and Lands, Secretary for |
Postmaster General |
Public Prosecutions, Director of |
Security, Secretary for |
Solicitor General |
Trade, Director-General for (before July 1, 2000) |
Trade and Industry, Director-General of |
Transport, Secretary for |
Transport, Commissioner for |
Treasury, Secretary for the |
Works, Secretary for |
Secretary for Health and Welfare
- Speech by the Secretary for Health and Welfare, Dr E K Yeoh, at the 37th Annual General Meeting of the Hong Kong Anti-Cancer Society on December 15, 2000
- Speech by Secretary for Health and Welfare, Dr E K Yeoh, at the 8th Annual Congress of Gerontology on November 25, 2000
- Speech by Secretary for Health and Welfare, Dr E K Yeoh, at the Opening Ceremony of Tsuen King Children & Youth Centre of the Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups on November 11, 2000
- Speech by the Secretary for Health and Welfare, Dr E K Yeoh, in the "Motion of Thanks" in the Legislative Council on November 1, 2000
- Speech by the Secretary for Health and Welfare, Dr E K Yeoh, in moving the resolution on the Pharmacy and Poisons Ordinance in the Legislative Council on November 1, 2000
- Speech by the Secretary for Health and Welfare, Dr E K Yeoh, in the Hong Kong Osteoporosis Foundation Inauguration Ceremony and Exhibition today on October 21, 2000
- Opening remarks by the Secretary for Health and Welfare, Dr E K Yeoh, at the meeting of the LegCo Panel on Health Services on October 17, 2000
- Speech by Acting Secretary for Health and Welfare, Mr Gregory Leung, at the Opening Ceremony of Asia Pacific Medical Informatics Conference 2000 on September 28, 2000
- Speech by the Secretary for Health and Welfare, Dr E K Yeoh, at the luncheon meeting of the Hong Kong Chiu Chow Chamber of Commerce on September 15, 2000
- Speech by the Secretary for Health and Welfare, Dr E K Yeoh, at the Opening Ceremony of the International Conference on Globalization and Women's Health on August 30, 2000
- Speech by the Secretary for Health and Welfare, Dr E K Yeoh, at the Opening Ceremony of the
Second Pan-Pacific Conference on Rehabilitation: Neurological Rehabilitation on August 25, 2000
- Speech by the Secretary for Health and Welfare, Dr E K Yeoh, at the 2000 Graduation Ceremony of the University of Western Sydney, Hawkesbury on August 19, 2000
- Speech by the Secretary for Health and Welfare,Dr E K Yeoh, at the Opening Ceremony of Dentistry 2000 - Hong Kong Dental Association Golden Jubilee on July 14, 2000
- Speech by the Secretary for Health and Welfare, Dr E K Yeoh, at the Community Dinner of the 40th Anniversary Celebration of the Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups on July 13, 2000
- Speech by the Secretary for Health and Welfare, Dr E K Yeoh, in moving the resolution on the Pharmacy and Poisons Ordinance in the Legislative Council on June 27, 2000
- Speech by the Secretary for Health and Welfare, Dr E K Yeoh, in moving the Committee Stage amendments to the Adaptation of Laws (No.16) Bill 1999 in the Legislative Council on June 26, 2000
- Speech by the Secretary for Health and Welfare, Dr E K Yeoh, in resuming the second reading debate of the Adaptation of Laws (No.16) Bill 1999 in the Legislative Council on June 26, 2000
- Speech by the Secretary for Health and Welfare, Dr E K Yeoh, in response to the committee stage amendments moved by the Hon Chan Yuen-han to the Human Reproductive Technology Bill in the Legislative Council on June 22, 2000
- Speech by the Secretary for Health and Welfare, Dr E K Yeoh, in moving the Second Reading of the Human Reproductive Technology Bill in the Legislative Council on June 22, 2000
- Speech by the Secretary for Health and Welfare, Dr E K Yeoh, in the motion debate on "Health care reform consultation paper" in the Legislative Council on June 14, 2000
- Speech by the Secretary for Health and Welfare, Dr E K Yeoh, in addressing the Inauguration Ceremony of the Kowloon Women's Organizations Federation on May 20, 2000
- Speech by the Secretary for Health and Welfare, Dr E K Yeoh, in the motion debate on "Encouraging people to achieve continuous self-improvement" in the Legislative Council on May 10, 2000
- Speech by the Secretary for Health and Welfare, Dr E K Yeoh, in moving the resolution under the Pharmacy and Poisons Ordinance in the Legislative Council on May 10, 2000
