Common Urban Trees of Hong Kong – Anecdotes and Traits

Urban trees not only bring about environmental benefits, but also moderate busy city’s lives and fuel new energy to them. If not in a hurry, please slow down your steps and take a glimpse at trees that probably shade you from the burning sunshine, shelter you from wind and rain, and replenish you with fresh air. Do you know them? Do you want to learn more about their stories and characteristics?

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The anecdotes and traits for identifications of the 183 common urban tree species are presented as follows. Hope you can learn more about the common urban trees of Hong Kong.

List of Tree Species

Scientific Name Common Name Chinese Name Family Name
(37 families in total)
Native/Exotic Species
1 Acacia auriculiformis A. Cunn. ex Benth. Ear-leaved Acacia, Ear-pod Wattle 耳果相思, 耳叶相思, 大叶相思 MIMOSACEAE Exotic
2 Acacia confusa Merr. Taiwan Acacia 台湾相思, 相思树, 台湾柳, 相思仔 MIMOSACEAE Exotic
3 Acacia mangium Willd. Big-leaved Acacia, Broad-leaved Acacia 大叶相思, 马占相思 MIMOSACEAE Exotic
4 Acer tutcheri Duthie Tutcher's Maple 岭南槭 ACERACEAE Native
5 Adenanthera microsperma Teijsm. and Binn. Red Sandalwood 海红豆, 孔雀豆, 相思格 MIMOSACEAE Native
6 Ailanthus fordii Noot. Ailanthus, Green Ailanthus 常绿臭椿, 福氏臭椿 SIMAROUBACEAE Native
7 Alangium chinense (Lour.) Harms Chinese Alangium, China Alangium 八角枫 ALANGIACEAE Native
8 Albizia julibrissin Durazz. Silk-tree, Mimosa 合欢 MIMOSACEAE Exotic
9 Albizia lebbeck (L.) Benth. Lebbeck Tree 大叶合欢, 阔荚合欢 MIMOSACEAE Exotic
10 Aleurites moluccana (L.) Willd. Candlenut Tree, Common Aleurites 石栗 EUPHORBIACEAE Exotic
11 Alstonia scholaris (L.) R. Br. Devil Tree, Common Alstonia 糖胶树, 黑板树, 面条树, 灯架树 APOCYNACEAE Exotic
12 Aquilaria sinensis (Lour.) Spreng. Incense Tree 土沉香, 牙香树, 白木香 THYMELAEACEAE Native
13 Araucaria columnaris (G. Forst.) Hook. Cook Pine, New Caledonia Pine 柱状南洋杉 ARAUCARIACEAE Exotic
14 Araucaria cunninghamii Aiton ex D. Don Hoop Pine 南洋杉 ARAUCARIACEAE Exotic
15 Archontophoenix alexandrae (F. Muell.) H. Wendl. & Drude Alexandra Palm, King Palm 假槟榔, 亚力山大椰子 ARECACEAE Exotic
16 Areca catechu L. Betel Palm, Areca nut, Pinang  槟榔 ARECACEAE Exotic
17 Areca triandra Roxb. ex Buch.-Ham. Triandra Palm, Wild Areca Palm 三药槟榔 ARECACEAE Exotic
18 Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam. Jackfruit 菠萝蜜, 树菠萝, 木菠萝 MORACEAE Exotic
19 Averrhoa carambola L. Carambola, Star Fruit 杨桃, 五敛子, 洋挑 OXALIDACEAE Exotic
