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澳大利亚 Australian Prudential Regulation Authority
Australian Securities and Investments Commission
加拿大 Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions
Ontario Securities Commission
Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF)
内地 中国银行保险监督管理委员会
法国 Autorité de Contrôle Prudentiel et de Résolution (ACPR)
Autorité des marchés financiers(AMF)
德国 Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin)
爱尔兰 Central Bank of Ireland
意大利 Bank of Italy
Commissione Nazionale per le Società e la Borsa (CONSOB)
日本 Financial Services Agency
荷兰 De Nederlandsche Bank (DNB)
The Dutch Authority for the Financial Markets
大韩民国 Financial Supervisory Service (FSS)
Financial Services Commission (FSC)
新加坡 Monetary Authority of Singapore
西班牙 Banco de España (BdE)
Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (CNMV)
南非 South African Reserve Bank
Financial Sector Conduct Authority
瑞士 Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA)
英国 Prudential Regulation Authority
Financial Conduct Authority
美国 The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
Office of the Comptroller of the Currency
Commodity Futures Trading Commission
Securities and Exchange Commission

最后更新日期: 2019年5月17日

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