- Speech by the Secretary for Health and Welfare, Dr E K Yeoh, at the fund-raising film show organised by the Hong Kong Women Development Association on May 7, 2000
- Speech by the Secretary for Health & Welfare, Dr E K Yeoh, at the Luncheon Meeting of the American Chamber of Commerce on April 27, 2000
- Speech by the Secretary for Health and Welfare, Dr E K Yeoh,at the Opening Ceremony of the "Conference on Repositioning the State: Challenges and Experiences of Social Policy in the Asia Pacific Region" on April 25, 2000
- Speech by the Secretary for Health and Welfare, Dr E K Yeoh, in the motion debate on "Sexual Violence" in the Legislative Council on April 12, 2000
- Speech by the Secretary for Health and Welfare, Dr E K Yeoh,at the Opening Ceremony of World Health Organization Conference on Consultation on Methodologies for Research & Evaluation of Traditional Medicine on April 10, 2000
- Speech by the Secretary for Health and Welfare, Dr E K Yeoh at the Annual Dinner of the Hong Kong Federation of Insurers on April 7, 2000
- Speech by the Secretary for Health and Welfare, Dr E K Yeoh, in resuming the second reading of the Appropriation Bill 2000 in the Legislative Council on April 5, 2000
- Speech by the Secretary for Health and Welfare, Dr E K Yeoh, at the Special Meeting of the Finance Committee on March 23, 2000
- Speech by the Secretary for Health and Welfare, Dr E K Yeoh, at a luncheon meeting of the Zonta Club of Hong Kong East on March 16, 2000
- Speech by the Secretary for Health and Welfare, Dr E K Yeoh, at the Opening Ceremony of 11th Asian Pacific Congress of Gastroenterology and 8th Asian Pacific Congress of Digestive Endoscopy on March 10, 2000
- Speech by the Secretary for Health and Welfare, Dr E K Yeoh, in the motion debate on "Accident and Emergency Services" in the Legislative Council on March 1, 2000
- Speech by the Secretary for Health and Welfare, Dr E K Yeoh, in moving the resolution on Poisons List (Amendment) Regulation 2000 and Pharmacy and Poisons (Amendment) Regulation 2000 at the Legislative Council on January 26, 2000
- Speech by the Secretary for Health and Welfare, Dr E K Yeoh, in moving the second reading of the Mental Health (Amendment) Bill 2000 at the Legislative Council on January 26, 2000
- Speech by the Secretary for Health and Welfare, Dr E K Yeoh, at the General Meeting of the Zonta Club of Hong Kong on January 26, 2000
- Speech by the Secretary for Health and Welfare, Dr E K Yeoh, at the opening of the Second Asia Regional Conference on Social Security on January 24, 2000
- Speech by the Secretary for Health and Welfare,Dr E K Yeoh, in moving the second reading of the Medical and Health Care (Miscellaneous Amendments) Bill 2000 in the Legislative Council on January 19, 2000
- Speech by the Secretary for Health and Welfare, Dr. E.K. Yeoh,at the Opening Ceremony of Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Nursing Home on January 15, 2000
Secretary for Home Affairs
- Speech by the acting Secretary for Home Affairs, Mr Leo Kwan, in moving the second reading of the Gambling (Amendment) Bill 2000 in the Legislative Council on November 22, 2000
- Speech by the Secretary for Home Affairs, Mr W K Lam, explaining the policy objectives of the Home Affairs Bureau at the meeting of the Legislative Council Panel on Home Affairs on October 17, 2000
- Speech by the Secretary for Home Affairs, Mr David Lan, in moving the committee stage amendments to the Adaptation of Laws (No.16) Bill 1998 in the Legislative Council on June 26, 2000
- Speech by the Secretary for Home Affairs Mr David Lan, in moving the committee stage amendments to the Family Status Discrimination (Amendment) Bill 2000 in the Legislative Council (2) on June 14, 2000
- Speech by the Secretary for Home Affairs, Mr David Lan, in moving the committee stage amendments to the Family Status Discrimination (Amendment) Bill 2000 in the Legislative Council (1) on June 14, 2000
- Speech by the Secretary for Home Affairs, Mr David Lan, in resuming the second reading debate of the Family Status Discrimination (Amendment) Bill 2000 in the Legislative Council on June 14, 2000
- Full text of the "Letter to Hong Kong" by the Secretary for Home Affairs, Mr David Lan, broadcast on Radio Television Hong Kong on May 28, 2000
- Speech by the Secretary for Home Affairs, Mr David Lan, at the special meeting of the Finance Committee of Legislative Council on March 22, 2000