20 Bauhinia purpurea L. Purple Camel's Foot 红花羊蹄甲, 羊蹄甲, 洋紫荆 CAESALPINIACEAE Exotic
21 Bauhinia variegata L. Camel's Foot Tree 宫粉羊蹄甲, 洋紫荆, 羊蹄甲, 弯叶树 CAESALPINIACEAE Exotic
22 Bauhinia variegata L. var. candida (Aiton) Buch.-Ham. White Bauhinia 白花洋紫荆, 白花羊蹄甲, 大白花 CAESALPINIACEAE Exotic
23 Bauhinia × blakeana Dunn Hong Kong Orchid Tree 洋紫荆, 红花羊蹄甲, 艳紫荆 CAESALPINIACEAE Native
24 Bischofia javanica Blume Autumn Maple 秋枫, 茄苳 EUPHORBIACEAE Native
25 Bischofia polycarpa (H. Lév.) Airy Shaw Chinese Bishopwood 重阳木 EUPHORBIACEAE Exotic
26 Bismarckia nobilis Hildebrandt & H. Wendl. Bismarck Palm 霸王棕 ARECACEAE Exotic
27 Bombax ceiba L. Tree Cotton, Red Kapok Tree 木棉, 红棉, 英雄树, 攀枝花 BOMBACACEAE Exotic
28 Bougainvillea spectabilis Willd. Brazil Bougainvillea, Beautiful Bougainvillea 叶子花、毛宝巾、簕杜鹃、九重葛 NYCTAGINACEAE Exotic
29 Brachychiton acerifolius (A. Cunn.) Macarthur & C. Moore Flame Bottletree 槭叶苹婆 STERCULIACEAE Exotic
30 Bridelia tomentosa Blume Pop-gun Seed, Pikpoktai 土蜜树, 逼迫仔 EUPHORBIACEAE Native
31 Broussonetia papyrifera (L.) L’Hér. ex Vent. Paper Mulberry 构树,鹿仔树 MORACEAE Native
32 Callistemon rigidus R. Br. Stiff Bottle-brush, Rigid Bottle-brush 红千层, 瓶子刷树, 红瓶子刷树 MYRTACEAE Exotic
33 Callistemon viminalis (Sol. ex Gaertn.) G. Don Tall Bottle-brush, Weeping Bottlebrush, Drooping Bottlebrush, Creek Bottlebrush, Red Bottlebrush 串钱柳, 垂枝红千层 MYRTACEAE Exotic
34 Carica papaya L. Papaya 番木瓜 CARICACEAE Exotic
35 Caryota maxima Blume Fishtail Palm 鱼尾葵, 青棕, 假桄榔 ARECACEAE Exotic
36 Cassia fistula L. Golden-shower 腊肠树, 猪肠豆, 阿勃勒, 牛角树, 波斯皂荚 CAESALPINIACEAE Exotic
37 Castanopsis fissa (Champ. ex Benth.) Rehder and E.H. Wilson Castanopsis, Chestnut oak 黧蒴锥, 裂斗锥栗 FAGACEAE Native
38 Casuarina equisetifolia L. Horsetail Tree 木麻黄, 牛尾松, 马尾树 CASUARINACEAE Exotic
39 Ceiba pentandra (L.) Gaertn. Kapok Ceiba, Silk Cotton Tree 吉贝, 美洲木棉 BOMBACACEAE Exotic
40 Celtis sinensis Pers. Chinese Hackberry 朴树 ULMACEAE Native
41 Cerbera manghas L. Cerbera, Sea Mango 海杧果 APOCYNACEAE Native
42 Chorisia speciosa A. St.-Hil. Silk floss tree, Floss silk tree 丝木棉, 美人树, 美丽异木棉 BOMBACACEAE Exotic
43 Chukrasia tabularis A. Juss. Chittagong Chickrassy 麻楝 MELIACEAE Exotic
44 Cinnamomum burmannii (Nees & T. Nees) Blume Batavia Cinnamon, Cinnamon Tree 阴香、山肉桂 LAURACEAE Native
45 Cinnamomum camphora (L.) J. Presl Camphor Tree 樟, 樟树, 樟脑树 LAURACEAE Native
46 Cinnamomum parthenoxylon (Jack) Meisn. Yellow Cinnamomum, Yellow Camphor-tree 黄樟,黄樟木 LAURACEAE Native
