Kate Quilton 与 Javid Abdelmoneim医生邀请了十位来自不同行业的志愿者参与实验,希望透过简单的生活技巧,去帮助他们纾缓压力。少饮酒、多运动、见朋友,再加上正念疗法,能否成功将绷紧的身心放松?
In How to Beat Stress, Kate Quilton and Dr Javid Abdelmoneim enlist ten stressed out volunteers from around the UK – from a firefighter to a paramedic to a chef - to take part in an experiment to see if making simple lifestyle changes can help alleviate their stress. Can cutting back the booze and caffeine, hobbies, and mindfulness really be the simple stress busting solutions we all need?
Work is the most common cause of stress for us in the UK, with 59% of us experiencing it. Kate visits Lego to see why they are one of the companies leading the way with employee wellbeing and runs a one-week experiment to see if small changes can make a big difference to a pressured sales company. Javid shows how spending time in green spaces can reduce anxiety and lower blood pressure, reducing our stress levels. Plus, for the 10 million people in the UK with phobias, can the pioneering treatment of virtual reality be a game changer?
TV Version: Bilingual Broadcast (Cantonese/English)