- Speech by the Secretary for Home Affairs, Mr David Lan, in moving the second reading of the Family Status Discrimination (Amendment) Bill 2000 in the Legislative Council on February 16, 2000
- The speech by the Secretary for Home Affairs, Mr David Lan, in moving the second reading of the Building Management (Amendment) Bill 2000 in the Legislative Council on January 26, 2000
- Speech by the Secretary for Home Affairs, Mr David Lan, in moving the second reading of the Building Management (Amendment) Bill 2000 in the Legislative Council on January 26, 2000
Secretary for Housing
Secretary for Information Technology and Broadcasting
- Speech by the Secretary for Information Technology and Broadcasting, Mrs Carrie Yau, at the Presentation Ceremony of ISO 9001 Certificate Awards by the Hong Kong Quality Assurance Agency to the Information Technology Services Department on December 19, 2000
- Speech by Secretary for Information Technology and Broadcasting, Mrs Carrie Yau, at the IT Excellence Awards Presentation Ceremony on December 14, 2000
- Remarks by the Secretary for Information Technology and Broadcasting, Mrs Carrie Yau, at the Farewell Reception of ITU TELECOM ASIA 2000 on December 8, 2000
- Speech by Secretary for Information Technology and Broadcasting, Mrs Carrie Yau, at the Forum Opening Session of ITU Telecom Asia 2000 on December 4, 2000
- Welcome remarks by Secretary for Information Technology and Broadcasting, Mrs Carrie Yau, at the luncheon for journalists covering the ITU Telecom Asia 2000 on December 3, 2000
- Speech by Secretary for Information Technology and Broadcasting, Mrs Carrie Yau, at the Opening of the Asia-Pacific Telecommunity Management Committee meeting on November 27, 2000
- Speech by Secretary for Information Technology and Broadcasting, Mrs Carrie Yau,at E-Security and WAP Solution Symposium on September 28, 2000
- Speech by Secretary for Information Technology and Broadcasting, Mrs Carrie Yau, at the Opening Ceremony of the Hong Kong International Computer Conference 2000 on September 27, 2000
- Speech by the Secretary for Information Technology and Broadcasting, Mrs Carrie Yau, at the Breakfast Conference organised by Enterprise Ireland in honour of Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Ireland, Ms Mary Harney on September 15, 2000
- Speech by Secretary for Information Technology and Broadcasting, Mrs Carrie Yau, at the IBM Asia Pacific e-Government Executive Seminar on August 30, 2000
- Speech by Secretary for Information Technology and Broadcasting, Mrs Carrie Yau, at the Hong Kong Information Technology Forum of the International Federation for Information Processing World Computer Congress 2000 on August 21, 2000
- Speech by the Secretary for Information Technology and Broadcasting, Mrs Carrie Yau, at the business luncheon hosted by the Dublin Chamber of Commerce and the Hong Kong Economic Trade Office (Brussels) in Dublin, Ireland on August 1, 2000
- Speech by Mrs Carrie Yau, Secretary for Information Technology and Broadcasting at the Opening Ceremony of the CUHK-Elec & Eltek Technology Centre on July 24, 2000
- Speech by the Acting Secretary for Information Technology and Broadcasting, Ms Eva Cheng, at the "B2B Partnerships in the New Economy" Seminar on June 16, 2000
- Speech by the Secretary for Information Technology and Broadcasting (Designate), Mrs Carrie Yau, on "Informatisation of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region" at the High-level Forum on"City Informatisation in the Asia-Pacific Region" in Shanghai on June 5, 2000
- Speech by Acting Secretary for Information Technology and Broadcasting, Ms Eva Cheng, at the Opening of the Seminar on E-commerce in the New Millennium on 31 May 2000
- Speech by Mrs Carrie Yau, Secretary for Information Technology and Broadcasting (designate), to the 4th APEC Ministerial Meeting on the Telecommunications and Information Industry at Cancun, Mexico, on 25 May 2000
- Opening remark by the acting SITB, Ms Eva Cheng, at the press conference announcing the publication of the 2000 Review of the Control of Obscene and Indecent Articles Ordinance on April 19, 2000
- Speech by the Acting Secretary for Information Technology and Broadcasting, Ms Eva Cheng,at the Special Finance Committee meeting on March 23, 2000
- Keynote Address by the Acting Secretary for Information Technology and Broadcasting, Ms Eva Cheng, at the Information Infrastructure Expo 2000 Luncheon on March 16, 2000