47 Citrus maxima (Burm.) Merr. Pomelo, Pummelo 柚子 RUTACEAE Exotic
48 Clausena lansium (Lour.) Skeels Wampi, Wampee 黄皮, 黄皮子, 黄皮果 RUTACEAE Exotic
49 Cleistocalyx nervosum (DC.) Kosterm. Lidded Cleistocalyx, Water Banyan 水翁, 水翁蒲桃, 水榕 MYRTACEAE Native
50 Corymbia citriodora (Hook.) K. D. Hill & L. A. S. Johnson Lemon-scented Gum 柠檬桉 MYRTACEAE Exotic
51 Corymbia torelliana (F. Muell.) K. D. Hill & L. A. S. Johnson Cadaga 毛叶桉 MYRTACEAE Exotic
52 Crateva trifoliata (Roxb.) B. S. Sun Obtuse-leaved Crateva 钝叶鱼木, 赤果鱼木 CAPPARACEAE Exotic
53 Crateva unilocularis Buch.-Ham. Spider Tree 树头菜 CAPPARACEAE Exotic
54 Cratoxylum cochinchinense (Lour.) Blume Yellow Cow Wood 黄牛木, 鸟笼木 CLUSIACEAE Native
55 Dalbergia odorifera T. C. Chen Fragrant Rosewood 降香黄檀 FABACEAE Exotic
56 Delonix regia (Bojer ex Hook.) Raf. Flame Tree, Flame of the Forest 凤凰木, 凤凰花, 红花楹, 火树 CAESALPINIACEAE Exotic
57 Dillenia indica L. Elephant Apple 五桠果, 第伦桃 DILLENIACEAE Exotic
58 Dimocarpus longan Lour. Longan 龙眼, 桂圆, 圆眼 SAPINDACEAE Exotic
59 Dracontomelon duperreanum Pierre Yanmin 人面子, 银莲果 ANACARDIACEAE Exotic
60 Dypsis decaryi (Jum.) Beentje & J. Dransf Triangle palm 三角椰子 ARECACEAE Exotic
61 Ehretia acuminata R. Br. Heliotrope Ehretia, Koda Tree 厚壳树 BORAGINACEAE Native
62 Elaeis guineensis Jacq. African Oil Palm, Oil Palm 油棕 ARECACEAE Exotic
63 Elaeocarpus chinensis (Gardner and Champ.) Hook. f. ex Benth. Chinese Elaeocarpus, Elaeocarpus 中华杜英、野杜英 ELAEOCARPACEAE Native
64 Elaeocarpus hainanensis Oliv. Hainan Elaeocarpus 水石榕 ELAEOCARPACEAE Exotic
65 Elaeocarpus sylvestris (Lour.) Poir. Woodland Elaeocarpus 山杜英, 胆八树, 羊屎树, 羊仔树 ELAEOCARPACEAE Native
66 Eriobotrya japonica (Thunb.) Lindl. Loquat 枇杷 ROSACEAE Exotic
67 Erythrina variegata L. Coral Tree 刺桐 FABACEAE Exotic
68 Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnh. River Red Gum, Murray Red Gum 赤桉 MYRTACEAE Exotic
69 Eucalyptus exserta F. Muell. Queensland peppermint 窿缘桉 MYRTACEAE Exotic
70 Eucalyptus robusta Sm. Swamp Mahogany 大叶桉 MYRTACEAE Exotic
71 Eucalyptus tereticornis Sm. Forest Gray Gum, Forest Red Gum 细叶桉 MYRTACEAE Exotic
72 Eucalyptus urophylla S. T. Blake Timor White Gum, Timor Mountain Gum, Half-barked Tree 尾叶桉 MYRTACEAE Exotic
73 Falcataria moluccana (Miq.) Barneby and J. W. Grimes Batai Wood 南洋楹 MIMOSACEAE Exotic
74 Ficus altissima Blume Mountain Fig, Lofty Fig 高山榕, 鸡榕, 大青树, 万年青 MORACEAE Exotic
75 Ficus benjamina L. Weeping Fig 垂叶榕, 垂榕, 白榕 MORACEAE Exotic
