How can TB be prevented?
- Early diagnosis and treatment: TB should be treated
early in order to prevent deterioration of the disease and
spread of the infection. Patients with active pulmonary
tuberculosis can attend any government chest clinic for
- Examination of close contacts: The close contacts of TB
patients, usually the household contacts, should be
examined. This includes tuberculin skin testing and/or
chest x-ray examination for young children and chest x-ray
examination for older children and adults.
- Leading a healthy life style: The germs attack the lungs
when a person's body resistance is reduced. So try to
guard yourself by leading a healthy lifestyle in order to
minimise the chance of contracting the illness. This
- - adequate exercise
- - enough rest and sleep
- - balanced diet
- - avoidance of smoking and alcohol
- - breathing fresh air and maintaining good indoor ventilation
- - good personal hygiene (e.g., avoid coughing and sneezing directly at other
BCG (Bacille Calmette-Guerin) vaccination: The TB &
Chest Service provides BCG vaccination to all newborn
babies to protect them against tuberculosis. Children
residing in Hong Kong, who are aged below 15 and have
never received BCG before, are also advised to receive the
Preventive measures for tuberculosis