- Speech by the Acting Secretary for Information Technology and Broadcasting, Ms Eva Cheng, at the Opening Ceremony of the Hong Kong Information Infrastructure Expo & Conference 2000 on March 16, 2000
- Speech by the Secretary for Information Technology and Broadcasting, Mr K C Kwong,in moving the second reading of the Entertainment Special Effects Bill in the Legislative Council on February 23, 2000
- Speech by the Secretary for Information Technology and Broadcasting, Mr K C Kwong, in moving the second reading of the Broadcasting Bill in the Legislative Council on February 16, 2000
- Speech (English only) by Secretary for Information Technology and Broadcasting, Mr K C Kwong, at Hongkong Post Certification Authority Inauguration Ceremony on January 31, 2000
- Speech by the Secretary for Information Technology and Broadcasting, Mr K C Kwong, at the Grand Opening of the Water Supplies Department Customer Telephone Enquiry Centre on January 27, 2000
- Speech (English only) by the Secretary for Information Technology and Broadcasting, Mr K C Kwong, at the signing ceremony of a Memorandum of Understanding on co-operation in information technology, information services and telecommunications between Hong Kong and Finland on January 14, 2000
- Speech (English only) by the Secretary for Information Technology and Broadcasting, Mr K C Kwong,at Finnish IT and Telecommunications Seminar on January 14, 2000
- Speech (English only)by the Secretary for Information Technology and Broadcasting, Mr K C Kwong,at the Luncheon Meeting of the Hong Kong Institute of Directors on January 11, 2000
- Speech (English only) by the Secretary for Information Technology and Broadcasting, Mr K C Kwong, at the Hong Kong Toys Council Annual Dinner,at the Grand Hyatt Hotel on January 10, 2000
Director of Information Technology Services
- Speech by the Director of Information Technology Services, Mr Lau Kam-hung, in the opening ceremony of a conference on software engineering process and development on December 14, 2000
- Speech by the Director of Information Technology Services, Mr Lau Kam-hung, in the opening ceremony of a conference on software engineering process and development on December 14, 2000
- Speech delivered by the Director of Information Technology Services, Mr Lau Kam-hung, in an information technology business forum on December 7, 2000
- Speech delivered by the Acting Director of Information Technology Services, Mr Cheng Yan-chee, at a conference on e-government on November 14, 2000
- Speech by the Director of Information Technology Services, Mr Lau Kam-hung, at a conference on quality software on October 30, 2000
- Speech by the Director of Information Technology Services, Mr Lau Kam-hung, at a seminar on eXtensible Markup Language on October 25, 2000
- Speech by the Director of Information Technology Services, Mr Lau Kam-hung, at the Asian Information Technology Venture Capital Forum on October 22, 2000
- Speech delivered by the Director of Information Technology Services, Mr Lau Kam-hung, at the opening ceremony of an application service provider conference on July 24, 2000
- Speech delivered by the Director of Information Technology Services, Mr Lau Kam-hung, in the "ITSD Networking Hour" which is one of the regular events organised by the Information Technology Services Department to maintain close contact and communication with the local information technology industry on June 8, 2000
- Speech delivered by the Director of Information Technology Services, Mr Lau Kam-hung, at the seminar on e-commerce in the new millennium jointly organised by the Information Technology Services Department and the Asian Oceania Electronic Messaging Association on May 31, 2000
- Speech delivered by the Director of Information Technology Services, Mr Lau Kam-hung, at a management symposium on the challenges and opportunities of e-management on May 26, 2000
- Speech delivered by the Director of Information Technology Services, Mr Lau Kam-hung, at an luncheon of a management association on May 4, 2000
- Speech delivered by the Director of Information Technology Services, Mr Lau Kam-hung, in the opening ceremony of an international computer expo on May 4, 2000
- Speech (English only) delivered by the Director of Information Technology Services, Mr Lau Kam-hung, at the annual general meeting of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (Information Technology Division) on May 3, 2000