76 Ficus benjamina L. 'Variegata' Variegated Weeping Fig 花葉垂榕, 花叶垂叶榕, 斑叶垂榕 MORACEAE Exotic
77 Ficus elastica Roxb. ex Hornem. India-rubber Tree, Caoutchuc 印度榕, 印度橡树 MORACEAE Exotic
78 Ficus hispida L. f. Opposite-leaved Fig, Rough-leaved Stem-fig 对叶榕, 牛乳树, 牛奶子, 乳汁麻木, 猪母茶 MORACEAE Native
79 Ficus microcarpa L. f. Chinese Banyan, Small-fruited Fig 细叶榕, 榕树, 万年青 MORACEAE Native
80 Ficus microcarpa L.f. 'Golden Leaves' Golden Leaves 黄金榕, 黄榕 MORACEAE Exotic
81 Ficus racemosa L. Cluster Fig, Gular Fig, Country Fig, Udumbara 聚果榕, 优昙华 MORACEAE Exotic
82 Ficus religiosa L. Peepul Tree, Bodh Tree, Botree Fig, Bodhi 菩提树, 思维树, 印度菩提树, 阿思多罗, 印度波树 MORACEAE Exotic
83 Ficus rumphii Blume Mock Bodh Tree, Mock Peepul Tree 心叶榕, 假菩提树 MORACEAE Exotic
84 Ficus subpisocarpa Gagnep. Japanese Superb Fig, Superb Fig 笔管榕 MORACEAE Native
85 Ficus variegata Blume Common Red-stem Fig 青果榕, 杂色榕 MORACEAE Native
86 Ficus virens Aiton Big-leaved Fig 黄葛树, 大叶榕, 绿黄葛树, 黄桷树 MORACEAE Native
87 Garcinia subelliptica Merr. Common Garcinia, Fukugi, Happy Tree 菲岛福木 CLUSIACEAE Exotic
88 Grevillea banksii R. Br. Scarlet Grevillea, Bank's Grevillea 昆士兰银桦, 红花银桦 PROTEACEAE Exotic
89 Grevillea robusta A. Cunn. ex R. Br. Silk Oak 银桦 PROTEACEAE Exotic
90 Heritiera littoralis Aiton Coastal Heritiera 银叶树 STERCULIACEAE Native
91 Heteropanax fragrans (Roxb.) Seem. Fragrant Aralia 幌伞枫, 火通木 ARALIACEAE Exotic
92 Hibiscus tiliaceus L. Cuban Bast, Sea Hibiscus 黄槿, 桐花, 海麻, 万年春 MALVACEAE Native
93 Hyophorbe lagenicaulis (L.H. Bailey) H. E. Moore Bottle Palm 酒瓶椰子 ARECACEAE Exotic
94 Hyophorbe verschaffeltii (W.Bull ex J.Dix) H.Wendl Spindle Palm, Palmiste Marron 棍棒椰子 ARECACEAE Exotic
95 Ilex rotunda Thunb. var. microcarpa (Lindl. ex Paxton) S. Y. Hu Small-fruited Holly, Chinese Holly 小果铁冬青 AQUIFOLIACEAE Native
96 Jacaranda mimosifolia D. Don Jacaranda 蓝花楹 BIGNONIACEAE Exotic
97 Juniperus chinensis L. Chinese Juniper 圆柏, 桧, 刺柏 CUPRESSACEAE Exotic
98 Khaya senegalensis (Desr.) A. Juss. African Mahogany, Senegal Mahogany, Dry Zone Mahogany 非洲楝, 塞内加尔楝, 非洲桃花心木, 仙加树 MELIACEAE Exotic
99 Kigelia africana (Lam.) Benth. Sausage Tree, Cucumber Tree 吊瓜树, 吊灯树 BIGNONIACEAE Exotic
100 Koelreuteria bipinnata Franch. Golden Rain Tree, Chinese Flame Tree, Pride of China 复羽叶栾树, 国庆花 SAPINDACEAE Exotic
101 Lagerstroemia indica L. Common Crape Myrtle, Crape Myrtle 紫薇 LYTHRACEAE Exotic
102 Lagerstroemia speciosa (L.) Pers. Queen Crape Myrtle, Queen Lagerstroemia, Queen Crape-myrtle 大花紫薇, 大叶紫薇, 洋紫薇, 百日红 LYTHRACEAE Exotic