- Speech delivered by the Director of Information Technology Services, Mr Lau Kam-hung, at a seminar on security and hacking jointly organised by the Information Technology Services Department and the Hong Kong Computer Society on April 1, 2000
- Speech (English only) delivered by the Director of Information Technology Services, Mr Lau Kam-hung, to a forum on venture capital and technology financing in the Hong Kong Information Infrastructure Expo and Conference 2000 on March 17, 2000
- Full text of the presentation on the government information technology strategy "Digital 21" by the Director of Information Technology Services, Mr Lau Kam-hung, at a business conference on strategic e-commerce and cyberpayments on January 24, 2000
Director of Intellectual Property
Secretary for Planning and Lands
- Speech by the Secretary for Planning and Lands, Mr Gordon Siu, in moving the committee stage amendments to the Adaptation of Laws (No. 11) Bill 1998 in the Legislative Council on June 26, 2000
- Speech by the Secretary for Planning and Lands, Mr Gordon Siu, during the resumed debate on the Buildings (Amendment) Bill 2000 in the Legislative Council on June 14, 2000
- Speech by the Secretary for Planning and Lands, Mr Gordon Siu, in moving the second reading of the Urban Renewal Authority Bill in the Legislative Council meeting on February 16, 2000
- Speech by the Secretary for Planning and Lands, Mr Gordon Siu, in moving the second reading of the Buildings (Amendment) Bill 2000 in the Legislative Council meeting on February 16, 2000
- Speech by the Secretary for Planning and Lands, Mr Gordon Siu, in moving the second reading of the Town Planning Bill in the Legislative Council meeting on February 16, 2000
Postmaster General
- Speech by the Postmaster General, Mr. P C Luk, at the "Centenary of the Chinese General Chamber of Commerce" special stamps issuing ceremony on October 22
- Speech by the Postmaster General, Mr Luk Ping-chuen, at the "2000 Olympic Games" special stamps preview ceremony on August 19
- Speech by the Acting Postmaster General, Mr Allan Chiang, at the "Hong Kong Insects" Special Stamps Issuing Ceremony on July 16, 2000
- Speech by the Postmaster General, Mr Luk Ping Chuen, at the "Hong Kong Museums and Libraries" Special Stamps Issuing Ceremony on March 26, 2000
- Speech by the Postmaster General, Mr P.C. Luk, at the "Year of the Dragon" Special Stamps issuing ceremony on January 23, 2000
Director of Public Prosecutions
- Speech by the Director of Public Prosecutions, Mr Grenville Cross at the symposium "Hong Kong - An Intellectual Property Gateway" jointly organised by the Intellectual Property Department and the Asian Patent Attorneys Association, Hong Kong Group on November 7, 2000
- Speech on Criminal Misuse of Computers and How This Can be Tackled by the Director of Public Prosecutions, Mr Grenville Cross, SC at the Symposium of 'e-Management : Challenges and Opportunities' organised by the Institution of Electrical Engineers Hong Kong on May 26, 2000
- Statement by the Director of Public Prosecutions, Mr Grenville Cross at the media session to launch the Yearly Review of the Prosecutions Division 1999 on March 30, 2000
- Speech by the Director of Public Prosecutions, Mr Grenville Cross at the press conference announcing the creation of the Computer Crime Team on January 19, 2000
Secretary for Security
- Speech by the Secretary for Security, Mrs Regina Ip, in moving the second reading of the Dangerous Goods (Amendment) Bill 2000 in the Legislative Council on November 1, 2000
- Opening statement by the Secretary for Security, Mrs Regina Ip, at the briefing of the Legislative Council's Security Panel meeting on the 2000 Policy Address on October 19, 2000
- Speech by the Secretary for Security, Mrs Regina Ip, at the Rotary Club of Kowloon Golden Mile on August 23, 2000
- Speech by the Secretary for Security, Mrs Regina Ip, in moving the resolution on Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters (Switzerland) Order in the Legislative Council on June 27, 2000
- Speech by the Secretary for Security, Mrs Regina Ip, at the meeting of the Special Finance Committee of the Legislative Council on March 21, 2000
- Speech by the Acting Secretary for Security, Mr Raymond Wong in moving the second reading of the Karaoke Establishments Bill in the Legislative Council on March 15, 2000