103 Ligustrum liukiuense Koidz. Formosa Privet 台湾女贞, 日本女贞, 琉球女贞 OLEACEAE Native
104 Ligustrum sinense Lour. Chinese Privet, Small-leaf Privet 山指甲,小蜡树 OLEACEAE Exotic
105 Liquidambar formosana Hance Sweet Gum, Chinese Sweet Gum 枫香, 枫香树 HAMAMELIDACEAE Native
106 Litchi chinensis Sonn. Lychee, Lichee 荔枝 SAPINDACEAE Exotic
107 Litsea glutinosa (Lour.) C. B. Rob. Pond Spice 潺槁树, 潺槁木姜子, 油槁树, 胶樟 LAURACEAE Native
108 Litsea monopetala (Roxb.) Pers. Persimmon-leaved Litsea 假柿木姜子, 假柿树 LAURACEAE Native
109 Livistona chinensis (Jacq.) R.Br. ex Mart. Chinese Fan-palm 蒲葵, 葵树 ARECACEAE Exotic
110 Lophostemon confertus (R. Br.) Peter G. Wilson & J. T. Waterh. Brisbane Box, Queensland Box 红胶木 MYRTACEAE Exotic
111 Lysidice rhodostegia Hance Lysidice 仪花 CAESALPINIACEAE Exotic
112 Macaranga tanarius (L.) Müll. Arg. var. tomentosa (Blume) Müll. Arg. Elephant's Ear, Common Macaranga 血桐, 流血桐, 帐篷树 EUPHORBIACEAE Native
113 Machilus chekiangensis S. K. Lee Chekiang Machilus, Zhejiang Machilus 浙江润楠, 长序润楠 LAURACEAE Native
114 Magnolia grandiflora L. Bull Bay, Southern Magnolia 荷花玉兰, 洋玉兰, 广玉兰, 荷花木兰 MAGNOLIACEAE Exotic
115 Mallotus paniculatus (Lam.) Müll. Arg. Turn-in-the-wind, Panicled Mallotus 白楸, 力树, 黄背桐, 白叶子 EUPHORBIACEAE Native
116 Mangifera indica L. Mango 杧果 ANACARDIACEAE Exotic
117 Markhamia stipulata (Wall.) Seem. ex K. Schum. var. kerrii Sprague Cat-tail Tree 猫尾木, 西南猫尾木 BIGNONIACEAE Exotic
118 Melaleuca bracteata F. Muell. 'Revolution Gold' Honey Myrtle, Golden Tea Tree 黄金串钱柳, 黄金香柳 MYRTACEAE Exotic
119 Melaleuca cajuputi Roxb. subsp. cumingiana (Turcz.) Barlow Paper-bark Tree, Cajeput-tree 白千层 MYRTACEAE Exotic
120 Melia azedarach L. China-berry, Persian Lilac 楝, 苦楝, 森树, 紫花树 MELIACEAE Exotic
121 Michelia figo (Lour.) Spreng. Banana Shrub 含笑 MAGNOLIACEAE Exotic
122 Michelia x alba DC. White Jade Orchid Tree, White Champak 白兰, 白兰花, 白玉兰 MAGNOLIACEAE Exotic
123 Microcos nervosa (Lour.) S. Y. Hu Microcos, Panicilate Microcos 破布叶,布渣叶 TILIACEAE Native
124 Morus alba L. White Mulberry 桑, 桑树 MORACEAE Native
125 Murraya paniculata (L.) Jack Orange-jessamine 九里香, 千里香, 月橘 RUTACEAE Exotic
126 Nageia nagi (Thunb.) Kuntze Nagi, Japanese Podocarpus 竹柏 PODOCARPACEAE Exotic
127 Nerium oleander L. Oleander, Common Oleander 夹竹桃 APOCYNACEAE Exotic
128 Ormosia pinnata (Lour.) Merr. Hainan Ormosia 海南红豆 FABACEAE Exotic
129 Pachira glabra Pasq. Guinea peanut, Lucky tree 瓜栗, 发财树 BOMBACACEAE Exotic
130 Peltophorum pterocarpum (DC.) Baker ex K. Heyne Yellow Poinciana, Yellow Flame Tree 盾柱木, 双翼豆, 闭筴木 CAESALPINIACEAE Exotic
131 Peltophorum tonkinense (Pierre) Gagnep. Yinzhu 银珠, 油楠 CAESALPINIACEAE Exotic
132 Phoenix canariensis Chabaud Canary Island Date Palm, Cannary Date Palm, Pineapple Palm 加那利刺葵, 加拿利海枣 ARECACEAE Exotic
133 Phoenix dactylifera L. Date Palm 海枣 ARECACEAE Exotic
134 Phoenix roebelenii O’Brien Dwarf Date Palm 江边刺葵, 日本葵, 软叶刺葵 ARECACEAE Exotic
135 Phoenix sylvestris (L.) Roxb. Wild Date Palm, Sugar Date Palm 银海枣, 林刺葵 ARECACEAE Exotic
136 Pinus massoniana Lamb. Chinese Red Pine 马尾松 PINACEAE Native
137 Platycladus orientalis (L.) Franco Chinese Arborvitae, Oriental Arbor-vitae 侧柏 CUPRESSACEAE Exotic
138 Plumeria rubra L. Frangipani 鸡蛋花, 红鸡蛋花, 鹿角树 APOCYNACEAE Exotic
139 Podocarpus macrophyllus (Thunb.) Sweet Buddhist Pine, Kusamaki 罗汉松 PODOCARPACEAE Native
140 Polyspora axillaris (Roxb. ex Ker Gawl.) Sweet Hong Kong Gordonia 大头茶, 南投大头茶 THEACEAE Native
141 Pongamia pinnata (L.) Merr. Wild Bean 水黄皮, 水流豆, 野豆 FABACEAE Native
142 Prunus campanulata Maxim. Taiwan Cherry 钟花樱桃, 山樱, 绯寒樱 ROSACEAE Exotic
143 Psidium cattleianum Sabine var. littorale (Raddi) Mattos Strawberry Guava 草莓番石榴 MYRTACEAE Exotic
144 Psidium guajava L. Guava 番石榴 MYRTACEAE Exotic
145 Pterocarpus indicus Willd. Burmese Rosewood 紫檀, 印度紫檀, 牛血树, 青龙木 FABACEAE Exotic
146 Ravenala madagascariensis Sonn. Traveller's Palm, Traveller’s Tree 旅人蕉, 扇芭蕉 STRELITZIACEAE Exotic
147 Reevesia thyrsoidea Lindl. Reevesia, Buch-like Reevesia 梭罗树, 两广梭罗 STERCULIACEAE Native
148 Roystonea regia (Kunth) O.F. Cook Royal Palm 大王椰子, 王棕 ARECACEAE Exotic
149 Sapindus saponaria L. Soap Berry 无患子,木患子, 肥皂果 SAPINDACEAE Native
150 Sapium discolor (Champ. ex Benth.) Müll. Arg. Mountain Tallow Tree 山乌桕 EUPHORBIACEAE Native
151 Sapium sebiferum (L.) Roxb. Chinese Tallow Tree 乌桕 EUPHORBIACEAE Native
152 Schefflera actinophylla (Endl.) Harms Umbrella Tree 辐叶鹅掌柴, 澳洲鹅掌柴, 伞树 ARALIACEAE Exotic
153 Schefflera heptaphylla (L.) Frodin Ivy Tree 鹅掌柴, 鸭脚木 ARALIACEAE Native
154 Schima superba Gardner & Champ. Schima, Chinese Gugertree 木荷, 荷树 THEACEAE Native
155 Senna siamea (Lam.) H. S. Irwin & Barneby Kassod Tree 铁刀木, 黑心树, 挨刀树 CAESALPINIACEAE Exotic
156 Senna surattensis (Burm. f.) H. S. Irwin & Barneby Sunshine Tree 黄槐决明, 黄槐 CAESALPINIACEAE Exotic
157 Spathodea campanulata P. Beauv. African Tulip Tree, Fountain Tree 火焰树, 火焰木, 喷泉树, 火烧花 BIGNONIACEAE Exotic