- Speech by the Speech by the Secretary for Security, Mrs Regina Ip, in moving the resolution on the Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters (South Korea) Order in the Legislative Council on January 19, 2000
- Speech by the Speech by the Secretary for Security, Mrs Regina Ip, in moving the resolution on the Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters (Italy) Order in the Legislative Council on January 19, 2000
Solicitor General
Secretary for Commerce and Industry
- Speech by the Secretary for Commerce and Industry, Mr CHAU Tak Hay, in moving the second reading of the Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation Bill in the Legislative Council on December 20, 2000
- Speech by the Secretary for Commerce and Industry, Mr CHAU Tak Hay, in moving the second reading of the Intellectual Property (Miscellaneous Amendments) (No. 2) Bill 2000 in the Legislative Council on December 20, 2000
- Speech by the Secretary for Commerce and Industry, Mr Chau Tak Hay, on "Building Stronger Foundations: Strengthening the Multilateral Trading System" at the Twelfth Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation's Ministerial Meeting in Brunei on November 13, 2000
- Opening remarks (English only) by the Secretary for Commerce and Industry, Mr CHAU Tak Hay at the launching ceremony of the Web Design Competition jointly organised by the Business and Services Promotion Unit (BSPU) and the South China Morning Post (SCMP) on October 23, 2000
- Secretary for Commerce and Industry's briefing note at the meeting of the LegCo Panel on Trade and Industry on October 16, 2000
- Speech by the Secretary for Commerce and Industry, Mr CHAU Tak Hay, at the "10 Million Trade Declarations" Cocktail Reception on September 28, 2000
- Speech by the Secretary for Commerce and Industry, Mr CHAU Tak Hay at the Hong Kong Jewellery and Jade Manufacturers Association's 35th Anniversary and Charity Ball on September 23, 2000
- Speech by the Secretary for Commerce and Industry, Mr CHAU Tak Hay, at the World Economic Forum Asia Pacific Economic Summit Hong Kong Networking Lunch on September 12, 2000
- Speech by the Secretary for Commerce and Industry, Mr CHAU Tak Hay, at a seminar on "Benefiting from Intellectual Property" organised by the Hong Kong General Chamber of in conjunction with the Business Software Alliance on July 26, 2000
- Speech by the Secretary for Commerce and Industry, Mr CHAU Tak Hay, at the opening ceremony of the Hong Kong Fashion Week for Spring/Summer 2001 on July 11, 2000
- Speech by the Secretary for Commerce and Industry, Mr CHAU Tak Hay, at the First Regional E-Commerce Convention in Hong Kong (English only) on July 6, 2000
- Speech by the Secretary for Trade and Industry, Mr CHAU Tak Hay, at the opening ceremony of the Hong Kong Exporters' Association Headquarters on April 26, 2000
- Speech by the Secretary for Trade and Industry, Mr CHAU Tak Hay, at the luncheon of the Pacific Economic Cooperation Council (PECC) Standing Committee Meeting in Dalian on April 13, 2000
- Speech by the Secretary for Trade and Industry, Mr CHAU Tak Hay, at the meeting of the Special Finance Committee of the Legislative Council on March 23, 2000
- The opening remarks by the Secretary for Trade and Industry, Mr CHAU Tak Hay, at the lunch hosted for Israeli Minister for Industry and Trade, Mr Ran Cohen on March 7, 2000
- Speech by the Secretary for Trade and Industry, Mr CHAU Tak Hay, at the WTO in the New Millennium: Opportunities for the Business Sector on March 7, 2000
- Speech by the Secretary for Trade and Industry, Mr CHAU Tak Hay, at the 5th Annual Britain in Asia Pacific Conference on March 6, 2000
- Speech by the Secretary for Trade and Industry, Mr CHAU Tak Hay, at the International Conference "Hong Kong - A Silicon Valley for the Pacific Rim?" on February 29, 2000
- Speech by the Secretary for Trade & Industry, Mr CHAU Tak Hay, in moving the resolution on the Organised and Serious Crimes Ordinance (Amendment of Schedule I) Order 1999 in the Legislative Council on January 12, 2000
- Speech by the Secretary for Trade and Industry, Mr CHAU Tak Hay, at the opening ceremony of Viasystems Asia-Pacific Headquarters on January 10, 2000
Secretary for Transport
- Translation of a speech by the Acting Secretary for Transport, Mr Kevin Ho, in moving a resolution under Section 31 of the Kowloon-Canton Railway Corporation Ordinance (Cap. 372) Kowloon-Canton Railway Corporation(Amendment) Bylaw 2000 in the Legislative Council on June 14, 2000