158 Spondias lakonensis Pierre Ling Nan Suan Zao 岭南酸枣 ANACARDIACEAE Exotic
159 Sterculia lanceolata Cav. Lance-leaved Sterculia, Scarlet Sterculia 假苹婆, 鸡冠木, 赛苹婆 STERCULIACEAE Native
160 Swietenia mahagoni (L.) Jacq. West Indies Mahogany, Cuba Mahogany 桃花心木, 小叶桃花心木 MELIACEAE Exotic
161 Syagrus romanzoffiana (Cham.) Glassman Queen Palm, Cocos Palm 皇后葵, 金山葵, 女王椰子 ARECACEAE Exotic
162 Syzygium cumini (L.) Skeels Jambolan Plum, Java Plum 乌墨, 海南蒲桃, 乌口树, 肯氏蒲桃 MYRTACEAE Exotic
163 Syzygium jambos (L.) Alston Rose Apple 蒲桃 MYRTACEAE Exotic
164 Syzygium levinei (Merr.) Merr. and L. M. Perry Levine’s Syzygium 山蒲桃, 白车 MYRTACEAE Native
165 Tabebuia argentea (Bureau and K. Schum.) Britton Silver Trumpet Tree, Tree of Gold 银鳞金铃木, 银鳞风铃木, 黄金风铃木 BIGNONIACEAE Exotic
166 Tabebuia chrysantha (Jacq.) G. Nicholson Yellow Pui, Araguaney 黄钟木, 黄花风铃木 BIGNONIACEAE Exotic
167 Tabebuia impetiginosa (Mart. ex DC.) Standl. Purple Tabebuia, Pink Trumpet Tree, Red Lapacho 紫花风铃木 BIGNONIACEAE Exotic
168 Tabebuia rosea (Bertol.) DC. Rosy Trumpet Tree, Pink Tecoma 洋红风铃木 BIGNONIACEAE Exotic
169 Taxodium distichum (L.) Rich. Bald Cypress, Deciduous Cypress 落羽杉 TAXODIACEAE Exotic
170 Terminalia catappa L. Indian Almond 榄仁树, 大叶榄仁, 山枇杷树 COMBRETACEAE Exotic
171 Terminalia mantaly H. Perrier Terminalia, Umbrella Tree, Madagascar Almond 小叶榄仁, 细叶榄仁, 非洲榄仁 COMBRETACEAE Exotic
172 Terminalia muelleri Benth. Australian Almond, Mullers Terminalia 澳洲榄仁 COMBRETACEAE Exotic
173 Ternstroemia gymnanthera (Wight & Arn.) Bedd. Naked Anther Ternstroemia 厚皮香 THEACEAE Native
174 Thevetia peruviana (Pers.) K. Schum. Yellow Oleander 黄花夹竹桃, 酒杯花 APOCYNACEAE Exotic
175 Toona sinensis (A. Juss.) M. Roem. Chinese Mahogany, Chinese Toona 香椿 MELIACEAE Exotic
176 Trachycarpus fortunei (Hook.) H. Wendl. Windmill Palm 棕榈 ARECACEAE Exotic
177 Vernicia montana Lour. Wood-oil Tree 木油树,千年桐,皱桐 EUPHORBIACEAE Exotic
178 Viburnum odoratissimum Ker Gawl. Sweet Viburnum 珊瑚树, 极香荚蒾, 早禾树, 山猪肉 CAPRIFOLIACEAE Native
179 Washingtonia robusta H.Wendl. Petticoat Palm, Mexican Fan Palm 大丝葵, 华盛顿葵 ARECACEAE Exotic
180 Wodyetia bifurcata A.K.Irvine Foxtail Palm 狐尾椰子, 狐尾棕 ARECACEAE Exotic
181 Xanthostemon chrysanthus (F. Muell.) Benth. Golden Penda 金蒲桃 MYRTACEAE Exotic
182 Yulania × soulangeana (Soul.-Bod.) D. L. Fu Saucer Magnolia 二乔木兰(紫玉兰) MAGNOLIACEAE Exotic
183 Phoenix loureiroi Kunth. Spiny Date Palm, Mountain Date Palm, Formosan Date Palm 刺葵, 台湾海枣 ARECACEAE Native