- Speech by Acting Secretary for Transport, Mr Kevin Ho, in moving a resolution under Section 31 of the Kowloon-Canton Railway Corporation Ordinance (Cap.372) North-west Railway (Amendment) Bylaw 2000 in the Legislative Council on June 14, 2000
- Speech by Secretary for Transport, Mr Nicholas Ng, at the opening of The 5th International Exhibition of Railway Technology for the Asian Markets Exporail (Asia) 2000 on May 3, 2000
- English translation of the speech by the Secretary for Transport, Mr Nicholas Ng, in moving a motion under Section 30 of the Discovery Bay Tunnel Link Ordinance (Cap. 520) in the Legislative Council on April 12, 2000
- Speech by the Secretary for Transport, Mr Nicholas Ng, at the Special Finance Committee meeting on March 22, 2000
Director-General for Trade
Director-General of Trade and Industry
- Speech by Commissioner of Transport Mr Robert Footman at the Opening Ceremony of the Transport Day 2000 carnival held at Victoria Park, Causeway Bay on December 3, 2000
- Introductory speech (English only) delivered by the Commissioner for Transport, Mr Robert Footman, at the Transport Information System Forum on June 2, 2000
- Speech delivered by the Commissioner for Transport Mr Robert Footman at the End of Year press briefing on February 29, 2000
- Speech (English only) delivered by the Commissioner for Transport Mr Robert Footman at the Citybus Plasmavision Launch at North Point Ferry Terminus on February 22, 2000
- Full text of the introductory speech delivered by the Commissioner for Transport, Mr Robert Footman, at the Intelligent Transport Systems 2000 Forum on February 16, 2000
- Speech by the Commissioner for Transport, Mr. Robert Footman, at the Launching Ceremony - Celebrating the Millennium : A Campaign to Promote LPG Taxi and Taxi Driver Uniform Organized by Taxi Dealers & Owners Association on January 27, 2000
- Speech by the Secretary for the Treasury, Miss Denise Yue, at LegCo Financial Affairs Panel on MTR Privatisation Share Offer on November 6, 2000
- Speech by the Secretary for the Treasury, Miss Denise Yue, at the Legislative Council's Financial Affairs Panel on the Chief Executive's Policy Address on October 19, 2000
- Speech (English only) by the Secretary for the Treasury, Miss Denise Yue, in moving the second reading of the Inland Revenue (Amendment) Bill 2000 in the Legislative Council on October 18, 2000
- Speech (English only) by the Secretary for the Treasury, Miss Denise Yue, in moving the second reading of Stamp Duty (Amendment) Bill 2000 in the Legislative Council on October 18, 2000
- Speech (English only) by the Secretary for the Treasury, Miss Denise Yue, at the opening of the 13th Asian Horological Trade & Industry Promotion Conferenceon July 4, 2000
- Speech by the Secretary for the Treasury, Miss Denise Yue, in the Legislative Council on June 26, 2000
- Speech by the Secretary for the Treasury, Miss Denise Yue, in moving the second reading of the Supplementary Appropriation (1999-2000) Bill 2000 in the Legislative Council on June 7, 2000
- Speech by the Secretary for the Treasury, Miss Denise Yue, in resuming the second reading debate of the Revenue (No.2) Bill 2000 in the Legislative Council on May 10, 2000
- Speech by the Secretary for the Treasury, Miss Denise Yue, at the Closing Session of the International Public Procurement Association (IPPA) Conference on April 19, 2000
- Transcript of electronic statement on fee revision on April 13, 2000
- Speech by the Secretary for the Treasury, Miss Denise Yue, in moving the second reading of the Revenue (No.2) Bill 2000 in the Legislative Council on April 5, 2000
- The full text of a presentation by the Secretary for the Treasury, Miss Denise Yue, at the Special meeting of the Finance Committee on March 21, 2000
- Speech by the Secretary for the Treasury, Miss Denise Yue, in moving the Vote on Account Resolution in the Legislative Council on March 15, 2000
- Speech by the Secretary for the Treasury, Miss Denise Yue, in moving the second reading of the Revenue Bill 2000 in the Legislative Council on March 15, 2000
- Speech by the Secretary for the Treasury, Miss Denise Yue, in moving the committee stage amendments to the Stamp Duty (Amendment) Bill 1999 in the Legislative Council on January 12, 2000
by Senior Government Officials in 1999
by Senior Government Officials in 1998
by Senior Government Officials in 1997